Hit list! / blast from the past to return


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I actually don't know some of these presenters you are talking about bringing back. I know who Paul Lavers is and I do remember Debbie Greenwood and Julian Ballantyne though and agree they'd all be good to have back.

As I watch so little QVC, I find fewer and fewer of them really annoy me now but it's telling that, even though I've only seen about 5 minutes of her this year, I have retained my deep, deep dislike of Debbie Flint. I must have been wronged by her in a previous life because my loathing is quite irrational. I have to hold back on here because people would think I needed help if I really let it out. I am quite a gentle, mild-mannered person in everyday life but believe me, the language hurled at my tv when I accidentally catch DF is something else. :mysmilie_493:

The practice I'd like to see the back of is all promotion of, and interaction via social media, especially live on air using iPads. It's pathetic, boring and not in the least helpful.

Can't think of a product, or type of product, I'd like to get rid of as I just watch bits of shows I am interested in, when I might be buying.
To get rid of - The horrid Garden Gnome.
Product - Anything that the Garden Gnome is trying to hoodwink us into buying with his fake claims.
Practice - All the falsehoods (lying)
Presenter to bring back - Tim Goodwin the tech guy from many years ago. The tech shows were very informative and worth watching back then.
Richard fecking Jackson and everything associated with him and his flaaaaaw power
Anthony Heywood was always a good laugh
Get rid of Debbie why not buy two even if the item is hundreds of pounds Flint
Debbie Flint, Jill Franks and Katy Pulinger. I don't know what it is about her that I just can't stand.

Ultrasun it's flogged to death all year round.
Laura Gellar make up, I'm fed up of seeing the hours listed umpteen times a week.
No No and anything to do with fake tan.
Keep MeCharlie, Dale and Miss Julia because at the end of the day they are the only ones with half a bit of sense. The rest are either totally incompetent or so bleeding annoying that for the sake of the nations blood pressure they have to leave our screens.

Burn all the stock at the warehouse and start all over again with stuff we actually want.

Actually I would like to get rid of the TSV's mainly for the way they encroach into every other show. They already get the lion's share of air time without the first and last 15 mins of every other show.

Rethink the Bland ambassador/stylists thing - people who work for the company ok otherwise no. When did it become obligatory to have 2 people presenting every show - that used to be kept for big occasions. This would curtail the shouting over each other. In fact everyone should have to pass a vocal pitch test, awful tech Abi and awful Ultrasun Abbi and the latest " stoilist" couldn't make it past the door of my examination room!

It goes without saying that the iPads should be in the above bonfire.

Be careful what you wish for - remember how excited folk were on the return of Del Boy and Sara G both who turned out to be the presenters from hell.
I too was an Anthony Heywood fan ! and I cant ever remember him saying (like Craig ALWAYS DOES) that he has every product at home !
Get rid of Miael (can never spell that), Richard Jackson, Will Gowling and Del Boy Flint.
Bring back Debbie Greenwood, Dean Wilson (now on C&C) and Anthony Heywood
Dean Wilson!!!!!!!!! God can you imagine him and Debbie Flint on together, both preening and pratting about trying to be amusing whilst admiring themselves in the camera. Now that would REALLY save me money as my TV would be in the off position when it came to QVC. I saw Anthony on a channel a while back, he's aged a bit but still a very good presenter.

So many excellent observations, as always!

It's interesting that IW is now following suit to QVC with the guests. They never used to do it as a matter of routine, but it's all changed. Is it just me, or are many of the guests now familiar faces from the Ideal Home Show and similar? You do see them demonstrating products like market stall callers - bellowing into microphones until their voices die. I know I've seen one of the ironing guests doing stints in a department store near me.

I think using guest presenters on Q it's a way of getting the presenters off the hook for doing some actual research before they go on screen (one of many bugbears).

I will give credit to both meCharlie and Dale - both still appear to do their homework properly. For me they can definitely stay.

Far too many others just fall back (lazily) on "phone our award-winning call centre in Liverpool" - which is unfair as the carp which masquerades as information on the website is as much information as the call centre staff have at their disposal.

A practice I would therefore like to see return to our screens would be full product information accurately and promptly given at the start of the presentation! Included in that would be extended camera shots of the items... so for bags I want to see the whole interior... for clothing I want to see it in a colour other than black so the detail is visible.... and I want to know what the fabric is. At the same time, I'd like to ban presenters from giving their size as it's never credible (we all know who the worst offenders are).
If you could get rid of one guest / presenter from QVC who would it be and why?

Chuntley, although we're spoilt for choice really!

If you could get rid of one product from QVC what would it be and why?

Where to start? Dennis Basso, the spectacularly hideous fashion (particularly all the bits in the eye-wateringly lairy prints), Ultrasun / fake tan, those coma-inducing mattress shows, all the light up tat Gill Gauntlet peddles.

If you could get rid of one practice / behaviour from QVC what would it be and why?

What they said:

Dispose of - the Molton Brown 'ambassador' - TOO SHOUTY!! and snobby.

Product - anything that says "Richard Jackson's" on it - just encourages him to keep coming back.

Practice - plugging their own enterprises, novels,etc.

Bring back - Antony Heywood - sense of humour

I can't believe I missed out the practice!!

Has to be the postage policies. I find it infuriating that QVC cannot charge a single p&p for a basket of goods and send them as a single package.

Just also wanted to thank Julius for a great thread topic!

If you could bring back a previous guest / presenter who would it be and why?

Anthony Heywood. Nice laid back presenter, always made me laugh.
Techy Shouty Abbi has got to go - has she gone? Not seen her in ages, perfect!

Some of the fashions, no, most of the fashions - seriously they do make me cringe!

Bring back Anna Cookson and Debbie G - liked their style!
I'd get shut of Alison "resident beauty expert" Young-doesn't come across as professional and does her own make up like Lily Savage.

Carla Laslo-nothing offensive about her but bland and boring.

Claire Sutton-awful patronising presenting style and morphing into Michelle Hope.

Products to go- Elemis ,Decleor,Gatineau-Done to death and overhyped.

Michelle Hope and her nylon.

Bring back-the Duke of Beccleugh guest for comedy value only -the look on Ann Dawson's face when he said he'd heard she was a fan of the large sausage was priceless!!!

Claire Sutton-awful patronising presenting style and morphing into Michelle Hope
. :mysmilie_15: Yes she is!

I liked that Buccleuch man as well and the meat was far and away the best QVC ever sold.

Baby Claire Sutton is QVCs answer to Benjamin Button, the woman's getting younger with every day that passes, she'll be presenting with a bib and rattle before next years out.
Her voice is truly awful for selly telly! Maybe she would be good on CBBC or something, lolololo!:mysmilie_43:

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