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J'adore Labrador
Jun 25, 2008
There are some awful looking clothes on IW at the moment, can't post them all but this is a classic

There are some awful looking clothes on IW at the moment, can't post them all but this is a classic


Blimey! That is GRIM:eek: even by IW's standards. Theres NOTHING going for it. The fabric's naff, the colour is horrible, and as for style..I don't think it's got any. Poor Lynne looks like a sack o' ***** in it! Poor lass looks like an old settee that's been thrown on the rubbish dump!
and this.....


It looks 3 sizes too big for her and as if it was found in the back of a very old deceased ladies wardrobe. I can't believe they still manufacture things like this. What is the IW 'fashion' buyer on and where did she find it?
Is that what they call "Mix 'n'Match" ?????

My a**e is it.....its AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:puke::puke::puke:
I'm sure I HAVE actually seen the hideous material in the first garment adorning a 3 piece suite!:sad:
I've never really watched IdealWorld until the last couple of days; spotted a tagine I liked the look of then seemed to be drawn in by the fashion sale. There must be a market for some of those awful clothes pictured but some of the sale tops seemed ok; not sure I would be brave enough to buy though. What I did like was the way they interact with the models; much better than on QVC.
That patchwork jacket was on earlier, it's even better in real life....reminded me of the time I had a bash at reupholsering a chair.

Separated at birth?



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