Help...has this ever happened to anyone? not sure what to do....


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Dec 7, 2009
I've had a card delivered from royal mail with outstanding fee to pay of £20+ before they can deliver parcel-lack of postage payment????!!!!. I haven't ordered anything else except from QVC in the last 3 months.

Have any of you had this issue before? I've never had this problem ever.

I've tried track and trace online using given royal mail reference and what do you know they can't find that reference...i tried calling automated helpline number and still no luck.

I've called QVC and they've said they will investigate

But this problem is irritating, what should I do? It's very annoying as I know that I don't have any outstanding payment so how can royal mail make that error.

Sorry for rambling.
Why don't you just go to the sorting office and ask to see it? Or ring the sorting office?
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Welcome to the forum Emmy. It seems very odd to have to pay £20.00 for a parcel. Are you waiting for a parcel from QVC then?
Hiya hon *waves*

If you take the card down to the sorting office they'll show you the parcel. If it's from QVC -and not a crimbo present from some dotty elderly relative who forgot to put stamps on it - just make sure they give you a receipt for the money you have to pay and QVC will pay you back.

Alternatively get the numbers off the label when they show you it and phone QVC with them and ask them what they'd like you to do.

Don't ring the no on the card!!! i saw this on watchdog, there is a scam going round that leaves either RM or courier cards saying you owe postage on a package. when you ring the number it's a premium phone line and is about £5 a minute.
Don't ring the no on the card!!! i saw this on watchdog, there is a scam going round that leaves either RM or courier cards saying you owe postage on a package. when you ring the number it's a premium phone line and is about £5 a minute.

That is dreadful LE lover and thanks for the warning, especially at this time of the year. Emmy, I hope you get the problem sorted out and whether the problem originates with QVC or not, can you let us know the outcome please?
Pleasure Calvin. Some of these scammers make everything look so believable. It makes me sick
If I remember correctly from Watchdog, the scam is, you ring the number, they ask for your credit card details to pay for the delivery then they re-use your card!!!

Hi Emmy & welcome to the forum! *waves*

Re. card, as others have said, don't ring number as it is quite likely to be a scam - either they will be after your credit card details, o you will be ringing a premium rate number, or both!

Take the card (if you can) to the sorting office - they will be able to tell you if it is authentic & track down said parcel if it is!
(If you can't get to the sorting office, ring them, getting the number from the phone book or directory enquiries!)

You mentioned a tracking number? If authentic, this suggests the parcel was sent by Recorded, Special delivery or Business Recorded & (apart from standard Recorded, which I'm not sure about), must have a sender's address on, so you will be able to see if it is from some barmy rellie in the wilds of Scotland or whatever? lol

Can't in all honesty think of any parcel that would cost a £20 excess tbh, unless very oversized & coming from abroad, or weighing an absolute ton? Suspicion is probably highly justified here I would think!

Good luck! :)
I wonder if the parcel has come from abroad ? If so the charge might be import duty plus RM's fee for collecting it. I agree with everyone else - you need to see the parcel or find out who sent it.

I'm curious to know what happens next !

We had warnings of a scam like that here, you get a card in the door saying they want to deliver a parcel, when you ring the number it costs you £15 straight away. do be careful
Something like this should be posted on FaceBook to let everyone know.
I haven't watched WatchDog for ages so knew nothing about it.

Perhaps contact the Police or Watchdog so that it the public can be reminded.
Something like this should be posted on FaceBook to let everyone know.
I haven't watched WatchDog for ages so knew nothing about it.

Perhaps contact the Police or Watchdog so that it the public can be reminded.

The key word there being reminded - this (if it turns out it is one!) is actually a very old scam, the reason it's been around for so many years is because it works & people keep falling for it

As you say, people need to be reminded to stay on their guard as they simply forget or become complacent unless it's blatantly in their face as a warning every so often! :(

Hopefully the OP will be able to get to th sorting office anyway & find out for sure, one way ot the other! :)
Hi everyone

Thanks very much for all your help and suggestions. It calmed me down knowing I had lots of support. Here's what's happened so far. I called QVC and they said they would investigate. In the mean time I called royal mail via the phone number on website giving reference number. It's good that you guys told me there was a scam thing goin on as I would have called number on card. It wasn't scam though...fewww. Royal mail confirmed that it was QVC package but don't know what's in it, have to go local sorting office. I also found out from QVC that the reason why this happened was that the Special Delivery sticker fell off!!!!???? and that I have to pay for the extra charges requested at sorting office and they will refund me. I asked if there was something further they could do i.e. see if they could sort it out themselves with the post office. Waiting to hear response. Just find it strange that I have to go through hassle and pay then get refund when they could pay then no issue of refund
So you have to pay for the P&P TWICE perfore you get your product then get your money back?

Shocking and I hope you do not have to pay for the P&P again.

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