Healthy Living with imedeen TSV 03/01/17


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Decided to have a nose in Holland & Barrett this morning. SA came over and we chatted. They do sell Imedeen and she looked at the ingredients and compared to one of their own brand products. The same ingredients for their Silica Complex 240 tablets one a day at £22.59 and for an extra penny another 240 bottle. They did have another one but it had iodine and has I have thyroid problems she advised against them. You did have to take 3 of those a day.
There's a show I've been watching called Adam Ruins Everything in which Adam dispels all sorts of myths and product claims that we accept as true. He did one on nutrition that said that unless you have a medically diagnosed deficiency then all you do when you take vitamins is create very expensive pee... :)
That would be me:mysmilie_17:, I have thin bones and have to take prescription grade vitamin D and calcium twice a day.

People are all oh yes I eat healthy etc, when most will not or cannot afford the fresh fruit,veg,fish etc diet. Unfortunately modern living, children of five have fillings in their teeth some have rickets returning etc.
That would be me:mysmilie_17:, I have thin bones and have to take prescription grade vitamin D and calcium twice a day.

People are all oh yes I eat healthy etc, when most will not or cannot afford the fresh fruit,veg,fish etc diet. Unfortunately modern living, children of five have fillings in their teeth some have rickets returning etc.

Yes, because we are all so aware now of the dangers of skin cancer, and the beauty industry encourages people to wear SPF year round, vitamin D deficiency is becoming much more prevalent, and this can cause rickets in children. A healthy reading is over 50, and mine was 8! I am now on tablets and, if it hasn't come up sufficiently when they retest, they will blast me with some at the hospital. It is hard to get enough vitamin D exclusively from the diet (and I'm vegetarian, so can't eat all the sources), the best source is exposing our skin to the midday sun for 10-15mins.
I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, which I found very strange as I am lucky enough to spend 20 weeks a year in Cyprus. Although I don't sunbathe I do get my daily ration of sunshine. I had to take some high strength vitamin D tablets and advised now to keep on a maintenance dose and I have really felt the difference iin my bones and muscles.
I admit as a child I didn't drink milk, even when it was still free in schools. My granny was big on fresh veg and food so I grew up eating raw turnip,carrots,cabbage(hey I liked it raw LOL), I fried in the sun had the skin peeling off my back on one occasion. So I was the unfortunate one who was made to wear a tshirt when at the beach. Never been a sunbather, will go out walking in it no problems but won't lay in it, the most boring thing I can think of. I have mild rosacea so do put an spf on my face all year round, as the sun does make it break out.

Now as you said everyone is covered from head to foot in high spf against skin cancer which is a real danger to many especially Scottish or Celt heritage. Now its all you will get wrinkles in the sun and horror for many of this! Hey we all get wrinkles at as we age anyway.

I hope you get good news Minx when you go for your tests.
I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, which I found very strange as I am lucky enough to spend 20 weeks a year in Cyprus. Although I don't sunbathe I do get my daily ration of sunshine. I had to take some high strength vitamin D tablets and advised now to keep on a maintenance dose and I have really felt the difference iin my bones and muscles.

I'd never be surprised to learn that any UK resident was deficient in vitamin D, but that is surprising if you spend 5 months a year in sunnier climes. I'm glad the tablets have made a difference to you, it just goes to show!

I admit as a child I didn't drink milk, even when it was still free in schools. My granny was big on fresh veg and food so I grew up eating raw turnip,carrots,cabbage(hey I liked it raw LOL), I fried in the sun had the skin peeling off my back on one occasion. So I was the unfortunate one who was made to wear a tshirt when at the beach. Never been a sunbather, will go out walking in it no problems but won't lay in it, the most boring thing I can think of. I have mild rosacea so do put an spf on my face all year round, as the sun does make it break out.

Now as you said everyone is covered from head to foot in high spf against skin cancer which is a real danger to many especially Scottish or Celt heritage. Now its all you will get wrinkles in the sun and horror for many of this! Hey we all get wrinkles at as we age anyway.

I hope you get good news Minx when you go for your tests.

Oh thanks very much, donna. I like raw carrot much more than cooked, and can understand raw cabbage, as that's like in coleslaw, but raw turnip is a new one on me! :grin: I completely agree with you about sunbathing, a holiday spending a fortnight sunning myself on the beach / by the pool from dawn til dusk would be my idea of hell!

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