Heads Up QVC Payment Problem


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Jun 24, 2008
A number of posts on their Facebook page. Going back to the weekend, seems QVC have been talking payments twice.

Oh and it might take up to seven days for people to get refunds. So check your bank accounts.
Years ago when I shopped with QVC I always had this problem, the money was reserved by Visa, when QVC took the money for some reason it would reserve again, so say I'd bought something for £20 a few days later when they claimed their money it reserved £20 again. Would QVC accept it? absolutely not. It took them years to admit it when a snotty git in their finance team once said "oh er yes, if an item gains authorisation it can ask for it again fifteen minutes later, but we don't take it twice!" I said "I know that, but it doesn't really matter because I can't touch my own money for a week, even though it was your mistake, I'm still getting penalised for it! it's not on!" I even complained to the bank it got that bad and told them, why isn't the consumer protected? I know the money is put on hold for a week so the retailer can claim their money, I said why can't the bank give them four days instead of seven to collect it, because when they make a mistake it's not fair that the customer suffers, why should the customer have to wait a week for the money to drop back into their account when it's not their fault? She "understood" but I knew nothing would get done.
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I had one recently where my bank tried to pay my credit card bill twice. Would have been bad enough at any time but this had the full amount for my holiday on it. I only found out because they texted me to say I had insufficient funds. It took three phone calls to sort it out and in the first two they denied sending me the text and told me no bill payments were due to be processed!!

All companies get things wrong.

I always use a credit card for QVC purchases so they don't actually ever have access to "my money" and I'm protected by the card issuer.
I am now using my credit card for any (now very few ) Q purchases.If I decide to return I do so quickly & hopefully the account is credited before my next payment date.I recently had a payment (not Q) charged to my credit card as an annual subscription.Fearing I had missed this & should have cancelled I rang up.They cancelled it immediately & refunded the amount within days (phew!!)
I`ve only just had my bank statement a few days ago and do have 2 easy pays come out quite recently ... by the time it comes again I bet I forget to check!!
I have had two payments taken out twice. Phoned them and they say it will be resolved by Monday - a long time for some folks who are not as lucky as me
Thanks for the warning. This has happened to me before. Luckily, at the time, it didn't cause me major problems with the bank but it could have. I appreciate mistakes get made and sometimes computerised systems just don't work as they should but what really bothered me about it, was the fact it took QVC over a week to let me know! I'm keeping an eye on an order I placed last night. The last order I placed took 5 days to be despatched and that meant the reserved payment went back to my bank before it was taken again, so it's hard to keep a track on it at times.
Yes mistakes do happen from time to time, but there was a time a while back when my "mistakes" were happening to me every single time I ordered from QVC. For years they denied it being their fault, but finally admitted it, mind you, they never reimbursed me when my direct debits were returned as unpaid because QVC reserved money for an item them shouldn't have done again and the bank charged me £15, QVCs answer? don't order anything a week before my bills were due, great customer service.
well they have taken out my last order payment twice and i am as cross as can be. added to the fact an item was lost in the post and i had to wait for the declaration letter to be sent, fill it in, post it with my money and wait for qvc to action it and refund my money it will be a full 5 weeks from the despatch to me getting my money back. i dont know what planet qvc are on but thier customer service stinks. crap crap crap!:mysmilie_10:
Thanks for this information, it made me check my bank. Yes, my last order has been charged for twice, too. I was told the error occurred on payments taken on or shortly after the 11th October although on my bank account, it shows as the 14th. It will be reimbursed within the next few days, 5 days maximum.
do you think qvc will offer compensation it will be several days before the money is put back into your account
I don't suppose they will. I didn't ask to be honest, it was only a small amount for something in clearance which was good value. If it had been a larger amount or could have really adversely affected my bank account, I would have pursued it. Still annoying, though.
As an aside, I did get my £3.95 P&P refunded for an item that has and still is showing, as 'in progress' since 12th October. So I was quite pleased about that.
It has made me realise though, that I should check my bank account more frequently for issues such as double payments being taken.
To be fair, the times I've returned anything to Gems (about 4 times in the past) they've refunded me within 4 days (couldn't believe it the first time, when I did a phonebank check and found the money had been credited - but since then the same thing has happened, so must be their policy). Companies most definitely should not be allowed to hang on to your money - one of the reasons I stopped buying the odd bit from Rocks & Co. was their diabolical policy with refunding money - the last straw was waiting nearly two months for my money, I had to threaten them with a "I'm taking small claims court action" letter before they returned my dosh. Have never shopped with them since.
I skimmed through the most recent posts to Q's facebook page last night and noted a couple of customers had received double refunds for items returned as part of the QVC accounting cock-up. This is interesting since the transaction has been cancelled and the item returned would QVC have a legitimate way to claw back the duplicate refund amount? Will QVC rely on the customer sending the overpaid amount to them?
Not everybody reads this forum or QVC`s facebook page so I daresay there are people out there who don`t have a clue they`ve been debited twice and might not find out until they receive their bank statement. I don`t bank online and only receive a paper statement every 3 months and I bet there are others who are the same. I hope QVC ensure all of their overcharged customers get their money back asap. I haven`t bought anything from them in ages so thankfully I wasn`t affected by the glitch.
just wondering how much interest qvc have made by this glitch in interest. taking a week to refund the money is indeed taking the pi**

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