have a lot of the models been ditched?


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Jun 24, 2008
i havent been watching that much for the last few months but on the occasions when i have its struck me that a lot of the old faithfull models seem to have gone?

of course tanya and amica are still plodding on, but where are the others? sharon turns up sometimes (i sooo love sharon she is FAB!) and goody (is that really her name?) is on way more than she used to be... but who are the others? booo-lah... where art thou?

maybe its just me and theyre all still there, nodding and saying they use "it". or maybe theres been a deliberate effort to get some fresh blood in?

i once saw some shots from the 80's of amica... she looked incredible.
Boooo-lah is still there ,she very bravely displayed her muffin top for us in before and afters for the Slim and Lift bondage garment.Amica used to do runway with Stacey(YBF)back in the day.Sharon also has a career as singer so maybe she's scored more of those gigs.I think Jane Russel'ls daughter is now modelling,I havn't seen Joy for yonks.
I think at QVC they have different levels of model-em.Some who do only beauty like Nalintha,some who do both clothes and beauty like Al-eeee and Chris-eee and then models like Sharon who 99% of the time do jewelry and clothes coz they know how to work a garment and can make any old tat look desirable.
i havent been watching that much for the last few months but on the occasions when i have its struck me that a lot of the old faithfull models seem to have gone?

of course tanya and amica are still plodding on, but where are the others? sharon turns up sometimes (i sooo love sharon she is FAB!) and goody (is that really her name?) is on way more than she used to be... but who are the others? booo-lah... where art thou?

maybe its just me and theyre all still there, nodding and saying they use "it". or maybe theres been a deliberate effort to get some fresh blood in?

i once saw some shots from the 80's of amica... she looked incredible.

I always understood it was the diminutive of Gudrun, the Scandanavian name.:hi:
I always understood it was the diminutive of Gudrun, the Scandanavian name.:hi:

That's a nice thought Artemis but I think the truth is far duller & Goody is actually her surname? Kinda weird, makes her sound a bit like a 60's Bond girl or something......? :giggle:
Chrisee went off to have a baby. Joy only seemed to do YBF but I haven't seen her on with Stacey last time.

She was Donna, as she was wittering on about the girl band she manages - sure that was Joy......I get confused......! lol
Not really wittering, that sounds mean, more chatting generally with Stacey (now she was excited by the idea! lol), nice lady, Joy. :flower:
Chrisee went off to have a baby. Joy only seemed to do YBF but I haven't seen her on with Stacey last time.

she was on last time Stacey was plugging Joy's girl group.....who just so happens to have JR's daughter in it....what a coincidence:thinking2:
Chrisee went off to have a baby. Joy only seemed to do YBF but I haven't seen her on with Stacey last time.

Have noticed that Tova isn't using Karen any more for the mascara demo and seems to have replaced her with Debbie who usually does the bare faced Liz Earle cleansing demos.
Not seen Renee recently. Victoria is on maternity leave. Diana the redhead has gone awol (she's in the Privilege insurance ad with Nigel Havers). Tiffany is not on as often as she was (too busy making Saga magazine ads for walk-in baths and showers )

Beth is still around. :wonder2:
they do seem to some newer younger models on at the moment. Karen has over the years disappeared from time to time .
The last time Karen disappeared for a while she came back looking years younger so maybe she is having some maintenance work done? Renee was on the Philosophy shows when they had the recent TSV. Haven't seen Beth for a while but don't watch much now. I come on here instead and keep up with things, it's more fun without having to watch presenters who drive me mad.
Let's hope that they have finally realized that Beth could not model a paper bag and got rid of her, she drives me mad with the gurning and stupid laughing at imaginary people.
The flamboyant Jo turned up on "This Morning" recently. I miss her, she was good. I presume the Clientelle contract just didn't work out for her in the end.
I have noticed several new and V young faces, but otherwise it's bene plenty of Amicka and Tanya on the shows I've watched.

Does anybody know the name of the really blank model who's done quite a lot of beauty shows? She's of a certain age, :rolleyes::D dark bob, doesn't say much. (Possibly because she's terrified of Alison Young! :D)

I still miss Jane. I thought she was brill. :) And Karen may be all plastic fantastic these days, but at least she had a personality (and at least she looks good on it!)
Yeah BurlyBeaR: Sharon is great! Saw Beulah the other day, so she's still about. And I'm sure Ali (Simon Wilson's favourite) is still about.
Whenever I see (or read on here) about Beulah, I always think of Mae West's line: 'Hey Beulah... peel me a grape'.
I think karen is ver pretty and I think its quite obvious shes had a bit of work done.

I love sharon - I think shes just brill.I love tania too - remember her mate jo - short blonde hair - pleased she went - she was a bit annoying.

I always thought goody was a bit of an old boot - but I saw her around christams time last year outside harrods.She looked like a filmstar - she truely is sooooo attractive - I really like her now.

I hate renne's (sp) fake tan - makes her very spotty.

I like amica too and buella looks very nice and normal!
Renee is spotty anyway and has a bit of acne scarring (I sympathise believe me!) - quite amazing when you think about it that she even got into the modelling world because of this to be frank! That's not me being cruel - in fact, well done, for striking a blow for us acne girls - but I thought they were really fussy about skin in that line of work (different times because of airbrushing making it not such a problem for photographic work?).
I have noticed several new and V young faces, but otherwise it's bene plenty of Amicka and Tanya on the shows I've watched.

Does anybody know the name of the really blank model who's done quite a lot of beauty shows? She's of a certain age, :rolleyes::D dark bob, doesn't say much. (Possibly because she's terrified of Alison Young! :D)
I still miss Jane. I thought she was brill. :) And Karen may be all plastic fantastic these days, but at least she had a personality (and at least she looks good on it!)

Possibly doesn't say much because she sounds exactly like Mr Bean!,believe me you don't want to hear her speak.

If you are in fact speaking of Cordelia.:emo:...similar haircut to this emoticon.

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