Has Michelle Moneybags


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Apr 27, 2009
had her eyes done, like her lids lifted ??? there's definitely something different with her upper face.

Could only stomach 10 minutes of listening to the self promotion before I switched off. The woman has no shame in boasting about her lifestyle, and as for paying £360 for a glittery necklace, dear gods what is the world coming to ?
'...had her eyes done, like her lids lifted ??? there's definitely something different with her upper face.' Definitely, in fact the only part of her that hasn't changed is her sizeable nose. I admire anyone who has the drive & determination to start a business & make is a success but why does she always have to be so arrogant? I can't find the words to describe that necklace.
I think Michelle Mone forgets were she is, it’s a shopping channel trying to be, but isn’t actually, Harrods. To me the woman has no class, none what’s so ever with her constant bragging, more so the fact that she actually thinks anyone is interested, some people might like her silver and cut glass but do they like her? I wouldn’t pop one single penny of my money in her pocket, I’d rather give it to the low earners she voted to take money from. I still think she looks like she’s been on the champers or the whacky backy......or both. :RpS_blink:
I caught her show briefly yesterday evening. I can’t say that I noticed whether she had had any “work” done, because all I could focus on was how shiny she looked. Maybe someone in QVC towers could recommend an anti-shine product she could use before going on air. :RpS_blink:
I caught her show briefly yesterday evening. I can’t say that I noticed whether she had had any “work” done, because all I could focus on was how shiny she looked. Maybe someone in QVC towers could recommend an anti-shine product she could use before going on air. :RpS_blink:

I think she's so shiny because her skin has been vacuum-packed to her face.
I caught her show briefly yesterday evening. I can’t say that I noticed whether she had had any “work” done, because all I could focus on was how shiny she looked. Maybe someone in QVC towers could recommend an anti-shine product she could use before going on air. :RpS_blink:

I am assuming that unless there is a cosmetics brand on air somewhere on QVC, the guests (like the presenters) are on their own in putting on slap before a show.

I think loads of people going on air are caught out by the fact that what looks OK in real life won't necessarily look OK on TV. But a bit of powder to matte down the shine would seem a sensible move.
Just another thought - has that outfit that they were forever name-checking on air for doing hair and makeup gone?

Everything at QVC is such a 9-days wonder these days!
I wouldn't waste my time watching/listening to MM, I have no time for boastful people...
That necklace is so OTT I watched the video.MM mentioned how she was loaned jewels for red carpet events and security were always at her hotel, mentioned the Dorchester! Don’t the seriously rich stay at other less publicised hotels? I personally would not put one penny into the woman’s bank account.Yes I visited the Dorchester! I am a British pensioner!
Why is MM borrowing seriously expensive jewellery that would feed a small nation when her silver and cut glass range looks soooooooooo much like the real thing?
That necklace is so OTT I watched the video.MM mentioned how she was loaned jewels for red carpet events and security were always at her hotel, mentioned the Dorchester! Don’t the seriously rich stay at other less publicised hotels? I personally would not put one penny into the woman’s bank account.Yes I visited the Dorchester! I am a British pensioner!

Me too Silver, someone treated me to tea there ! very nice.

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