Has Dawbags Had Extensions?


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Was looking at some photos that my 15 yr old niece had posted of her and four of her friends on Facebook today. And it suddenly struck me that not one of them was orange, none had extensions, none were caked in foundation and all were "covered up". The most they had going on was some wierd (no doubt "fashionable") clothing and some eye make up. There is hope after all.
Speaking of Facebook, my nieces and nephews are on there and I'm shocked by the language used by them and their friends. The sex talk is rife, the 'f' word freely used and now the 'c' word is creeping in from time to time. The age range is 16-18 and I think that especially when you see girls making a comment that has the f word in it just makes them look like slappers. I'm no prude either, I've been in the Navy, and matelots - like other servicemen - have their fare share of dirty jokes etc. but myself and my friends never used the f word and if I'd used it when I was growing up, I would have got a thick ear!

Oh and what was even more worrying was that one of my nephew's female college friends on Facebook was talking explicitly about a wine bottle and what she was going to do with it. Further down, after other friends had written back with disgusting comments, her Dad decided to leave a comment - and it was just as disgusting!! I couldn't believe it! (Maybe I am a bit of a prude after all? Hmm, no, I don't think so).
Speaking of Facebook, my nieces and nephews are on there and I'm shocked by the language used by them and their friends. The sex talk is rife, the 'f' word freely used and now the 'c' word is creeping in from time to time. The age range is 16-18 and I think that especially when you see girls making a comment that has the f word in it just makes them look like slappers. I'm no prude either, I've been in the Navy, and matelots - like other servicemen - have their fare share of dirty jokes etc. but myself and my friends never used the f word and if I'd used it when I was growing up, I would have got a thick ear!

Oh and what was even more worrying was that one of my nephew's female college friends on Facebook was talking explicitly about a wine bottle and what she was going to do with it. Further down, after other friends had written back with disgusting comments, her Dad decided to leave a comment - and it was just as disgusting!! I couldn't believe it! (Maybe I am a bit of a prude after all? Hmm, no, I don't think so).

no youre not. the problem is with certain elements of our society who seem happy to live in the gutter.
sometimes i think that this country is going right down the toilet.
Three of my mates are the mothers of young daughters and I don't envy them trying to bring up girls today. I have just been looking at my teenage neices' Facebook Pages and mercifully they seem pretty restrained. Elder neice did have a phase of wanting breast implants and then marrying a footballer but has grown up a lot lately and has a more mature take on life, phew!!
no youre not. the problem is with certain elements of our society who seem happy to live in the gutter.
sometimes i think that this country is going right down the toilet.

I agree with you there BB, although sometimes I think that toilets are probably cleaner than a lot of young people's minds!
my brother teaches and told me that they once had a fancy dress day at his school (sec)and all the girls seemed to be dressed as St Trinians , he said it just looked wrong young girls dressed like older women! suffice to say they haven't done that again.
Funny how Anne Dawson could lead to a thread like this!

It's a real bugbear of mine this teen looking like a *hor* thing. My own niece is nearly 18 but for years and still now plasters the make up on with what looks like a trowel, in her FB pics theres tons of photos she's taken of herself posing and she looks like a doll, so plastic. I think its puts the wrong message across and voiced my opinion on many occasions, in a firm but kind way but just got scowled at. She's a lovely girl and just can't see that she looks so much better without it.

I was also at the shops the other day around 8.30am and there were a few local school kids around and at one point a couple of girls came in, I guess at around 12 y/o (I have two daughters at 13 and 11 so I'm hoping fairly accurate on the guess) so plastered with the stuff, it was horrible. The school is different to the one my own kids go to and I can't believe they allow them to wear it like that. Maybe they have to wash it off when they get there but still, not a good sight to see.

My 13y/o loves her make up but only puts it on when shes in the mood only occasionally and certainly doesn't use foundation and loads of mascara. She's a typical teenager but gentle and quiet and mad on doctor who, the 11y/o loves dragons, chocolate and hates skirts and thats her priorities in life, so pleased they are like that and think I will tell them tonight how special they are. (not that I don't lots of times anyway!)

I always tell them theres plenty of time to be a grown up when your grown and enjoy being a child as it's wonderful.
i heard someone on radio this morning saying that his 5 year old godchild "loved" katie price. i find this very worrying.

yes, i know that katie price has writen... sorry i mean "put her name to" books about horses/ponies and that this is a subject which is really popular for little girls. what concerns me is that this might introduce kids to her as a name/personality and therefore suggest to them that she is some sort of role model. katie price's appearance, morals and behaviours are not those that any child should be emulating.

I watched part of What Katie did next last week ( I just watch now and again because I can't believe how gross and thick she is) and she was going to launch a make up range for little girls. She had her daughter (Princess Poo or what ever her stupid name is) with her and was insisting that one of the women put make up on her including mascara. She also insisted that mascara was in her new kids range. What a stupid idiot she is, how many little girls are going to end up with eye injuries.:taphead:
I watched part of What Katie did next last week ( I just watch now and again because I can't believe how gross and thick she is) and she was going to launch a make up range for little girls. She had her daughter (Princess Poo or what ever her stupid name is) with her and was insisting that one of the women put make up on her including mascara. She also insisted that mascara was in her new kids range. What a stupid idiot she is, how many little girls are going to end up with eye injuries.:taphead:

I saw this ( I admit to watching some trash TV @ times!!!) & had the same thoughts as babytoes.If it makes money they will stop at nothing.I am not a parent but am encouraged to read how many abhor the way young girls behave & inappropriate dress etc worn by some young children.Does it not come at least in some part from this countries obsession with 'celebrities'? Some have used 'I am no prude--but'. No we just have standards that shouldn't be forgotten.
I blame ITV for giving Katie air time and the trashy papers and magazines for plastering her all over the front pages. One of the reasons why I don't buy them. Shes not even a very nice person.
She's vile:taphead:
One of our daughters is on her work placement at a big secondary school in Devon, she's training to be a Biology teacher. She said that her classes are often disrupted by kids wanting to feel their friends' babies kick. There are lots of pregnant girls in the school, some of only about 14 years old:heartbroke:
She said that the kids don't seem that bothered by it and one girl asked Jessie if she thought it would hurt when she had the baby, never one to mince her words, she told the girl straight," yes, it will hurt like mad and I wouldn't want to be in your position" Ouch!!!:angel:

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