Has anyone tried the large jar Christmas fragrance Yankee candles yet?


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Sep 29, 2013
I was just wondering if anyone has tried the new Christmas Yankee candles and if you have what the actual throw is like! I have tried the Berry Trifle in a tart and votive and really loved it and quite fancy a large jar. I have however been very disappointed with the strength of fragrance in the large jars recently. I have looked at reviews on the website and there is a set with 'Bundled Up', 'Cosy by the Fire' and 'Winter Glow' large jars and the comments and star ratings are very low. I don't want to waste my money and would rather just stick to the melts if the throw is poor! I would be grateful for any advice.
i have this set whitesnake and i really like all three. they are all medium to strong. bundle up is really lovely but so is the cosy by the fire and winter glow. i find all of them quite fresh smelling rather like pine and fruity notes. if you really dont like them qvc will allow you to burn them all for 30 days and return them for a full refund. they are so heavy they will pick them up for free. :mysmilie_59:
I bought a small jar of cosy by the fire, but I'm saving it. It's got a slightly smokey note to it, along with a little pine and berry sweetness.

The shop I went into had a card with all 4 of the winter fragrances with rub and smell (aka scratch and sniff). Bundle Up smells to me like a softer, seasonal version of clean cotton. Winter glow smelled quite musky to me - sort of pine and musk. Berry trifle smelled too sweet for me. Basically cosy by the fire was the only one which appealed to me enough to buy it this year. Last year I liked candy cane lane and angel's wings best.
I am currently burning Berry Trifle and Gingerbread Maple (not sure if this is a new xmas one or not) large jars, and they are both giving excellent throw.
Thanks for your comments. I think l will probably go for the Berry Trifle as l love it. Also Season of peace is going to be fragrance of the month in December so will get that as it is just gorgeous. Candy cane Lane was my favourite last year and l stocked up on it in the sales in Clinton's after last Christmas as it was all half price. I can't wait to get all my Yankee Christmas decs out and light my festive candles.
I don't buy many jars now because, as others say, the throw of scent is definitely less than the wax tarts now. Although Rosa and Stephen say a tart lasts about 4 burns I finds the scent is strong for at least 6 full evenings - so the cost compares very well with buying large jars.
Having said that, I've treated myself to the season of peace large jar, and Fun Outside Snowmen jar holder as they look lovely together.... just wish I'd known it was fragrance of the month in December whitesnake! lol
Just finished the Winter Glow and it is gorgeous. What I always do with a large jar is dig the bottom out with a knife (good cm left) and then put it in my electric tart burner - never waste any of it but I do agree with other posters that I am having terrible trouble with tunnelling (despite doing everything I should) and I ALWAYS have a knife by my candle and end up doing some digging to rectify it.
I don't buy many jars now because, as others say, the throw of scent is definitely less than the wax tarts now. Although Rosa and Stephen say a tart lasts about 4 burns I finds the scent is strong for at least 6 full evenings - so the cost compares very well with buying large jars.
Having said that, I've treated myself to the season of peace large jar, and Fun Outside Snowmen jar holder as they look lovely together.... just wish I'd known it was fragrance of the month in December whitesnake! lol

Have a look on the website "wax addicts". It lists all the fragrances of the month for the whole year!
a cheap way to indulge in yankee is the sipmly home randge its much cheaper sometimes half the price oddly the throw is usually stronger asda do a lot of them
a cheap way to indulge in yankee is the sipmly home randge its much cheaper sometimes half the price oddly the throw is usually stronger asda do a lot of them

They do a lovely melt/tart burner with 3 tarts for £10.00 at Asda in the Simply Home range. Great for a present!

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