Hardest Ever Sell?


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Jun 24, 2008
just witnessed what i think is THE hardest sell i have ever seen on Q. Debbie Flint and Wiggy Lee on an Acer laptop.

Wow she really went for it. and then some. just when i thought it couldnt get any harder it sold out and she did the fake *press finger to ear for message from gallery* oh right its on advanced orders we didnt know this would happen! you ****** liar debbie.

it was on easypay and she then went on to suggest to people that if they didnt have £106 for the first payment in their account now, they might have it in there on 13th June which was when the advanced orders were going out.

Debbie love, a hint. if someone hasnt got £106 now, then they probably cant afford to spend £106 in 2 weeks, let alone the other two payments of £106.

I was pretty disgusted actually. To his credit Wiggy kept his gob shut.
I bought the very same model £50 Cheaper, (£60 if you take account of p and P), from ebuyer on ebay a couple of weeks ago, It was a deal of the day but I've seen it since similarly priced. They also threw in free lap top bag and it arrived within a couple of days. QVC's 'super bargain prices 'can often be easily beaten.
just witnessed what i think is THE hardest sell i have ever seen on Q. Debbie Flint and Wiggy Lee on an Acer laptop.

Wow she really went for it. and then some. just when i thought it couldnt get any harder it sold out and she did the fake *press finger to ear for message from gallery* oh right its on advanced orders we didnt know this would happen! you ****** liar debbie.

it was on easypay and she then went on to suggest to people that if they didnt have £106 for the first payment in their account now, they might have it in there on 13th June which was when the advanced orders were going out.

Debbie love, a hint. if someone hasnt got £106 now, then they probably cant afford to spend £106 in 2 weeks, let alone the other two payments of £106.

I was pretty disgusted actually. To his credit Wiggy kept his gob shut.

I can't bear her hard sell and she's getting worse I think. In fact I can't bear her full stop. She was demonstrating the XBox equivalent of the Wii the other day and she looked ridiculous. I was watching her through my fingers, I was so embarrassed for her.
It was awful to watch, I switched off. There is a meat van at my local market that I think Debbie would be most at home on, they holler out the attributes of their wares and try to entice people with "bargains". I reckon Debbie would fit in well, clad in a blood stained apron shouting about this week's special offer on offal.
Hardest Ever Sell?

Just when I was begining to warm to her again, I just had to switch her off, she was pushing that bliddy laptop as if her life depended on selling it. I just can't be doing with pushy overbearing people.
It was awful to watch, I switched off. There is a meat van at my local market that I think Debbie would be most at home on, they holler out the attributes of their wares and try to entice people with "bargains". I reckon Debbie would fit in well, clad in a blood stained apron shouting about this week's special offer on offal.

I can just imagine her with a string of sausages in her hand shouting like a fish wife, wearing her Ken Paves 'bump up the volume' she loves so much.

Yes Kathy, DF is slipping back into her old market stall ways and it's a turn off for me all over again. The bliddy annoying all wrong voice inflections are getting more prolific too especially when she's trying to emphaise a selling point. Just calm down luv, I'm sure you're over the probabation period and your job is safe... :devil:
I saw this too and was disgusted with her behaviour and attitude. It is completely irresponsible at any time never mind these days when so many people are struggling. QVC should be severely reprimanded for allowing this to go on as they are doing so by association via putting the presenters on air.

I remember Debbie from first time round, didn't take to her again when she initially came back but thought she improved a lot. However, comparatively recently she has become so aggressive in her selling tactics. Last night she was even saying people thought it was such a good deal, they were coming back for a second one and you could reserve one on advanced orders if you knew a friend who would like it and might not be watching and wouldn't want to miss it and then cancel the order if they didn't want it.....

Having worked in the financial services sector and always had responsible lending and selling to needs at the heart of it, I am appalled.


(Sorry for the caps)
I can't stand being sold to like this. Although, to me, it speak volumes for their products that they *have* to sell them like this. Surely, good and popular product would practically walk out of the door if they had it in stock.
I actually felt like complaining, it was like watching one of those auction channels , She only needed to have a ticking clock to remind people how "little time" they had to secure this "bargain of a lifetime". Not really the image I think QVC are trying to portray as they run so many trailers about the "high end" brands they sell. Debbie Flint's style of presenting lacks sophistication and polish and I personally find it encourages me to switch off rather than spend.
Yip I agree. When she was first on Le Q years ago she was by far my favorite but now its like her sole mission in life is Sell, Sell, Sell. And what really p's me off is all this 'if you cant afford the full amount use Easy Pay' etc etc! She is IMO the worst for this!

I caught Debbies hard sell too and i thought OMG! I bought that laptop on Sunday when i thought it was a good deal on three easypays without it being shoved down my throat! I think if i'd have only seen it with her selling it I wouldn't have bought it cos i can't stand pushy salespeople and she would have put me off and i'd turn over.

I used to like Debbie when she first came back, got an air of Pippa's friendliness about her but know she's like a woman possessed on piece work!
Are QVC holding her family hostage unless she hits sale targets? It feels so desperate...like she'd say or do anything to shift the product.
Have you noticed that so many things go to advanced orders now? it is becoming the norm,so jump to the phones before it is gone for ever doesn't really apply any more.
I just get so tired of all the reasons they give us for buying things - if I'm going to be spending money I really shouldn't on something I like I really don't need their help. C Huntley was just flogging a pair of diamond earrings costing well over 500£, saying you should really buy those for yourself with your first paycheck when you first get a job. What sort of world is she living in?
I don't think her sales techniques have changed since she left the info commercials on tv.
I find i switch off if she is selling and think she is better suited to selling at the local market than the UKs favorite shopping channel.

She was singing the praises of Diet Chef last night but i can't see that she has lost weight using it, in fact she looks fatter!
I can remember when Easy Pay was a rare beast, used sparingly, but now it seems to be the norm. It's very insidious, hinting that the UNaffordable is now affordable. Really, though, its just a temptation to overspend as 3 or 4 items on EP in one month can easily equate to the full price of just one! Thus 4 times the sale for QVC. Advanced orders mean they don't have to carry so much stock, which cuts down their costs. Is this saving passed on - nope, don't think so. One of the original good things about QVC was the fact that you could order with confidence, knowing an item was in stock.

Finding fewer and fewer reasons to shop with them now - their prices are not competitive for the most part, and much of the stuff can be bought elsewhere. And I don't like hard sell either, although I didn't see DF this time!
Yep agree with that totally! the excuses they come up with for buying whatever they are 'punting' that day get worse and worse!

CH is bad for this, I sometimes wonder if any of them have any common sense at all!

DF has gone off the boil I think, I tend to turn over when she's on, to be honest I've hardly watched QVC in weeks. Whenever I switch on to watch something I tend to turn off just as quickly.

I know they are there to sell and it must get boring talking tosh all the time but at least credit the buyer with some sense, stop forcing stuff down our throats and be a bit more realistic when trying to sell us something! £500+ earrings with your first paycheck! They must think we are all off of 'Made in Cheslea' lol
I rarely watch QVC now but enjoyed one of the hours DF was presenting about a month ago. However, watched one the other day and another one who couldn't believe the hard sell. I turned it off!
I'm sad to say I agree with everybody! I always really liked DF and felt sure that once she settled back in to Q and found her feet, her great sense of humour would keep us all entertained as in the good old days. Alas! it seems as though they well and truly have her reined in and on a manic mission to sell sell sell.
Watching on Diet Chef last night I found it all too much and had to switch off. It's almost like she's on commission, desperately depending on each and every sale. Very uncomfortable to watch.

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