Hand made in Italy... By Artishansh!


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Jun 24, 2008
Picture the scene....

A tiny workshop in the beautiful Tuscan countryside. Grasshoppers chirrup in the heat as we wander up to the gates, above the door a sign
"Laura Geller's Artishan Workshop".
Inside the heat is even more intense, the clay ovens tirelessly bake brightly coloured discs of pigment. Men with big moustaches crouch over a workbench, hand pouring sticky black liquid into pencil-like tubes and writing "Mascara" in curly writing on the outside. Whiskers falling from their face are quickly gathered and hand made into the finest brushes.

Over in the corner, pretty young women mix pots of pink and peach coloured wax, before filling moulds which will later grace the pouts of the worlds biggest movie stars.
"Mamma Mia!" Shouts one of the older atrtishansh suddenly. "Eet almosta luncha time-a. Where is Meesa Gella? Her pline-a landa over an hour ago-a!"
One of the pretty girls replies "do nota worry Gepetto. She willa be here. Our Mama woulda nota let her Artisans downa. And besides, I handa made her a newa baked blush"
"Carlotta whatta you thinka you saying? We are nota Artisans, we are Artishansh... Haven't you hearda the ad?..........Shhhh! I can 'ear a car...."

She swoops in. "Aaaah, my darling Artishansh! How are we all? I hope you've been hand-making lots of products here in Italy for my next tv appearance? I see you have! I'll take one of those, one of those, three of those... Ooh! Is that a new blush, hand made by my artishansh? I'll take four! Now, I must get to London... Buh-bye Artishansh! keep baking! Buh-bye!"
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Please take me there. I want to be there with Laura and I want lunch!

Go on then, you go to lunch with Laura, I want to go to lunch with Burlz.....on the real (as they said in Madagascar) 'fun side of the island'! lol
So funny BB, I'd write 'hilarious' but JF has sucked all the joy & happiness out of that word with her overuse of it, so I don't feel I can use it anymore.....! :sad: :grin:
Am I the only on who thinks she says that word really strangely? Hand made in Italy...by Artishansh.

More like factory made in china, by slaves.
I thought she was saying Artesian...as in wells. I'm waiting for an aquifer lipgloss!

That'll teach me to jump to conclusions.

Jude xx
Never understood the selling point of "made in Italy" that Laura mentions SO often. I wonder if that's more impressive to her USA customers? Doesn't sound quite so exotic to us who are also in Europe.
It seems to me with Beauty products they are always anxious to tell you about an item being hand made in Italy,but never mention when something is produced in China,thinking mostly of YBF.
Picture the scene....

A tiny workshop in the beautiful Tuscan countryside. Grasshoppers chirrup in the heat as we wander up to the gates, above the door a sign
"Laura Geller's Artishan Workshop".
Inside the heat is even more intense, the clay ovens tirelessly bake brightly coloured discs of pigment. Men with big moustaches crouch over a workbench, hand pouring sticky black liquid into pencil-like tubes and writing "Mascara" in curly writing on the outside. Whiskers falling from their face are quickly gathered and hand made into the finest brushes.

Over in the corner, pretty young women mix pots of pink and peach coloured wax, before filling moulds which will later grace the pouts of the worlds biggest movie stars.
"Mamma Mia!" Shouts one of the older atrtishansh suddenly. "Eet almosta luncha time-a. Where is Meesa Gella? Her pline-a landa over an hour ago-a!"
One of the pretty girls replies "do nota worry Gepetto. She willa be here. Our Mama woulda nota let her Artisans downa. And besides, I handa made her a newa baked blush"
"Carlotta whatta you thinka you saying? We are nota Artisans, we are Artishansh... Haven't you hearda the ad?..........Shhhh! I can 'ear a car...."

She swoops in. "Aaaah, my darling Artishansh! How are we all? I hope you've been hand-making lots of products here in Italy for my next tv appearance? I see you have! I'll take one of those, one of those, three of those... Ooh! Is that a new blush, hand made by my artishansh? I'll take four! Now, I must get to London... Buh-bye Artishansh! keep baking! Buh-bye!"
Oh to be there watching it all happen. Sounds so realistic.:glass: :glass: You seriously should write a book and get the Q to publish it. I can just see you on the settee , chatting to Julia, and her flicking her hair at you, and you mentioning her sandals, or maybe you'd be too busy looking at her purple eyeshadow and her dark brown
eyes, and forget all the "minor" details and even the book launch, and just gaze at her lovingly. Got carried away there :star: :glass:
Never understood the selling point of "made in Italy" that Laura mentions SO often. I wonder if that's more impressive to her USA customers? Doesn't sound quite so exotic to us who are also in Europe.
The Americans always seem impressed by stuff made in Europe. When I was buying some perfume in Florida the sales woman was constantly telling me that the free toilet bag I got with it was made in France. Guess the Americans don't know how much love the English and French have for each other......!
I can't for the life of me understand why the baked LG products take 6 months to make? That's what she says, 26 weeks! What on earth is the tortuous process that brings Balance and Brighton into being? 24 hours baking in an oven I could just about believe but 26 weeks?

Jude wanders off shaking head!

I can't for the life of me understand why the baked LG products take 6 months to make? That's what she says, 26 weeks! What on earth is the tortuous process that brings Balance and Brighton into being? 24 hours baking in an oven I could just about believe but 26 weeks?

Jude wanders off shaking head!


I might be way off here but I have sort of always got the impression that she is kinda 'fitted in' around other stuff/brands & that she is not the factory's (or whatever you call somewhere that churns out skincare! lol) main raison d'etre....? :thinking:
Has she gone home yet? Its been more like weeks than days this visit, am sick of the sight of her!
Apparently so Bensmum.......the new TSV Fresh Brewed Coffee baked collection is described on the QVC US site as being "artisanal baked"................no kidding!

Perhaps that's why the TSV is based on browns...:giggle: sorry, coffee.
I really enjoyed this particular Laura's visit, she looked polished and was funny. I didn't buy anything, too expensive, waiting for a TSV in December. Went for an advanced order of B&B but cancelled later hearing about coming TSV. I would have loved a set of four little travel baked goods she was demonstrating, but no way I will pay over £30 for four 1.8 g items or £19 for the vanilla highlighter on it's own , that is hopefully coming in the next TSV.

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