Hair covering clothes


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Feb 8, 2023
Please, qvc, please - please ask your long-haired models to tie up their hair so we can actually see the neckline of garments. One example is the model Sasha who's beautiful, models well and has gorgeous, thick black hair, but if it's left loose, it covers the whole of the back to the waist so nobody can see how anything looks on an actual person. I know there's been a thread about this before, but nobody seems to be doing anything about it at QVC. (Probably just because want to show they have that power and control). And if they leave their hair in front, spilling down the chest area, it obscures the front of the garment and can also look plain untidy if the hair ends in rats' tails. I'm surprised they haven't done anything about it before now. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am.
Please, qvc, please - please ask your long-haired models to tie up their hair so we can actually see the neckline of garments. One example is the model Sasha who's beautiful, models well and has gorgeous, thick black hair, but if it's left loose, it covers the whole of the back to the waist so nobody can see how anything looks on an actual person. I know there's been a thread about this before, but nobody seems to be doing anything about it at QVC. (Probably just because want to show they have that power and control). And if they leave their hair in front, spilling down the chest area, it obscures the front of the garment and can also look plain untidy if the hair ends in rats' tails. I'm surprised they haven't done anything about it before now. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am.
Yes, many people on this forum have made similar comments. The models would look equally as attractive in the clothes if they fasten their hair back so that the whole of the garment is visible. I doubt if it's a 'control' issue. Just half-baked people dressing the models in the back room.
I would say that most people with long hair wear it up, simply tie it back, as well as wearing it loose and will find that sometimes that the way they have their hair makes a big difference as to how an outfit looks, however, as it's been rightly pointed out when somebody's trying to sell you a garment then the first priority should be to show that garment. A possible solution would be for the long haired models to come out with their hair tied back with one of those curly cord hair ties and then they could pop it on their wrist to show how it looks with hair down - It wouldn't take a second to do. My bugbear is not so much the hair is when they weigh a garment down with accessories that detract the eye, like one of Marla's statement necklaces or worse still a crossbody bag!
I would say that most people with long hair wear it up, simply tie it back, as well as wearing it loose and will find that sometimes that the way they have their hair makes a big difference as to how an outfit looks, however, as it's been rightly pointed out when somebody's trying to sell you a garment then the first priority should be to show that garment. A possible solution would be for the long haired models to come out with their hair tied back with one of those curly cord hair ties and then they could pop it on their wrist to show how it looks with hair down - It wouldn't take a second to do. My bugbear is not so much the hair is when they weigh a garment down with accessories that detract the eye, like one of Marla's statement necklaces or worse still a crossbody bag!
And sometimes, the presenter has been praising to heaven above the top or the dress, only to have the model come out wearing a jacket over it.
I remember Goody who used to have very long hair, always used to hold it out of the way when she turned around to show off the back of an item. These days anything goes.
She was probably a trained model and also intelligent enough to know how to show all views of the clothes. Some of the models on now just stand and turn, stand and turn. They seem to have no idea.
They are there to show the clothes, not to pout, preen, and swish!
Now, the BA's approach the models to show the details of the garment: adjusting the neckline, highlighting the buttons, pulling at the fabric to show stretch, etc. All of this, the models could do themselves. Do the models appreciate someone tugging their clothes and treating them more or less like a plastic manequinne (sp?)?
Yes, I’ve noticed too, that of late the BA’s now tend to interact more with the models, pulling at the clothes etc. Back in the day the only one to do that was the awful Lenny from Nina Leonard ( I know a lot of people loved him!) he couldn’t keep his hands off the models and he once pulled down model Beth’s top a little too far!
That thing where they tuck in the front of the garment drives me nuts.
Another reason for hating this is you can't see the cut or the length. And all in the name of a fashion trend (which flatters just one body type) which won't be around next summer - when the garment still will be, with any luck. Like long hair covering the neckline etc, it's not showing off the item properly. Stupid.
Not surprised this topic keeps resurfacing. QVC clearly don't care at all about viewers being able to make informed decisions about spending their hard-earned and hard-saved money.
Sascha's hair is her crowning glory, and I hope it gets her plenty of haircare photography work. I envy her hair, deeply!
BUT it's not what Q are selling, so she, and other long-haired models need to be instructed by Q that when their hair is down they must move their hair out of the way to show off the neck area... although, to be fair, the models may be doing this but the clowns in control of the cameras aren't showing us the models and are randomly showing whatever instead!
Yes, I’ve noticed too, that of late the BA’s now tend to interact more with the models, pulling at the clothes etc. Back in the day the only one to do that was the awful Lenny from Nina Leonard ( I know a lot of people loved him!) he couldn’t keep his hands off the models and he once pulled down model Beth’s top a little too far!
He had little to lose at that point. He knew he had a terminal disease.
She was probably a trained model and also intelligent enough to know how to show all views of the clothes. Some of the models on now just stand and turn, stand and turn. They seem to have no idea.
Models in the distant past would be trained at Lucy Claytons school of modelling, and be a certain height and weight. Now it seems to be the school of Matalan and Mars bars to qualify a modelling gig on QVC ! My Border Terrier has more idea of wiggling her bum than this lot.

Looks awful. Not exactly flattering if you’ve got a podgy tummy.
Or a backside that fills the screen.
I remember Goody who used to have very long hair, always used to hold it out of the way when she turned around to show off the back of an item. These days anything goes.
I was just catching up with this thread & my first thought was of Goody, I can see her now deftly moving her beautiful hair out of the way when required!

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