Good News Stories


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Jan 2, 2016
I've started this because we need GOOD NEWS & I've just heard some. A friend at my Slimming World group was tested positive for this virus, spent one day in hospital & was judged to be well enough to go home. One week later, that she described as 'tiring', she feels better, not back to normal, but defo improved. She's 74 & has mild angina so in a risk category. I haven't seen her for a month because she was on holiday & our meetings are obviously suspended. She said the staff were wonderful, that they are well equipped & telling patients to ignore the scare stories, obviously that was a week ago & I hope supplies are still plentiful. (y)
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Good news. Second day of having Mr V under my feet 24/7 and I haven`t yet buried him under the patio or locked him in the shed. Even better news, when I went out for necessary food shopping yesterday they had toilet rolls and more importantly they had large bags of my dog`s food. Me and hubby can make do with anything to eat but I`m quite content now knowing my dog and my cat can be fed for a good few weeks to come. Small but important victories !
Fermus gas have started to dig up our estate for new gas pipes. Now all our houses are 30 plus years and all either oil, solid fuel or tanked gas so this is for POTENTIAL NEW sales not maintaining existing networks. Is this really necessary work? There have been umpteen workmen coming and going and I’m not entirely convinced social distancing will be adhered to.

went for a walk this morning and passed a van with 3 men squashed into the front, if they don’t care about themselves at least think of others you are being in contact with. I passend a number of other walkers and TBH if it wasn’t for me keeping well out of their way it was obvious they had no intention of moving,

Spoke to an elderly lady who is an amputee and is really housebound even in normal circumstances but as you can imagine how it is now. She had got herself taken out to her garage and was sitting with the door open in her wheelchair waiting for a carer to bring her supplies. Whilst there the carer, a young lady at the very most early twenties, drove up got out of her car and walked up to the woman and the 2 of them went through the bags. She did not appear to use/have any form of protection unless it was in the car before she got out.

ive just noticed this has gone in good news section - not sure how that happened as it certainly isn’t good news - sorry folks!
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I just went for my hour exercise taking my dog for her walk in the woods.

A woman was coming from the opposite direction on the path so I went among the trees to make space, she said in a very condescending manner 'there's no need for that I haven't got it' so I started coughing and said 'but I have', last time I saw anything run that fast was the final furlong in the Derby.

Hopefully she's learned a lesson :)

PS Thankfully I haven't got it!
Before Christmas I bought tickets for the Andre Rieu concert to be held in May in Liverpool. I`ve always wanted to see him and pushed the boat out buying the most expensive seats available. I was gutted to hear his Uk tour had been cancelled because of the virus but received news this morning it has been re arranged for September and tickets and seats already bought will be honoured so I should still get my good seat and it will be something to enjoy after this dratted virus has hopefully disappeared. When I heard the tour had been cancelled I half expected to simply get a refund and he wouldn`t be doing his UK afterall but its good news for us UK fans.
Before Christmas I bought tickets for the Andre Rieu concert to be held in May in Liverpool. I`ve always wanted to see him and pushed the boat out buying the most expensive seats available. I was gutted to hear his Uk tour had been cancelled because of the virus but received news this morning it has been re arranged for September and tickets and seats already bought will be honoured so I should still get my good seat and it will be something to enjoy after this dratted virus has hopefully disappeared. When I heard the tour had been cancelled I half expected to simply get a refund and he wouldn`t be doing his UK afterall but its good news for us UK fans.
I can understand your disappointment & so I'm delighted that he'll be here in September. My sister & I go to the Chelsea Flower Show, stay in town & get there when the gates open, I've asked for my tickets to be transferred to next year so fingers crossed.

I just went for my hour exercise taking my dog for her walk in the woods.

A woman was coming from the opposite direction on the path so I went among the trees to make space, she said in a very condescending manner 'there's no need for that I haven't got it' so I started coughing and said 'but I have', last time I saw anything run that fast was the final furlong in the Derby.

Hopefully she's learned a lesson :)

PS Thankfully I haven't got it!
Bad news then good news - - -

Bad - - - I had a routine blood test today. The surgery corridors are 1 metre wide. As I was 1/2 way along the corridor to go home, a doctor appeared at the end I was going towards. Instead of standing aside and waiting 5 seconds for me to get to the end, she just walked down the corridor towards me, and passed me by less than a foot! And she was a DOCTOR, so if even they don't obey the 1 metre rule, what hope is there?

Good - - - on the way back I came across a neighbour (about 20 houses away) in her front garden who I often see walking her dog, but we have only been on "Hi" terms. But today we had at least 1/2 hour chat (at a safe distance) and I had loads of gossip (positive) about the area and mutual acquaintances.
That’s great news T, I’m so pleased that she fought the battle and won ❤
We started at the group on the same day, she's busy, kind & gently amusing. I had a text from her telling me all about it & she ended it by saying she thought she'd got through it within a week because she'd lost weight & singing in a choir means she has strong lungs. I can't wait to see her again, we sit with the same 'girls', all in their 70s & 80s, except for me & I'm called the chick. I know Slimming World isn't for everyone, the clapping can be a bit much, but I love my Tuesday mornings & have met the best people, just like on this forum 💐 for you.
We started at the group on the same day, she's busy, kind & gently amusing. I had a text from her telling me all about it & she ended it by saying she thought she'd got through it within a week because she'd lost weight & singing in a choir means she has strong lungs. I can't wait to see her again, we sit with the same 'girls', all in their 70s & 80s, except for me & I'm called the chick. I know Slimming World isn't for everyone, the clapping can be a bit much, but I love my Tuesday mornings & have met the best people, just like on this forum 💐 for you.

Aw you’re lovely T 😃❤️ xx
A local factory which sews/makes sportswear had closed as non essential but reopened today sewing gowns and masks for doctors. Great job but not really sure how these would be sterile and also the fabric seemed to be just the material for football tops but I assume that part has been sorted. The girls all wearing masks and gloves whilst sewing.
Good news, a colleague I work closely with developed symptoms, was treated for her symptoms, not worse and was admitted and tested. Now back at work. Still awaiting formal results. A young, fit and healthy woman despite asthma. This doesn't only lose a risk to the elderly, or demonstrably infirm. I'd been really worried for her.
My good news, when I came out of hospital a few years ago I had some ready meals delivered from Wiltshire farms, I thought I would give them a try yesterday and because I have been a customer I am
having six dinners and six desserts delivered on monday, the prices have not gone up and free delivery, that is what I call service. I hadn't ordered anything since 2018.
I wondered about that company because I had looked into it for my late father. Wondered if meals on meals was still able to operate.

We will know things have reached rock bottom when we are all ordering a Jane Plan.
What was that one Q sold. Was it Diet Chef? Maybe that will made an appearance along with Elemis.
I've just 'talked' on WhatsApp to my daughter's friend who is 30 today, she should be in Paris on a romantic break & I'd have been looking after her little boy with my girlie while our husbands were doing a 48 hour charity bikeathon. Anyhoo, she's at home, made to resemble Paris by her man & she's having a weekend rest away from being a high dependency nurse in a Birmingham hospital. I didn't want to spend HER day talking about THIS virus, however, she did tell me a few things & most of them are positive. Obviously this only relates to her unit in her hospital:
The situation isn't getting any worse & they're not just coping, they're working hard but well.
People are being admitted, being stabilised, improving fairly quickly & going home.
She saw a 'cluster', her word, of women in their upper 70s & 80s who were admitted because husbands were concerned about their breathing. It seemed that they were ill & the men had sent them to bed where lying down made them worse, with oxygen & calm care they also improved & went home.
The team work has been amazing & she said that the 'us & them' culture between doctors & nurses has all but disappeared - interesting.
Older people who are slim & active do really well, usually because they listen to advice!

The negative was about patients younger than 65 where the one factor that hindered their recovery was their weight. She's used to logrolling patients who have spinal injuries & the technique is now being used to turn patients who are on oxygen. Normally it takes three people to turn a heavier patient, they are now needing five & it's not because of the PPE, it's because so many are obese. A senior cardiologist who was on shift with her said how despondent he was because people just don't look after their health & then expect a magic pill. He said it was like looking at a room full of sumo wrestlers.

She sounded fine & repeated what she said to me a couple of weeks ago, that this is why she became a nurse - to help at the worst time in a person's life & also to ignore the media, especially when an expert is having 15 minutes of fame.

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