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I want to know what age "a woman of age " is....or how will I know if the trouser,jean (with or without a Birkenstock (just 1 :11:)) little on trend sweater with white shirt is for me??

I want to get it right you know....:54:
I really, really hate that phrase - I am sure he is trying to be polite, but really it comes across as rude and annoying and implies that older women shouldn't be older - or at least should be embarrassed by it. It should be banned along with, "implies a waist" thus implying that whatever size they are discussing doesn't have a waist and Pippa's "yeah, yeah, yeah".
I think it's time to call a spade a spade. Someone should tell Glen that we're not 'women of age', we are just women, or women who are in their thirties, forties etc. Why does it matter what age we are anyway? There's no need to bring the subject up at all. It's not like QVC are catering for the teenage market, we're presumably all older than that. All this fannying about is really, really annoying me now and I can't watch his shows with all the euphemisms flying about. I can't know for sure, but I would think most of us have two legs and two feet as well.
I like Glen. I met him at QVC's diamoniue event. Very charming. He loves the ladies I think. He gave me and my friend a kiss on the cheek, I'm afraid I went all girly. I don't mind what he wears.

I agree beauty, I met him at the silver event and he is a lovely man.
I like Glen. I met him at QVC's diamoniue event. Very charming. He loves the ladies I think. He gave me and my friend a kiss on the cheek, I'm afraid I went all girly. I don't mind what he wears.

He's carp at his job though! How many of us would have an appraisal at work and be told that we are useless at our jobs but it's ok as we are nice people?
I don`t think anyone has criticised him personally, he may well be a nice person when he is not on `automatic pilot` when on screen. Isn`t it considered ageist these days to keep referring to someones age anyway?
It is derogatory. Imagine if someone was selling plus size clothing, and they kept referring to their target audience as 'women of a certain size'.:23:
Is that in length or hmm between the leg area.
sure you were :rolleyes:
Glen sure likes to emphasise the tightness of his trousers, by sitting half on, half off the stool. I find it quite obscene. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
Glen sure likes to emphasise the tightness of his trousers, by sitting half on, half off the stool. I find it quite obscene. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Think he does that to try and look cool like posing.
Think he does that to try and look cool like posing.
Phew! And here's me thinking he was trying to show off his goods.:32: But yeah, Glen probably trying to look cool, as he likes to rock the Miami Vice look.:1:
Ive noticed this quite often, I do not like it

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He's carp at his job though! How many of us would have an appraisal at work and be told that we are useless at our jobs but it's ok as we are nice people?
Very true, some companies wouldn't even offer their employees the benefit of an appraisal. They'd simply let the P45 do all the talking.:33:
It is derogatory. Imagine if someone was selling plus size clothing, and they kept referring to their target audience as 'women of a certain size'.:23:

I spose it's better than 'fat birds'.:11:
I really don't mind that he refers to older women ( like me) as 'of a certain age'. It must be a minefield trying not to upset everybody/anybody on a shopping channel.
I rather like Glen, meself. Dunno why. Maybe it's a deep admiration for trying to make half the tat he sells sound exciting.
I still have no idea what age a woman of age is cos he never tells us!!!

Bet he thinks JR is a woman of age!
Its his constant chatter of saying nothing at all, wear birkies, wear kipling with this, etc etc., he says nothing. It was only as an afterthought in the one o'clock show last night that he and Julia remembered to say that the vile hideous TSV is not washable, needs dry cleaning. just a bit important, I would have thought.

If you buy from a catalogue the make up of the materials is always given clearly, as well as the washing instructions. First thing I want to know. Wake up QVC.

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