Get him off !!!!!!!!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Jun 26, 2008
I am cringing at the words coming out of Craig's mouth, his body language, violent arm-waving, exagerated accent and inane questions. He is still wittering on about kids going to university - must be 6 weeks too late ?

He has just suggested you buy yourself the TSV duvet and pass your old one on to a friend "who would be very grateful". Obviously his doesn't get stained with spilt tea, muddy paws and the occasional bodily fluids. I really do not enjoy his presenting style.

Sam Doubledee is currently appearing in the Go Compare tv ad, where the tenor sings their theme song in a coffee shop.

Linda :wave2:

OMG he has just stroked that pillowcase as though it were a buttock. And he has just pronounced lilac as lie LACK
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I am cringing at the words coming out of Craig's mouth, his body language, violent arm-waving, exagerated accent and inane questions. He is still wittering on about kids going to university - must be 6 weeks too late ?

He has just suggested you buy yourself the TSV duvet and pass your old one on to a friend "who would be very grateful". Obviously his doesn't get stained with spilt tea, muddy paws and the occasional bodily fluids. I really do not enjoy his presenting style.

Sam Doubledee is currently appearing in the Go Compare tv ad, where the tenor sings their theme song in a coffee shop.

Linda :wave2:

OMG he has just stroked that pillowcase as though it were a buttock. And he has just pronounced lilac as lie LACK

And who sends their kid to Uni with bedding that cost £119??? :thinking2:
Will somebody please tell him that if someone makes you 'think twice' about something it means they have put you off it. It does NOT mean that you are twice as likely to buy!
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i am cringing at the words coming out of craig's mouth, his body language, violent arm-waving, exagerated accent and inane questions. He is still wittering on about kids going to university - must be 6 weeks too late ?

He has just suggested you buy yourself the tsv duvet and pass your old one on to a friend "who would be very grateful". Obviously his doesn't get stained with spilt tea, muddy paws and the occasional bodily fluids. I really do not enjoy his presenting style.

Sam doubledee is currently appearing in the go compare tv ad, where the tenor sings their theme song in a coffee shop.

Linda :wave2:

Omg he has just stroked that pillowcase as though it were a buttock. And he has just pronounced lilac as lie lack

i dont know whose presenting skills are worse sam's or craigs but together they are most irritating.
sam has become so animated with ther grotesque exagerated hand and body movements and her constant pawing of the tatty nn wares really does my head in.:sad:
I like Craig. Granted he can sometimes be a little over enthusiastic but frankly, anyone who can get that excited by the same old same old QVC are flogging at the moment deserves a medal!!!
I also like Craig. He comes across as a thoroughly nice person to me and I really can't see why he deserves such a battering. I suppose he must get on some people's nerves and we all have our favourites - just goes to show how different we all are!
I think he's ok. It seems to me though that he gets stuck on doing the shows that no one else wanted. And that includes doing bank holidays etc. I guess still being the "new boy" he ends up doing the grot jobs the other wanted to avoid. Perhaps he'd come into his own if he was given some good stuff to present instead as he's not too bad with technology.

I can't stand the woman he's with on NN. We call her The Prodder. Mum was about to throw something at the TV before I got there with the off button! That constant poking of the beds is just so ANNOYING! Even getting someone laying on the bed doesn't stop her. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
I love Craig, esp when he does the DIY shows. They had a vendor going on about how lovely grey bathroom grout looks against cream tiles and I'm pulling a face at home and Craig is pulling a face on screen, he was cracking me up :grin: He comes across as a nice cheeky chappy to me, someone you could have a bit of a laugh with in the pub :beer:
Another Craig fan here! I like him because he seems sweet and quite a humble kind of bloke. He makes me go awwwwwww bless....:angel:
i to think that craig is a nice,fun person and i am sure i would like him in real life but i am not so sure about him as a presenter.
he seems a little insincere.

there is a balance to selling specially on qvc where some of the products are not the best but he seems to like absoluetly everything and when he goes on about the £200 he spent on a duvet set i think yes craig you have style cos thats what high end bedding really costs so dont beat up yourself about it.

yes craig i think you are a sweetie but tone it down a bit. it seems a little toooooo animated....

and doubledee get her off. i really dont like watching her at all reminds me of a pet gerbil...sorry!!!!!
I like him he reminds me of an over excited puppy. I think he's still genuinely excited by being a presenter.
LOL! I don't say tirty tree but I do get the pish ripped out of me every time I say lilac, hair, air etc (coz we pronouce the 'r' whereas the Brits say it without). It's my own fault for living in London!! :tongue2:

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