Get Gorgeous Weekend


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Jul 8, 2008
It was a weekend, sure enough, but I think someone forgot the get gorgeous bit? There was no variety whatsoever. Just hours of that awful K&C "fashion" and a couple of lots of boring beauty shows with a smattering of jewellery. It seemed to be the same three or four brands repeated over and over all weekend. QVC are in danger of speculation that they just don't have the products to sell anymore. What has happened to their product line? It seems that all that's left is too expensive for most people. (Recession? What recession?)
It was all pretty dull & 'samey' I thought, definitely nothing to get excited about! (Well unless you're Kim M, who gets excited just by being upright & breathing apparently!)
Yep, I keep saying it, QVC are on the slide !!!! Hardly any new product shows, and checking out their future show listing, its the same old same old.

Ideal World during the weekends have dumbed down to loop advertising of 4 day deal products, which presumably cuts down on presenter staff salaries, so are we going to see similar things from QVC ???? Daniel's gone, and Anne is off sick. I wonder how many of the presenters are feeling a bit twitchy.
The products and hours over this 'Get gorgeous' weekend were awful. The tsv's were also nothing to write home about, in fact they were so good I can't even remember what they were. And I still cannot for the life of me see why Kim and Co featured in it at all.

Over the whole weekend there were maybe half a dozen items which were worth watching....
Yes, so predictable I didn’t bother watching, as I’ve seen it all before.:24:
I thought some of the Rockport shoes were nice, they introduced some new smarter lines to their sporty/casual styles.
Yes, so predictable I didn’t bother watching, as I’ve seen it all before.:24:

Same here

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Yep, I keep saying it, QVC are on the slide !!!! Hardly any new product shows, and checking out their future show listing, its the same old same old.

Ideal World during the weekends have dumbed down to loop advertising of 4 day deal products, which presumably cuts down on presenter staff salaries, so are we going to see similar things from QVC ???? Daniel's gone, and Anne is off sick. I wonder how many of the presenters are feeling a bit twitchy.

I dont think they are on the sldie but I think they have been around long enough now for there to be much new. #Also the novelty of shopping Telly has worn very thin.
They celebrate 16 years this Autumn.They do look more slick and professional than when they started here.

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