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I hadn't realised it had started, just went to the website but no live video loading for me. All I get is the item details as we do here. I'm a bit puzzled, how will the folks in the US know that this new site has started up, is it being televised or just web based?
I have just seen a mystic topaz ring go for $9.99 - was nice - much cheaper than over here. Are we able to buy? my log on works? ooo and a tookalon 25 ct amethyst necklace - $14.99. I hope offers like this start again on UK gems tv
I dont know what a dollar is compared to the pound but the prices do seem to drop until the items are sold
I had a look at the offering for a little while yesterday and Ruth was gabbling on 19 to the dozen and repeating herself over and over like she does and then handed over to Lindsey Carr OMG what must the yanks be thinking if thats the best we Brits can do for presenters I'd like to see Adina join them so we dont have to have her as well we can dream cant we
Adina is getting so excited by the Summer Sale but for me it's a bit like the weather - a real damp squid! Prices seem about what they normally are. If I hear one more presenter bleating on about how they cut prices so low, making no profit I will scream, who goes into business not to make a profit!
Ah thanks hadn't realised that!! Thought he might have escaped her for a while! Think Steve might be over expanding esp as hasn't really got Gems here sorted out all the new presenters been thrust on us, same overexcited presenting style though! Wonder what the US will make of them, assume Craig is still over there?
I'd be very happy if they swapped some of the more excitable new presenters and brought back Craig Rook, Derek Marks and poach John Scott from R&C. They've lost the balance on Gems, we need presenters with personality and humour who will attract back the viewers. And Angeline, Matt and Rod....while they're at it! Don't want much do I? :tongue:
Heard it said this morning that Gems TV is expanding to Germany too.
Tomorrow the world. I presume then that customers needn't expect a better service. All the renovations and cr-p that their faithfuls have put up with for so long will only go to service non UK channels. At this rate, they're likely to internally combust. xxxxxxxx
I see they are offering this at $11 on their Facebook page. As a loyal customer I paid £17.99 for it last week in the so called 'Sale'. Feel a bit taken advantage of now.

May well send back just to make a point, though I do really like the design. Not everyone's cup of tea but it looks great on my long fingers when I am wearing chocolate coloured nail polish.

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