Gemporia - struggling financially?


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Ohhh someone sounds bitter, need a hug? What’s your agenda here?
No agenda. It's observation.

As I replied on the other post, which i'll post below:

I've mentioned that:

1. The price pledge is being honoured less and less these days. This is FACT.
2. Long delays in refunds. This is also confirmed by many others on this forum. This is FACT.
3. Reselling returned items before refunding customers. This has happened, and still happens. This is FACT.
4. Staff leaving / Redundancies. The evidence can be seen on screen this week. This is FACT.
5. The reduction of Jewellery Maker hours. Broadcasting hours were cut. This is FACT.
6. Price increases. Exactly that. This is FACT (although in fairness, prices are increasing everywhere).
7. Lower quality at higher prices. As I said, more plated jewellery than before, filled Amazonite, dyed Lapis - stones that were once untreated on Gemporia. This is FACT.
8. Dubious claims. Speaks for itself. This is FACT.
9. 'Cheap' presenters replacing 'proper' presenters? This was said with a question mark. It was a question. Nothing more, nothing less.
10. Potential misleading customers with the changing of gemstone names. This happens and can be proven. Therefore, this is FACT.
11. Cutting corners / costs. No gem collector boxes provided any more. No gem boxes provided any more. Thinner COA's, the old white cardboard boxes replaced with cheaper poorer quality brown cardboard boxes. Again, these are true and can be proven. Therefore, this is FACT.
12. Lack of quality control and checking of gemstone treatments for correctness. I've made a number of purchases where the treatments have been listed incorrectly. There are also examples on the websites where the treatments are still incorrect. Therefore, this is FACT.
13. Confused business model: Jewellery Maker strands on Gem Collector. Gem Collector stones on Jewellery Maker. Primal Living products on Gems TV and Jewellery Maker. This is FACT.

What part of all of those FACTS are "toxic" and "geared towards putting people off Gemporia"? If those FACTS put people off Gemporia, then it is GEMPORIA that is putting people off Gemporia - not me.

Also, rather than disagreeing and telling me how I'm wrong, you are adamant that I am a disgruntled employee because you feel that I "know too much" - which appears to indicate that you recognise what I'm talking about, and therefore acknowledge that it is true?

It cannot be "toxic" and "geared towards putting people off Gemporia" if it is true, and visible to all viewers - which is what I am (was) - a (ex) Gemporia customer (whether you wish to believe that is your prerogative). Rather than whinging about the FACTS that I'm posting, why not take them on board and actually make appropriate changes at Gemporia. Perhaps then, customers will be happy again, custom will increase, and the need too make redundancies, close channels and cut costs won't be needed in the future.
Haven't posted for quite some time but JaineyB's rages recently are all a bit perverse, a bit poisonous and counter to the general ethos of this website, frankly. JaineyB really shouldn't shout at TheManWithNoName in this way; very much a case of stones and glass houses on JaineyB's part. Some of JaineyB's posts on two of these threads are just grumpy rantings. The poison pumped in by the user JaineyB is very much in the style of classic, boring social media vitriol. Utterly ironic that TheManWithNoName is accused of being the keyboard warrior.

I certainly don't believe that this forum user is connected in any way whatsoever with the Bennett family. Whilst I don't believe at all in the so-called metaphysical spin on minerals, from what little I've seen of Jainey Bennett on screen, she seems to be fairly chilled, getting on with life and trying to make a living in an area she seems to set some store by. Nothing wrong with that at all. No different to listening to someone wax lyrical about gods, Queen Mab, spirit guides or sundry other gurus. A dear friend of mine believes in angels. I think it's tosh but it's utterly harmless and I think "whatever gets you through the day". Just roll with it. People are different, surprising & anything that makes them kind, thoughtful or just nicer people is all good in my book.

Gemporia goes through phases. It has negatives and very many positives. Have been and still am a customer. What I buy has evolved over the last ten years. What I buy, I just buy with my eyes as wide open as I can. Mistakes? Oh yes, but my problem really. I just slap my face, tell myself off for being a chump, take the hit with the refund delays (for example) and move on.

Either way, this Forum is generally factual, kind & chatty. The sudden intervention of the user JaineyB is unfortunate but can just be ignored.
JanieyB: I’ve registered as your posts have made me so annoyed – its your posts that sound bitter, patronising and an attack on other posters, note I say your posts, not you as a person. They sound as if you are trying to shut down valid concerns.

This happens on facebook – it all has to be sweetness and light and some critical post are removed. It made me look for a more independent view of Gemporia and its other companies and I found it here.

I very much hope you do not succeed in shutting down other posters from voicing their opinions.
Haven't posted for quite some time but JaineyB's rages recently are all a bit perverse, a bit poisonous and counter to the general ethos of this website, frankly. JaineyB really shouldn't shout at TheManWithNoName in this way; very much a case of stones and glass houses on JaineyB's part. Some of JaineyB's posts on two of these threads are just grumpy rantings. The poison pumped in by the user JaineyB is very much in the style of classic, boring social media vitriol. Utterly ironic that TheManWithNoName is accused of being the keyboard warrior.

I certainly don't believe that this forum user is connected in any way whatsoever with the Bennett family. Whilst I don't believe at all in the so-called metaphysical spin on minerals, from what little I've seen of Jainey Bennett on screen, she seems to be fairly chilled, getting on with life and trying to make a living in an area she seems to set some store by. Nothing wrong with that at all. No different to listening to someone wax lyrical about gods, Queen Mab, spirit guides or sundry other gurus. A dear friend of mine believes in angels. I think it's tosh but it's utterly harmless and I think "whatever gets you through the day". Just roll with it. People are different, surprising & anything that makes them kind, thoughtful or just nicer people is all good in my book.

Gemporia goes through phases. It has negatives and very many positives. Have been and still am a customer. What I buy has evolved over the last ten years. What I buy, I just buy with my eyes as wide open as I can. Mistakes? Oh yes, but my problem really. I just slap my face, tell myself off for being a chump, take the hit with the refund delays (for example) and move on.

Either way, this Forum is generally factual, kind & chatty. The sudden intervention of the user JaineyB is unfortunate but can just be ignored.
So the man with no name isn’t the one who is toxic? I haven’t “shouted” or said anything personal. They have an agenda that is clear, they want to ruin the gemporia business. This is a shopping tv forum, why talk so I depth about the business and “facts” without any clear back up of information. They have the power as we all do to simply change the channel. I’m not grumpy, I’m simply answering what was written by a clear grumpy person!
So the man with no name isn’t the one who is toxic? I haven’t “shouted” or said anything personal. They have an agenda that is clear, they want to ruin the gemporia business. This is a shopping tv forum, why talk so I depth about the business and “facts” without any clear back up of information. They have the power as we all do to simply change the channel. I’m not grumpy, I’m simply answering what was written by a clear grumpy person!

Do you ever read your posts back and realise the hypocrisy and irony in what you type?
DEFLECTION activated!! Do you? You’ve been found out and can’t actually back up any of your facts, claims or statements.
Get down to Costco as you seem to be telling others to.
Not as sore as you sound. You really do sound bitter and toxic. If you’re not connected to the company in any way, why write so much about it? You e said some truly horrible things about some of the presenters. I mean, Jeff wouldn’t say stuff like that. Be more like Jeff
Not as sore as you sound. You really do sound bitter and toxic. If you’re not connected to the company in any way, why write so much about it? You e said some truly horrible things about some of the presenters. I mean, Jeff wouldn’t say stuff like that. Be more like Jeff

Irony again.

If YOU are not connected to the channel, why are YOU so concerned about what I'm writing about it?
Why are YOU? You do love a caps. Keyboard warrior day one training- use CAPS. It’s a forum, you’re talking utter rubbish with no actual FACTS, so I can reply, it’s my right to reply. That’s how these things work. Shouldn’t you be watching Gems TV and making notes/shouting at the screen?
Why are YOU? You do love a caps. Keyboard warrior day one training- use CAPS. It’s a forum, you’re talking utter rubbish with no actual FACTS, so I can reply, it’s my right to reply. That’s how these things work. Shouldn’t you be watching Gems TV and making notes/shouting at the screen?

Utter rubbish? You're the one that's trying to pretend you're not linked to the channel, when it's blatantly obvious that you are.

Wow, more nasty comments. You’re easily triggered. Isn’t this a forum for people liking shopping tv? Calling me a clown, I’m really hurt. Why is it obvious? You’re the one that seems to have some insider knowledge. I mean, you’ve mentioned so many people I’ve never heard of- are they on overnights? I don’t get to watch gems tv 24/7. I don’t watch jewellery maker either. Yet your posts seem to want to hunt down the entire Gemporia business. Get ya face paint on, get outside and breathe in that lovely air.
You literally copy and pasted your posts- the irony of repeating myself. I do love a hypocrite. I’m retired so can do this all day. You not working at Gems today? Ha
Copy and pasted posts. Hypocrite
Calling other fans out- hypocrite
Saying nasty comments- hypocrite
False news- hypocrte
I’m glad I was educated at such a high level, it’s so easy to trigger you.
I’m…reading…it…again…slowly…oh, I see…oh, no hold on, I don’t. You’ve not called me any names, you ok hun? I mean, I haven’t copy and pasted. I haven’t put any false statements up. I haven’t said any nasty comments or names. I haven’t called out any fans. I’ve simply asked for your evidence and facts, which weirdly you won’t back up
I haven’t said any nasty comments or names.

Really? Your memory seems to be playing tricks with you then.

Evidence to back up my claims: see previous response.

Can I provide evidence to the ASA? Yes.
Can I provide evidence to Trading Standards? Yes.

Can I provide evidence to you? No. Because you're not associated with any of the above organisations, and you claim not to be linked to Gemporia. Therefore, you are irrelevant.

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