Gemporia still sinking


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It's also turned into Gems TV for gem collectors now too - with themed hours of one type of stone, boring 15 minute lectures, on-screen graphics, hard sell and producer/director led shows.
Each to their own and I understand many viewers of this channel no doubt enjoy them, however if I was a regular viewer I'd find the lecturing quite offensive. Yes I'd want some background to the product for sale to inform my buying decision, however what I wouldn't want is a lengthy lecture that's main objective is to essentially hype the product, drive home how desirable/rare it is, how it's come from a long closed mine, been stored in a vault etc etc. No doubt the channel would assert these lectures are done to educate and inform, as a selly telly channel it's a safe bet to assume their objective is entirely different.
Each to their own and I understand many viewers of this channel no doubt enjoy them, however if I was a regular viewer I'd find the lecturing quite offensive. Yes I'd want some background to the product for sale to inform my buying decision, however what I wouldn't want is a lengthy lecture that's main objective is to essentially hype the product, drive home how desirable/rare it is, how it's come from a long closed mine, been stored in a vault etc etc. No doubt the channel would assert these lectures are done to educate and inform, as a selly telly channel it's a safe bet to assume their objective is entirely different.

lets face it they do the lectures to time fill as their range is smaller now ?
Each to their own and I understand many viewers of this channel no doubt enjoy them

I've yet to see anyone give positive feedback about them.

Their Facebook page was/is full of people complaining about how they're bored rigid of these continual lectures, and the general consensus is the same on here. I think people are sick to the back teeth of being patronised with these long drawn-out lectures.
What, may I ask, happened to the Bennett Vault idea for GC customers? Sure, some nice opals were on (not competitive prices, in my opinion for what they were - even if large carat weights) but I really really would have been interested in a Tunduru Colour Change sapphire showcase. Oh well.

They probably stuck them all in jewellery because rather than just making ridiculous OTT profit margins on just the stones, putting them into jewellery gives them the chances to make OTT profit margins on the gold and OTT profit margins on the accent stones too..........

That advert just about sums it up where they try to explain their claim that the 'average price' of gold works out to £123 per gram - even though a quick Google search tells me that the price of 9ct gold per gram is actually around £37 today.

If you have to try really hard to convince people that your prices are good, then chances are, you're prices aren't very good at all!

Everything about Gemporia these days just screams out "WE WANT YOUR MONEY - AND WE WANT IT NOW!"

I would imagine the interest rates on that £30m loan don't come cheap..........
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I give Gem Collector 12 months. It's been ruined in my opinion.

The prices are ridiculous. There's a lack of variety these days too. They don't even have what I call any 'entry level' stones in stock now. Stones that beginners tend to buy to start collecting - such as Tigers Eye, Sodalite, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Lemon Quartz, etc.

They used to have all of those stones at one point - but as they sold out, they were never replenished back into stock. I don't know any gemstone retailers that do not own the 'basic' every day stones that entice new buyers in.

It's also turned into Gems TV for gem collectors now too - with themed hours of one type of stone, boring 15 minute lectures, on-screen graphics, hard sell and producer/director led shows.

Requests no longer seem to get shown either - and the assistants that used to collect the requests have also gone.

No wonder Alex left - I reckon he got wind of the changes that were looming and thought "not on my watch Pal".

Alex always made it clear that he liked Gem Collector because of its informal style and lack of directors/producers waffling in their ear.

Gem Collector has, like the rest of the Gemporia owned channels, turned into a channel where they show what they want to sell us - rather than letting us buy what we want to buy.

Do I want to see an hour of Tanzanite? No. If I wanted a Tanzanite, I'd go through the website and request one that catches my eye.

Unless they seriously sort out their prices, and put more variety in stock too, Gem Collector is doomed in my opinion.
When I first became interested in collecting some loose gemstones (a long while ago now), my criteria was to buy (a) the cheaper stones, like the ones you've mentioned - Lemon Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, White Quartz, etc. (b) preferably natural stones, if possible, (c) the larger carat weights and (d) in unusual cuts. I bought some humongous stones - Smoky Quartz, as one example, 48 carat stone -that you could put into a large pendant. And compared to today's prices they cost peanuts - I didn't pay a lot for each of them because I didn't have much knowledge of stones for one thing, but I knew these stones were the more common ones and were cheaper. But would you be able to collect like this now? I don't think so - and I guess I wasn't alone, and a lot of others started off their collection with a similar criteria to me. When I've looked on the website I haven't noticed the unusual cuts, either. So much has changed - and in my view not for the better. Anyone just starting to collect would do better to go elsewhere - it's become a rip-off.
When I first became interested in collecting some loose gemstones (a long while ago now), my criteria was to buy (a) the cheaper stones, like the ones you've mentioned - Lemon Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, White Quartz, etc. (b) preferably natural stones, if possible, (c) the larger carat weights and (d) in unusual cuts. I bought some humongous stones - Smoky Quartz, as one example, 48 carat stone -that you could put into a large pendant. And compared to today's prices they cost peanuts - I didn't pay a lot for each of them because I didn't have much knowledge of stones for one thing, but I knew these stones were the more common ones and were cheaper. But would you be able to collect like this now? I don't think so - and I guess I wasn't alone, and a lot of others started off their collection with a similar criteria to me. When I've looked on the website I haven't noticed the unusual cuts, either. So much has changed - and in my view not for the better. Anyone just starting to collect would do better to go elsewhere - it's become a rip-off.

I remember that. 50 carats stones for around £17! They even had a section on their website called "the 50ct club" - where you could buy the stones you've just mentioned, in weights of over 50cts, for low prices.

I've even got a huge Black Star Diopside cabochon somewhere that weighs around 67 carats - and I think I paid about £22 for it.

They don't have it in stock now, but if they did, I'd be prepared to bet that a 67 carats Black Star Diopside on Gem Collector these days would not sell for less than £100 (minimum).
lets face it they do the lectures to time fill as their range is smaller now ?

I've never really understood their logic in doing this because I was once told by an ex Gemporia presenter how much it costs to be on-air per minute - and it was not cheap at all! I can't remember the exact figure - so I'm not going to quote it - but I remember being surprised by just how much it was.

When they stand there waffling for half an hour, without putting anything on screen for people to buy, they're paying for 'dead airtime'.

Why not put items on the screen from the very beginning, and talk while people can browse and buy.

It's better for both Gemporia and for viewers because Gemporia are selling for an entire hour rather than 30 minutes - and those that are waiting to buy don't have to listen to Troth boring them into a coma. They can simply put him on mute and browse / shop with the sound off.

Win-win all round.
I've never really understood their logic in doing this because I was once told by an ex Gemporia presenter how much it costs to be on-air per minute - and it was not cheap at all! I can't remember the exact figure - so I'm not going to quote it - but I remember being surprised by just how much it was.

When they stand there waffling for half an hour, without putting anything on screen for people to buy, they're paying for 'dead airtime'.

Why not put items on the screen from the very beginning, and talk while people can browse and buy.

It's better for both Gemporia and for viewers because Gemporia are selling for an entire hour rather than 30 minutes - and those that are waiting to buy don't have to listen to Troth boring them into a coma. They can simply put him on mute and browse / shop with the sound off.

Win-win all round.
spot on and just flash up any old things to sell at the same time !!
I remember that. 50 carats stones for around £17! They even had a section on their website called "the 50ct club" - where you could buy the stones you've just mentioned, in weights of over 50cts, for low prices.

I've even got a huge Black Star Diopside cabochon somewhere that weighs around 67 carats - and I think I paid about £22 for it.

They don't have it in stock now, but if they did, I'd be prepared to bet that a 67 carats Black Star Diopside on Gem Collector these days would not sell for less than £100 (minimum).
Oh yes, I remember the Black Star Diopsides - and of course the other '50 carat club' stones. Incredibly good prices, whether you wanted to have them set in jewellery or just collect them (which I did). And some of the fancy cuts they did for the cheaper stones were really impressive. Those were the days. I'm wondering if Emily will be next through the swing doors....
Oh yes, I remember the Black Star Diopsides - and of course the other '50 carat club' stones. Incredibly good prices, whether you wanted to have them set in jewellery or just collect them (which I did). And some of the fancy cuts they did for the cheaper stones were really impressive. Those were the days. I'm wondering if Emily will be next through the swing doors....

I can't see Emily going anywhere anytime soon. She's well and truly moulded into the Gems TV hard-sell, non-stop-talking style.

Jeff would be PERFECT for Gem Collector. He just has that calm personality and more laid-back style that suits Gem Collector perfectly.

The best presenters on Gem Collector have always been the calmer, more laid back in style presenters. Nick Davies was excellent (and my favourite of the Gem Collector presenters). Lara De Leuw was really good. Katie Ho was really good. Alex was fine when he was in his more 'relaxed' mode - but he could be a bit tiring when he was in one of his hyper modes or far-fetched story-telling mode.
I've yet to see anyone give positive feedback about them.

Their Facebook page was/is full of people complaining about how they're bored rigid of these continual lectures, and the general consensus is the same on here. I think people are sick to the back teeth of being patronised with these long drawn-out lectures.
Totally agree! Gems TV viewers are not as dumb as they hope!
Have they stopped declaring treatments completely now? Example attached from live show. Same for the Lapis Lazuli and Golden Tanzanite...


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Doing my bit for this forum again, I forced myself to watch a bit of "Hemporia". Actually, I'm finding my recent occasional viewing snippets of it weirdly entertaining. I just watch to see what utter imo codswallop the presenters come out with next. They're creative at it I'll give them that. That's the most diplomatic thing I can say.

So on a night show an agate bangle comes on. It's been "Gemporafied" lol & referred to as "Sakura Agate". Jessica was so shouty & enthusiastic about it I thought she'd hyperventilate.

I heard about the incredible, natural glowing colour, how each view of it was a picture, like a fine painting. It's in such demand because it's sooo desirable & sought after.
Can I see mother nature's made image of all the cherry blossom shapes in it? I can multi buy these! Hang one in a window & admire this natural work of art. I may have paraphrased this a little as I can't remember her exact words but this was the gist of it.

I think the final price was about £120. I'd tuned out mentally by then.

I just kept thinking "It's only Agate". One of the very cheapest stones available when I bought it when I was young & fairly financially broke. Umptern tons of the stuff must be sold every year. Granted it might not be "Sakura Agate" though. 🤣

Seriously, I do feel so sorry for people who buy into this marketing, hard selling bs. Especially those who trust these presenters and/or really can't afford it.
Doing my bit for this forum again, I forced myself to watch a bit of "Hemporia". Actually, I'm finding my recent occasional viewing snippets of it weirdly entertaining. I just watch to see what utter imo codswallop the presenters come out with next. They're creative at it I'll give them that. That's the most diplomatic thing I can say.

So on a night show an agate bangle comes on. It's been "Gemporafied" lol & referred to as "Sakura Agate". Jessica was so shouty & enthusiastic about it I thought she'd hyperventilate.

I heard about the incredible, natural glowing colour, how each view of it was a picture, like a fine painting. It's in such demand because it's sooo desirable & sought after.
Can I see mother nature's made image of all the cherry blossom shapes in it? I can multi buy these! Hang one in a window & admire this natural work of art. I may have paraphrased this a little as I can't remember her exact words but this was the gist of it.

I think the final price was about £120. I'd tuned out mentally by then.

I just kept thinking "It's only Agate". One of the very cheapest stones available when I bought it when I was young & fairly financially broke. Umptern tons of the stuff must be sold every year. Granted it might not be "Sakura Agate" though. 🤣

Seriously, I do feel so sorry for people who buy into this marketing, hard selling bs. Especially those who trust these presenters and/or really can't afford it.
Sakura Agate tends to be a bit more expensive than other agates because it's not as widely available as other varieties. It's still not worth £120 though
Sakura Agate tends to be a bit more expensive than other agates because it's not as widely available as other varieties. It's still not worth £120 though
Ah I see. So "Sakura Agate" is actually an industry known name? As opposed to a Gemporified made up one?

It looked nice. I just had to catch my breath when the final price was £120.
When stones are untreated, they generally don't list anything on the main Gemporia website.

They should do though really.
Adina is on at the moment waxing lyrical about what they are calling “paraiba topaz” and showing the usual pictures of high end Paraiba tourmaline for huge prices. Bad enough you might think but when I looked them up online THEY'RE COATED. Surely that’s not legal.
When stones are untreated, they generally don't list anything on the main Gemporia website.

They should do though really.
I agree.

On Gem Collector they use the code "N" which stands for "natural" or "not enhanced".

Ah I see. So "Sakura Agate" is actually an industry known name? As opposed to a Gemporified made up one?

It looked nice. I just had to catch my breath when the final price was £120.
"Sakura Agate" looks similar to "Flower Agate". I'm not sure, but it may be the same variety.
Adina is on at the moment waxing lyrical about what they are calling “paraiba topaz” and showing the usual pictures of high end Paraiba tourmaline for huge prices. Bad enough you might think but when I looked them up online THEY'RE COATED. Surely that’s not legal.
I saw her start her "Paraiba lecture". Then she mumbled topaz at the end of her initial high energy, giggly, gushing monologue. As she does.

I couldn't take anymore & switched over.

& They're coated, oh my! 😮 That's not fair the way they're being sold imo, I agree with you AC.

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