Gail Samways


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Hope shes okay. I broke my ankle last year during lockdown.
Had plates put in, should have stayed hospital longer than I did but was sent home 24 hours after the op as covid was rife in the hospital.
2 weeks later went to hospital as felt breathless - said was worried I had a clot. Hospital rushed me out saying I was being anxious it was probably the after effects of the epidural.
Started online physio which was rubbish had one session and despite me saying i had developed a dreadful pain in my knee was told me rest up.
Then had a massive saddle embolism (as a direct result if the anke break - the awful pain in my knee was the clot travelling up) and I ended up un intensive care and almost died.
Then suffered a TIA - think a tiny clot broke free and travelled to the brain.
Im nowhere near back to feeling how I used to. All because I fell down the stairs and due to covid was neglected by almost zero aftercare.
I‘m a real cluts always falling both down and up stairs and tripping over my own shadow. obviously all these years of knocks are telling the tale now as my right knee has been agony for months. A neighbour recommended gel called Flexiseq (max version) and honestly it has made a terrific difference.

A few years ago I broke my little toe and couldn’t wear shoes for months.

i certainly don’t envy this lady having 2 legs out of action at once. It will definitely be a takeaway Christmas dinner for her family!
Both ankles ! gawd she'll be immobile for weeks - nightmare.

Since I was widowed 20 years ago I became more aware of home safety. I always struggled getting out of the deep bath so I swapped it for a walk in shower. Coming downstairs I never wear shoes - the prospect of slipping is too great, so its generally barefoot and heel to the back of the step. Who remembers Carol Vorderman hands in pockets wearing stilettos skipping then tumbling down concrete steps, and went flat on her face !

I also invested in a 4 step safety ladder with hand rail for those high up jobs- money well spent.
You sound like me - I’ve done exactly the same. I carry my mobile phone at all times, even indoors, just in case…..
You sound like me - I’ve done exactly the same. I carry my mobile phone at all times, even indoors, just in case…..
Excellent. I often think about the lady I met in Grassington who stood on a piece of York stone at the end of her large & isolated garden, it moved & she was trapped for the day. The damage so severe she lost her lower leg; being able to call for help earlier would have seen a very different outcome.
You're a sensible girl & so many accidents happen at home because that's where we're at our most relaxed; a couple of years ago I was doing some darning downstairs & realised that I need something that was in our room so ran upstairs with a needle between my teeth... Stupid woman & fortunately I thought that exact thing when half way up.

My friend went up some garden steps with a knife she'd been licking jam off in her mouth. She tripped and nearly died. The knife very nearly hit her brain.

I stepped off a kerb about 3 inches high a few years ago and broke both my ankles. It was pitch black as out council had decided to turn off street lights to save money at the time and the kerb drop wasnt't expected. I went down like a sack of spuds!

That was the easy bit. I rocked up at hospital at 8am the following morning where there were only three others waiting so the staff were fresh and unrushed. I'd had to use a wheelchair to go in as I was in so much pain. The nurse took one look at me, didn't ask me to stand and told me I'd sprained my ankles. She sent me on my way with a exercise sheet warning me to do them or my ankles would stiffen up. So home I went.

I did my best to exercise and walk as much as I could for a fortnight until I could take the pain no more. I saw the GP who sent me back to hospital for X-Rays. I'd broken both ankles and was put into non-weight-bearing plasters. Mr AE was pretty sheepish for a while as he's been telling me I couldn't possibly have been in the pain I was complaining of!

I spent 3 months sleeping downstairs and sponge-bathing while sitting on the downstairs loo. It was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. The good thing that came from it was we put a downstairs shower in so that's made life so much easier for me as I find stairs a nightmare. Once I'm downstairs in the morning I don't go back up until bed time.
I am very accident prone and have injured both ankles. Once I stepped out of the back door with boots on and stood on one of our boys wellies that was lying on its side. My ankle went over and the pain was excruciating. After x-rays, steroid injections, numerous trips to GP and physio and finally 2 MRIs it turned out I had cracked the cartilage and I needed surgery to fix it.

The second time I fell down some stairs at a wedding at the end of the evening. I hadn’t even been drinking as I was driving. My heel caught on the edge of a step and I fell forward. Luckily my hubby was in front of me so I fell into him and he broke my fall. I twisted my ankle really badly. I didn’t go to A&E as I work at our local hospital and know how busy they are and didn’t want to waste their time but that turned out to be a stupid decision. I had actually torn the ligament in my ankle andd it took months to heal and is still weak many years later.
My friend went up some garden steps with a knife she'd been licking jam off in her mouth. She tripped and nearly died. The knife very nearly hit her brain.

I stepped off a kerb about 3 inches high a few years ago and broke both my ankles. It was pitch black as out council had decided to turn off street lights to save money at the time and the kerb drop wasnt't expected. I went down like a sack of spuds!

That was the easy bit. I rocked up at hospital at 8am the following morning where there were only three others waiting so the staff were fresh and unrushed. I'd had to use a wheelchair to go in as I was in so much pain. The nurse took one look at me, didn't ask me to stand and told me I'd sprained my ankles. She sent me on my way with a exercise sheet warning me to do them or my ankles would stiffen up. So home I went.

I did my best to exercise and walk as much as I could for a fortnight until I could take the pain no more. I saw the GP who sent me back to hospital for X-Rays. I'd broken both ankles and was put into non-weight-bearing plasters. Mr AE was pretty sheepish for a while as he's been telling me I couldn't possibly have been in the pain I was complaining of!

I spent 3 months sleeping downstairs and sponge-bathing while sitting on the downstairs loo. It was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. The good thing that came from it was we put a downstairs shower in so that's made life so much easier for me as I find stairs a nightmare. Once I'm downstairs in the morning I don't go back up until bed time.
That's criminal.
Many years ago, my very frail Gran was out in her village and tripped on a ridiculously distorted pavement. She had two black eyes, a broken wrist and mangled glasses. A nurse passing in her car saw it and thankfully stopped to help and get her home, phoned my mum and suggested suing the council. By the time my mum got to Gran's, sorted things out and complained to the council (next day), the council had been round AND FIXED THE PAVEMENT. Had anyone taken photos? Of course not, the priority was an elderly, injured lady. Honestly, how appalling were the council? They didn't even pay to replace her broken glasses and my mum had to fork out £340 on a new pair.


I feel better now. That was about 30 years ago and I'm still angry about it. I can still hear my lovely Gran saying "I don't want any fuss". Grrrrrr

Many years ago, my very frail Gran was out in her village and tripped on a ridiculously distorted pavement. She had two black eyes, a broken wrist and mangled glasses. A nurse passing in her car saw it and thankfully stopped to help and get her home, phoned my mum and suggested suing the council. By the time my mum got to Gran's, sorted things out and complained to the council (next day), the council had been round AND FIXED THE PAVEMENT. Had anyone taken photos? Of course not, the priority was an elderly, injured lady. Honestly, how appalling were the council? They didn't even pay to replace her broken glasses and my mum had to fork out £340 on a new pair.


I feel better now. That was about 30 years ago and I'm still angry about it. I can still hear my lovely Gran saying "I don't want any fuss". Grrrrrr

Appalling behaviour. Negligent initially and covering up after themselves. Total absence of a moral compass.
I think the pooch in the pic is Perry. Bry is CC's imaginary friend.
Yes that is Perry in the pic. Bry is my most recent dog and he's definitely not imaginary.



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