Gail Samways


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Oh my goodness, that's dreadful! I dislike her presenting, but I do hope she recovers properly and as quickly as is practical. What a terrible time of year to happen, too. I have a friend who had a lisfranc fracture and spent the festive period stone cold sober, largely immobile and in a lot of pain... this seems a whole magnitude worse.
Ah bless her!
I actually really enjoy watching Gail on air - I know most on here seem not to, and I’m surprised I do because I don’t usually like louder people - but I find she is no nonsense and it’s usually cheered me up when I’ve seen her presenting! 😊

Really hope she can manage on crutches and isn’t in too much pain.. What timing!

My ma fell down the stairs and broke her wrist and arm which was bad enough (she has osteoporosis).

Then two years ago, 4 days before Christmas, she was stamping on an amazon box to flatten it (on wooden floor), slipped and fell heavily.
She broke her shoulder and collar bone really badly :(

I’ve never seen bruising like it and she was in complete agony, especially as it can’t supported well or put in plaster to heal...

She was militant with her physio despite pain and they were amazed with her but even now hasn’t got full movement back. :(
I live with chronic pain but I know in her situation I’d have been much more of a wimp!

Anyway, please be as safe as you can be on stairs and on slippy surfaces 🙏🤞
Ah bless her!
I actually really enjoy watching Gail on air - I know most on here seem not to, and I’m surprised I do because I don’t usually like louder people - but I find she is no nonsense and it’s usually cheered me up when I’ve seen her presenting! 😊

Really hope she can manage on crutches and isn’t in too much pain.. What timing!

Me too, I like her. I hope she’s soon on the mend.
Both ankles ! gawd she'll be immobile for weeks - nightmare.

Since I was widowed 20 years ago I became more aware of home safety. I always struggled getting out of the deep bath so I swapped it for a walk in shower. Coming downstairs I never wear shoes - the prospect of slipping is too great, so its generally barefoot and heel to the back of the step. Who remembers Carol Vorderman hands in pockets wearing stilettos skipping then tumbling down concrete steps, and went flat on her face !

I also invested in a 4 step safety ladder with hand rail for those high up jobs- money well spent.
Both ankles ! gawd she'll be immobile for weeks - nightmare.

Since I was widowed 20 years ago I became more aware of home safety. I always struggled getting out of the deep bath so I swapped it for a walk in shower. Coming downstairs I never wear shoes - the prospect of slipping is too great, so its generally barefoot and heel to the back of the step. Who remembers Carol Vorderman hands in pockets wearing stilettos skipping then tumbling down concrete steps, and went flat on her face !

I also invested in a 4 step safety ladder with hand rail for those high up jobs- money well spent.
You're a sensible girl & so many accidents happen at home because that's where we're at our most relaxed; a couple of years ago I was doing some darning downstairs & realised that I need something that was in our room so ran upstairs with a needle between my teeth... Stupid woman & fortunately I thought that exact thing when half way up.
I fell of a friend's skateboard that I was standing on while watching him trying to ride my unicycle - - - I forgot I was standing on it and not on firm ground, and it shot from under me.

In case you think this was a childhood accident, I was over 50!

I was hobbling around with a stick for weeks afterwards.
You're such a love 😘
You're a sensible girl & so many accidents happen at home because that's where we're at our most relaxed; a couple of years ago I was doing some darning downstairs & realised that I need something that was in our room so ran upstairs with a needle between my teeth... Stupid woman & fortunately I thought that exact thing when half way up.
Yes, we can be very casual about things while in the comfort of our own homes.
My balance isn't always what I would wish, and I rarely use steps... but when I do, I am on high alert.

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