FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

you tell them meeshoo isnt it amazing how these bosses appear when there is public bad press perhaps Andrew it might pay to look into your CS and check what complaints come in and do something about it before it gets to where it is now .Dont forget it is us the public that pay your wages without us you are redundant
You know I have just re read this whole thread, and it seems to me that there are some fundamental issues that Rocks really need to attend to. It is exceptionally unusual to read a thread like this that is so thoroughly damning without a single person defending some aspect of the companies offering.

It would seem to me that Rocks need to stop and start over with their CS and their allocation excuses.

Give your call centre staff the information they need to ACTUALLY HELP people and give them the tools to do it, not some standard, generic info that means they aren't able to do a darned thing but 'pass it on'.

If you have over sold, give us the credit we deserve and tell us. Don't dress it up as a QC problem, when quite clearly this is not the case. I don't doubt you have problems with couriers damaging some stock, but to the extent that we have seen here? I think not.

For goodness sake hire people who aren't on a permanent red bull high! Shrieky shouty-ness is NOT a necessary personality trait when launching on a presenting career, and the ability to shriek in a pitch so high only dogs can hear is not only bliddy annoying, it can't be good for the vocal chords.

You know when they first started, Rocks had a good thing and a good idea going...just a shame the execution of the good idea has been somewhat lacking.
As well as copying other companies' stock and programming style, Rocks & Co would have done well to check out the other CS systems as well.

Argey xx
The first thing I would do if I was in charge of Rocks for a day would be to sack every presenter except for John and possibly Ruth and then adopt the style of the TJC presenters - no shreiking, no begging, no stupid faces, no fake looks of shock when the price drops to the price they already knew it was going to drop to, no rubbish about how "Tony the masked crusader" pays $1000 a carat for Tanzanite and buys up all the Paraiba in the world then gets it cut with french windows to let the sunshine in, no sermons or preaching and no ridiculous fake tans!!!

I would then be out searching for Vicki Letch and Lee Clark to employ them and maybe even give Craig Rooke an offer to bring him back from the US and wee Derek from Gems too.

That's just for starters but if I was only in charge for a day it would be no use, I think I'd need a month!
The first thing I would do if I was in charge of Rocks for a day would be to sack every presenter except for John and possibly Ruth and then adopt the style of the TJC presenters - no shreiking, no begging, no stupid faces, no fake looks of shock when the price drops to the price they already knew it was going to drop to, no rubbish about how "Tony the masked crusader" pays $1000 a carat for Tanzanite and buys up all the Paraiba in the world then gets it cut with french windows to let the sunshine in, no sermons or preaching and no ridiculous fake tans!!!

I would then be out searching for Vicki Letch and Lee Clark to employ them and maybe even give Craig Rooke an offer to bring him back from the US and wee Derek from Gems too.

That's just for starters but if I was only in charge for a day it would be no use, I think I'd need a month!

Crikey!! How long are the days in Klos-Land?!?! Hee Hee !!!

You're absolutely right though Klos! Be enthused, be motivated, be excited even, but spare a thought for my intellect and my poor ears during your presenting PLEASE!!!
Klos you're a breath of fresh air - you tell it exactly like it is!!!

Just as an aside how can somebody who calls himself a Lapidarist (Tony's brother Tenner who is on at the moment), who says he specialises in cutting Tourmaline, Kunzite etc., sit in front of a horribly windowed, pale, Kunzite and extol its virtues?

I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than compromise myself professionally.
Has anyone else noticed that recently they tend to tilt the rings slightly backwards rather than show them straight on? "In my opinion" what springs to mind is that they've been told to do this to hide the mahoosive windows! If that's the case they must be hoping that some poor soul who needs a visit to specsavers and who has no knowledge whatsoever buys their pieces otherwise it's a waste of time because if I got one of those home I'd be packing it up immediately and sending it back on it's merry way! Even at £29 I'd do that but when they're selling these pieces at what I class as very high prices for a TV Shopping Channel then "in my opinion" this is a very poor show!

Isn't it strange nobody has come on here to comment about the cutting? Mind you what could they say - you can't hide the facts.
It happened to me a couple of times a few months back, and it irritated me, but there are far bigger things to get worked up about than jewellery.

Yes, the service should be better, but you can say that about most companies. I don't think it is worth pushing your blood pressure up about.
It happened to me a couple of times a few months back, and it irritated me, but there are far bigger things to get worked up about than jewellery.

Yes, the service should be better, but you can say that about most companies. I don't think it is worth pushing your blood pressure up about.

Then you're quite obviously posting in the wrong place.

I wonder why you chose for this to be your first post?
What a strange first post! Even stranger to join a forum just to post something like that! I almost feel as though it's someone who knows me with the referral to "blood pressure" considering I have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and am currently signed off work with a related condition!

By the way Meerkat, I think you're missing the point here. It's not the "jewellery" that's upset people it's the lies and deceit. Read the whole thread again and you should understand that unless of course you are another employee failing miserably to placate the situation?
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Wot's bigger than jewellery anyway.

This section of the forum seems particularly prone to first time defenders. S'nuff to make ya paranoid!

Argey xx
Just wanted to say - despite the problems, I still really like Rocks and Co, which remains my favourite channel!

I do agree about the cutting, and that many of the prices have gone up far too much of late (although they seem to have come down a little in recent days), and that the inadequate (and -we hope - soon to be replaced) computer systems have resulted in most of us wrongly missing out on items, etc., etc. I can also see that some of the presenters are not the greatest, although that doesn't generally bother me as I'm more interested in the bling!

At the same time, I think that many of Rocks & Co's designs are outstandingly beautiful - way ahead of anything I've seen anywhere else. And Andrew, the COO, has been great at sorting out my problems, and seems like a genuinely nice guy. I'm impressed that the COO of the company is prepared to go to that much trouble for one customer.

No disrespect to those who are fed up with Rocks & Co and have decided, for various reasons, to take their business elswhere - but I'm sticking with Rocks & Co!
Hi Miss M - it's great to hear there's a happy customer who isn't posting for the first time. I have to say, in all honesty, that I haven't seen that much on Rocks that's different but maybe that's because I gave up doing anything more than a quick nosey flick some time ago.

Argey xx
Just wanted to say - despite the problems, I still really like Rocks and Co, which remains my favourite channel!

I do agree about the cutting, and that many of the prices have gone up far too much of late (although they seem to have come down a little in recent days), and that the inadequate (and -we hope - soon to be replaced) computer systems have resulted in most of us wrongly missing out on items, etc., etc. I can also see that some of the presenters are not the greatest, although that doesn't generally bother me as I'm more interested in the bling!

At the same time, I think that many of Rocks & Co's designs are outstandingly beautiful - way ahead of anything I've seen anywhere else. And Andrew, the COO, has been great at sorting out my problems, and seems like a genuinely nice guy. I'm impressed that the COO of the company is prepared to go to that much trouble for one customer.

No disrespect to those who are fed up with Rocks & Co and have decided, for various reasons, to take their business elswhere - but I'm sticking with Rocks & Co!

Well he certainly didn't deliver for me. Coming onto this thread as he did earlier with promises of "good news" was nothing short of trying to look good and turning this into a publicity stunt. This is from the man who promised to source me an item (after yet another shambolic failed delivery) that, surprise surprise, didn't show up and he never contacted me again! Was I going to take him up on his offer of "good news" - not likely.

I'm glad you're happy with Rocks and Co but I'm not.

If only 2 of your deliveries had been successful and you'd had problems with all the others perhaps you wouldn't be quite as pleased. If you'd had orders charged twice, refunds not processed, items delivered to the wrong place, items cancelled, items not passing QC, items "disappearing", etc etc etc.

I believe in giving every company a second, third and even fourth chance but there comes a point when it's no longer viable to do so. Rocks and Co got it wrong at start up with their systems, CS etc., and despite knowing all the problems within a few weeks (and I spoke to their MD at the time), NOTHING has changed. There've been promises but nothing delivered.

It also smacks of desperation when employees come on to defend the company. Totally reprehensible.

In terms of their gemstones, if you want to buy highly treated gemstones for over-inflated prices then that's fine but be aware, all their sapphires are BE diffused, the Shimoyo Rubellite is irradiated (and I don't believe it's only a small percentage - that doesn't make sense) etc etc. I'd rather buy untreated/natural gemstones.

Oh and by the way - you know they say you CAN'T buy Hemimorphite ANYWHERE? Check out www.multicolour.com I think you'll find there's quite a lot on there! More lies!
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Ah but they do sell windows with special frames like Kunzite and Paraiba! My windows are only UPVC!


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MissMagpie, if you find something that works for you then you're absolutely right to stick with it. I hope they continue to bring you heaps of pleasure and good service too. With any luck, they'll take notice of what you like about the company, as well as understand what people don't like, and the penny will drop.
MissMagpie, if you find something that works for you then you're absolutely right to stick with it. I hope they continue to bring you heaps of pleasure and good service too. With any luck, they'll take notice of what you like about the company, as well as understand what people don't like, and the penny will drop.

Very true Pimms.

Miss Magpie you've had some pieces you love from Rocks and I'm sure you have lots of pleasure wearing them. The great thing about a forum is that everyone can voice their opinions - good or bad and that's exactly what you've done.

I too have a fair few Rocks pieces but I am really frustrated that imo they've not reached the heights they promised at the start which is such a shame as I believe they had a recipe for success back then. I agree that they have some beautiful designs but these are spoiled by the poor cutting and inflated prices. I would also like to be able to enjoy watching the channel which I don't for reasons I have mentioned many times previously so won't go on about again, but if only they could just present the items, give an honest description etc. and stop the nonsense and hard sell, that would go some way towards improvement!

However, Meeshoo and a lot of others have not had a good customer experience so I also believe it's good that they have expressed their views too. Despite my many negative posts, I quite recently posted positively about a Green Sapphire ring I received and I will always give praise where it is due, but I personally want to hear both sides of the customer journey - good and bad - to enable me to make educated choices in whether I deal with a company or not. Will I buy from Rocks again? Yes if I see something I like at a price I can afford then I probably will.
I've only had one order from Rocks & Co. and can only say it was really smooth and I got a lovely little purple sapphire stacker ring - but it was under £50 and the stones small enough they couldn't window if they tried!

The hard sell doesn't bother me too much - I'd prefer it if the presenters didn't overact, but then again they are not the only channel guilty of that one. I can even tolerate the screeching for a while - as long as the jewellery is pretty and seems like a bargain (which of late a lot of Rocks & Co. stuff doesn't imvho)

I admit I've seen some lovely designs on their website but won't order at the moment due to what seems to be too higher pricing and the windowing issues.

Gavin - I think you have got a brilliant idea and the potential to have a really good thing - if you can just give your systems a good 'tidy up' (CS and cutting especially), ask your presenters to 'tone it down' a bit and have a nose at the prices the competition is charging I'm sure you'll be onto a winner.
Oh dear you are all very suspicious. I have been reading this forum for a few weeks and felt compelled to say something after reading ALL of this thread.

I have bought 4 items from Rocks after I discovered them on Freeview a few months back. After a few weeks, they promptly disappeared, which was quite a relief in some ways, as I(like you), find the majority of the persenters insufferable.

The items I recieved were acceptable, and I didn't spend huge amount on any of them, but just fancied adding a few new stones to my small collection. Gemstones have always fascinated me, and if I had the funds, I would have almost every one! :)

I certainly don't work for Rocks, indeed I can't work at all, due to over twenty years of serious physical illness...and maybe that is what gives me a somewhat different perspective. I agree the excellent service should be aspired to, but sadly that is rarely achieved. I waited in vain for one order, eventually ringing twice before it arrived. It was slightly inconvenient as I was quite excited about the item, but no more than that.


you clearly have knowledge of this subject, so it just surprised me that you would keep torturing yourself by continuing to watch a channel for which you clearly have the deepest contempt, and even to make the occasional purchase, when most of your posts say how appallingly cut the stones are. I can't stand porridge, I don't buy, or eat it!

When Andrew apologised and offered to speak off-board, you blew him off, which just seemed a bit unfair; and many posters here had had the same situation with items not passing inspection(though I suspected it was more like not having the required stock), and that's why I decided to post...just to add my two penneth.

I am sorry that you all jump on newbies as though there is some kind of conspiracy...I suppose I could have made a bland comment, but that doesn't make for a discussion, does it?

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