Fresh faced LE speculation on facebook


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When I turned on this morning & saw her graciousness my first thought was that she does not look good around the mouth area.:mysmilie_12: I never noticed the eyes. Will have a look.
OK watching now with Ali K. IMO I don't think she has had any work done. I always think that women look very different facially when they are pregnant & for a few weeks after due to all the hormone changes etc. She did have quite bad eye bags a few weeks back but was that due to lack of sleep with the baby & hormones ?

I think she is quite lucky with her skin as well. Look at her neck & decollatae area, its really good. No amount of facial surgery can hide what goes on with those areas.
No Lillian the bags where there well before she fell preggers this time. I don't think pregnancy gets rid of eye bags. The baby is a few months old so the glow also should be well gone now too.
No Lillian the bags where there well before she fell preggers this time. I don't think pregnancy gets rid of eye bags. The baby is a few months old so the glow also should be well gone now too.

True but you can carry excess fluid at times. Years back at certain times of month I used to get fluid build up around my eyes. Strange but true I know.

No comments Klarion !!
No Lillian the bags where there well before she fell preggers this time. I don't think pregnancy gets rid of eye bags. The baby is a few months old so the glow also should be well gone now too.

Yes, but you've forgotten La Earle now has the self-satisfied glow of someone who has sold off her "ethics" for 30 pieces of silver at the very first opportunity.

That'll last a LOT longer than the joy of motherhood, I'm sure... :cheeky:
True but you can carry excess fluid at times. Years back at certain times of month I used to get fluid build up around my eyes. Strange but true I know.

I'm sure you didn't look like Droopy the Dog though?

Mind you, nor does La Earle any more...

Let's face it: she wants to crack foreign markets (and Avon can do that for her), and she's not going to make a good impression if she turns up looking like a tired and stressed mother/businesswoman.

So she's done what she can to promote her skincare range and had a few "tweaks".

Has she also gone a bit blonder? A change of hair colour as well as a "refreshed" face is a sure sign of plastic surgery: many celebs change their hair so they can attribute their new look to a new style or colour.
True but you can carry excess fluid at times. Years back at certain times of month I used to get fluid build up around my eyes. Strange but true I know.

No comments Klarion !!

If it's round your eyes I would suggest not using concrete tampons in future... :cheeky:
No amount of facial surgery can hide what goes on with those areas.

Not facial surgery, no.

But most surgeons performing a facelift will also do a necklift as well - makes the work less glaring.
I think its good skin naturally, great makeup and good studio lighting. She is only a couple of years younger than Ali K but looks years younger in a more classic sort of way.

I don't think she has had any sort of surgery, she still has eye bags depending on the angle you see her at, some ever so slight jawline sagging etc but I think she looks fantastic, I think she is 47 or 48
AND of course the lighting !!!!! If you notice, every time there is a LE show, the same glass topped table is used, with diffused lighting coming up from it. So she always has this "glow ". Nuff said.

The minute I could suffer today showed, I thought, a side light across her eye and cheek. It was off-putting.
Facial fillers at the very least.

Remember ladies: LE's deal with Avon was to give her brand global exposure: she can't go trying her luck in new markets in new countries looking like a raddled old tranny (or JF, for short).

Running a business and having a child at *ahem* a more "mature" age *ahem* is going to take it's toll on both mind and body - a bit of face cream and genetics can only go so far. Yet LE's looking like she's spent the last 20 years doing nothing more strenuous or challenging than lying on a chaise longue being fed peeled grapes by a naked Sean Connery... Erm, yes [/end fantasy, panting furiously] :grin:

So it wouldn't surprise me if she's had at least a bit of "work" done.

no, she looks like a raddled old Trinny instead. say hello to veneers and bertie botox.
As soon she appeared on screen last night both me and my sister took one look at her and said she looked like she has had work done.
He cheeks look hamsterish puckered and odd and her face looks different.
I know she has special lighting and a charmed life,but I would put money on her having had assistance!!
Watching the 7 pm show with AK - Dame Liz looks ultra glam with her luxurious tresses - what a contrast to AK with her over-processed, ratty-looking do :grin: Those Avon squillions are obviously being put to good use - good on yer, girl :nod:
Watching the 7 pm show with AK - Dame Liz looks ultra glam with her luxurious tresses - what a contrast to AK with her over-processed, ratty-looking do :grin: Those Avon squillions are obviously being put to good use - good on yer, girl :nod:
I thought Ken Paves had had a go at her barnett,it looked big and false to me
Didn't Liz recently say on QVC that she hadn't had any work done? I assume she reads or knows what's said about her on here as she seemed to reply to those comments last time this came up.

Personally I don't think she's had anything done, would she, with her 'natural ethics' (cough)!

Also Liz isn't a skinny minnie, larger ladies usually have good skin, the extra fat generally plumps out lines! Sorry, but it's true!

I think they always give her good lighting too. She is probably just lucky, has good genes, eats well, sleeps well (nannies?) and drinks her water!
I agree about the eye bags - I remember when they were halfway down her face and there she was talking about her eye care products - not the best advert for them then.

The only show I've seen today was the start of the TSV at midnight but I couldn't help thinking that she's wearing more eye make-up than she used to. I've noticed this on a couple of other shows where she's been on lately too.

Nothing to do with the fact that Avon sell cosmetics surely? :thinking:
i would be very surprised if she hasnt had fillers and some lip work done. the days of the trout pout are gone, the people who do this kind of work know what theyre doing and can make it look natural BUT there is still a very particular look to people who have had their lip and mouth area fiddled with. keenan has had it, lulu too. LE will have been to the best of course and will be able to look straight down that camera and say truthfully that she hasnt had surgery because its true. sort of.
By 'eck, a full day of QVC-ing took away just the tiniest bit of the fresh faced, luminous lustre of our Liz, you've got to admit:

Oh, crikey, it's all kicking off now - her agent has just been asked to comment on the rumours circulating about Liz's possible surgical enhancement:


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