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She's on the LEFT! Right now! With grip! It's like a dream come true!

She must have been reading this thread and have seen your suggestion, Akimbo! Having said that, on closer inspection, I see she doesn't have anythink holding her hair back - it's just tucked behind her ear. She looks so much better though.
She was on with Hairmax last night so it must have grown long enough overnight to stay behind her ear! :mysmilie_59:
On the Butler & Wilson show on Sunday night my attention was drawn to the strand of greasy looking hair that kept on falling down across her face. I wanted to shout "it won't stay behind your ear....get a clip!" I was wishing she would use the sparkly rubbery bow clip to hold it back for the rest of the show. Her hair looked so lank and unkempt.
Is anyone watching the Kim and co show? Jill looks painfully thin, I don't know if it's the flared jeans and high shoes combo but her legs look so skinny the look reminds me of those adverts that have been pulled as they promote extreme thinness.
Is anyone watching the Kim and co show? Jill looks painfully thin, I don't know if it's the flared jeans and high shoes combo but her legs look so skinny the look reminds me of those adverts that have been pulled as they promote extreme thinness.

If it was same ones she had on during 7pm hour then yes her legs looked very very thin!!
If it was same ones she had on during 7pm hour then yes her legs looked very very thin!!

I thought so too! I was shocked at how thin her thighs looked. Don't want to rehash comments already made, but not healthy-looking.

She doesn't suit a flared jean, clearly. She was wearing some skinny jeans the other day and she looked much better proportioned.
It's almost as if she's so afraid of middle-aged spread that she's going overboard to avoid it, or else she's not well. Still I say - get it cut and styled to soften those angular, thin features.
I'm uncomfortable with this thread, too much scrutiny of this poor woman who as far as I can see is no better nor worse than the rest of the presenters. Jill seems to come in for a disproportionate amount of criticism.

I know I could just not read the thread but i want to add a bit of balance to the debate. I can't imagine how Jill would be feeling if she's following these posts.
You forget that they chose to put themselves in the public eye, and if they went into it thinking nobody would be critical, they're fools to themselves. Personally, I think they're in it for the money and the glamour so they have to be prepared to take the criticism, too. It's a free forum so everyone is entitled to their opinion, good or bad.
I'll just put my violin down to type this, I have little sympathy for JF or any other presenter who has let their appearance slip to the point that they look unwell. The way she sometimes behaves rightly attracts criticism. Working on TV pays well and affords the presenters many privileges and it comes with drawbacks. Continuos scrutiny and criticism is par for the course. I feel the same about the models too non of them is above comment. I'm sureJF's robust ego will protect her sensitivities if she does deign to read about herself on a random Internet forum. I'm sure she has more important things to do in between Pilates sessions. No one is being unnecessarily mean or cruel, just stating their views. I've read much worse about the model Joy and other presenters.
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I don't need reminding that this is a free forum thank you very much. I want to feel FREE to air my views. I have not singled out any one post for specific condemnation, just said I don't like the tone of the thread.

However by all means carry on bitching, she clearly has put herself up there so she should expect to be shot down.
Well said Eric's Mum your opinions are just as worthy as any others on this Forum. I have often passed comment about some of the presenters but I do feel sometimes it gets a bit OTT. Some of the female presenters could do with a makeover and it seems they do get well paid but I would not want their job as they seem to be under a lot of pressure to sell,sell.sell, hence the screeching and gabbling presentations. I never turn the sound on unless I'm really interested in a certain item and I find I'm watching much less of late.
She is an awful presenter and looks unwell, that's not bitching, that's fact. I know there are other forums were negativity is not allowed or the truth is called bitching but I'm glad to say this isn't one of them.
I guess some people will always take pleasure from putting others down - it makes them feel better about their own imperfections.

Personally, I think Jill is health conscious and will already be aware of any weight concerns she has / doesn't have.

Being in a public facing role does not make someone immune to criticism. They don't have their feelings surgically removed when they take the job - they're only human and deserve the understanding and courtesy we'd show to anyone else... even the title of the thread seems unnecessarily abrupt by referring to her by her surname only.

Why so much venom against Jill?
Well, its a well known fact that tele makes you look HEAVIER by at least 10lb - so if we comment that someone looks very fat or very thin, then in the 'flesh' they will either look not so bad, OR even worse.

We are on a forum that concentrates on shopping channels, so all the products/presenters are fair game.

If it was a forum for news channels, then I for one have a long list of likes/dislikes of various news readers, and no doubt others do - some have no compassion in their voices, others wear stupid ties, most ask the most stupid and inane questions, and so on and so on (I don't particularly 'like' Victoria Derbyshire and much prefer Joanna Gosling doing the BBC morning show, for instance - just as an example)
...wait for the serious back peddle if she turns out to be ill. :mysmilie_11:

There won't be any back peddling from the people that said she looks ill if she's ill because there's nothing malicious about it, it's just an observation. Just because, I for one said she looks unwell, I wouldn't in a million years want her to be. Wether she's ill or not, and I hope she's not, I will stand by the fact that I think she's an awful presenter, no malice meant, just like I said, it's an observation.
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