Forget NY, Paris and's Chiswick Fashion Week!


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Jun 24, 2008
They sent me a code for 3 easy pays but I just used it for the Philosophy OTO. It might be account-specific but worth a try - just enter FASH15 at checkout.
Its just reminded me why I don't buy anymore 'fashion' from QVC (or anything else now for that matter) - bl....dy awful. If its plain with batwing sleeves, shove a visible zip for 'edginess' on it.
Shall we be having the thumpy thumpy techno techno music with the models pretending they're in a Lagerfeld show (let's hope Joy, bless her, doesn't stomp her way round)? Followed by Chuntley simpering on about 'how amazing' the models were.
I caught the end of it. Did Catherine bother to give any sizing information during the show? All I heard was her repeating ad nauseam "gosh it's so busy".
Well I bought nothing, another thing which often infuriates me is the sizing. I don't know how many times I've watched a fashion hour where they say, s, m, l. xl. 2xl and 3xl but not in inches, we all know whether QVC or 'high street' different makes are sized differently, I can take a size 12 in one shop where in another it might be 14, etc - same with qvc why do they only when they remember, give sizes is beyond me - but alas, what am I thinking of, the presenters are too busy gushing, and telling us 'i have this in the blue' to even remember the audience wants proper sizes given out.

I'll stick with New York Fashion Week LoL - every time, and definitely, Milan Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week.
Now it is a well known fact that I cannot abide Chuntley but last night she was beyond sick making.
When she wasn’t having an orgasm over the clothes and the fantastic value (not forgetting the discount on a YK dress, down from £200 to £159.95 which was “OVER £40 savings) she was pleading with us to get our orders in. We just didn’t know how privileged we were to be given the opportunity by Q to get clothes which looked as if they cost thousands for only £200.
And of course she wanted/had everything.
Gushing insincerity – do you know I think I would rather have had DBF barra boy selling – at least I couldn’t have to stop the TV oozing saccharine.
Now it is a well known fact that I cannot abide Chuntley but last night she was beyond sick making.
When she wasn’t having an orgasm over the clothes and the fantastic value (not forgetting the discount on a YK dress, down from £200 to £159.95 which was “OVER £40 savings) she was pleading with us to get our orders in. We just didn’t know how privileged we were to be given the opportunity by Q to get clothes which looked as if they cost thousands for only £200.
And of course she wanted/had everything.
Gushing insincerity – do you know I think I would rather have had DBF barra boy selling – at least I couldn’t have to stop the TV oozing saccharine.

Precisely. She also started crapping on in an over-excited way about how you could buy your Apple products, your Miele products, and then this high-end fashion - all from the comfort of your own home. Even the guest looked a bit embarrassed at this outpouring of Q marketing - 'oh god we're so high-end here, and I'm just so wonderful'. Bloody Chuntley.
I watched for a couple of minutes this morning before going out - Kathy Tayler on with fashion, of course, and whilst I didn't care for what they were flogging (waistcoat with a plain back and fur front), I thought Kathy looked as though she'd lost quite a bit of weight - unless it's my imagination or the telly's on the blink! Kathy was wearing the waistcoat in question, with skinny jeans and black (think ankle-length) boots. Unless it was the outfit? Did anyone else see it and think the same?
Sorry, I can't post anything further tonight as I am going out to a cocktail bar.

Well according to the brand ambassador 8pm fashion show with JF that's the perfect place to wear one of the tops!

As she also does shoes (Skechers I think) I will wear those at the same time.

Sex on the Beach anyone?

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