Foot Cream Recommendations?


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Mar 7, 2009
Need effective foot cream for a pressie, cost irrelevant. Must have easy to remove lid (old person) & preferably not a silly pump applicator like the Liz Earle one (slightly confused & definitely feeble old person), preferably not overly greasy or taking 3 weeks to sink in (wobbly old person).....any ideas?

Oh & (for my conscience!) ideally something skin friendly, not full of cr*p chemicals & kind to bunnies, so Neal's Yard, Burt's Bees, that kind of thing? (I don't really want to compromise my personal thoughts on cruelty free beauty & spend my cash on the very popular l'Occitane one to be honest, so that's off the table really!)

(I personally use whatever I have to hand, body butter/cream/lotion wise & have perfect tootsies but would ideally like a specific foot product for this. Must be skin softening & suitable for dry, cracked skin; thinking worst case scenario here! lol)

Not lazy, done my research, looked at reviews of gawd knows how many on Makeupalley & such like but tend to trust the opinions of peeps on here over total strangers, so any ideas would be great....I do still realise it's a subjective kinda thing of course! :sun:
Flexitol Heel Balm is the best I've tried for cracked heels - apply overnight, wear non-skid socks in case of nocturnal wanderings and Hey Presto! fab footsies like yours in the morning.

The chiropodist I go to says it doesn't matter what you use as long as it has a high percentage of Urea - which I know makes it sound like it's made of pi$$ - but it's the key ingredient, apparently!

Shea butter overrated, imo, avoid like the plague.
Thanks Disenchanted, that's a name that seemed to come up quite a lot when I was researching foot creams, although I initially discounted it because of the non cruelty free aspect of it & the fact that it wasn't 'pretty' enough for a pressie. However, I am not about to start dictating to someone in their 80s what they should or shouldn't be using from a moral point of view, so I will pass the revelant info onto the care home & ask them to get some of it on her behalf......& for a pressie just get her her own weight in Turkish Delight or something! LOL

Shea butter overrated, imo, avoid like the plague.

You're right there, I only tried the l'Occitane hand cream once, years ago, bl**dy stuff absolutely trashed my nails, took an entire year to get them back on track, no more shea for me, from any brand, bunny kind or not! :sad:
I'm a big fan of Aldi's 5% urea hand cream and they do do a foot cream - BUT - you're lucky if you go in and they've actually got some in stock!
You must have read my mind I was just going to post about foot creams as both of my heals are deeply cracked and really sore, I have used the l'Occitane one and the hand cream but they are still cracked and have started bleeding every time I walk now so need to get on top of it soon or I will get an infection.
So thanks I will pop to the chemist and get the Flexitol Heel Balm and see how I get on with it.
Sanctuary from Boots do a good one, in a jar, easy to unscrew and absorbs quickly. I received a Sanctuary gift set last Christmas and it was the one item in the set I`d buy more of.
Sanctuary from Boots do a good one, in a jar, easy to unscrew and absorbs quickly. I received a Sanctuary gift set last Christmas and it was the one item in the set I`d buy more of.

Ta Vienna, to be honest I didn't know they did specific foot products, even though I love Sanctuary stuff myself & am in fact slapping the body butter on my own tootsies just now! :doh:
I like the look of the cream, also the heel balm so will investigate that too! I guess I could get one of everything suggested, after all, you can never have too much foot cream & she's bound to lose at least one of them, or sit on one of them or something......! :giggle:

p.s. If it helps anyone, my secret to lovely tootsies is:

1. Wear Birkenstocks (or similar) for as many months of the year as possible. (I have to, can't walk in much else! lol)

2. Wear only natural fabric socks, even if layering them in winter, (I wear up to 3 pairs as I have Raynauds), preferably with wool of some kind directly next to your skin. (I do put a pair of man made slipper socks over the top sometimes though!)

3. Apply something (anything!), e.g. foot cream, hand cream, body butter, whatever, to tootsies without fail every time you get out of bath/shower & spend time massaging it in, not just slapping it on!

4. Use gentle exfoliator on feet, e.g. Elemis Devil's Mint Scrub, not a harsh one, people are designed to have sturdy tootsies as adults not babies' bum soft ones, so don't go OTT on the softness attaining factor & don't use those horrible scraper/file things on feet, that can't be good for 'em, surely!

I have R.A and find my feet really suffer in the cold weather I never go to bed with out socks on, but it the cracked heals that get really painful.
I will have a look in boots (one of the few high street stores we have) for the sanctuary foot cream.
I have R.A and find my feet really suffer in the cold weather I never go to bed with out socks on, but it the cracked heals that get really painful.
I will have a look in boots (one of the few high street stores we have) for the sanctuary foot cream.

If your feet are really sore, both DD (pathetically sensitive really dry skin & allergic to gawd knows how many things!) & I have used Aveeno hand cream (with colloidal oatmeal) on trashed hands (I have stupidly sensitive hands which spontaneously split open everywhere if I use the wrong kind of soap on them & cause to me to squeal....& swear....quite a bit! lol)) & it didn't sting, even over cuts, so if you're desperate, that could be worth filing away under a 'well, I've tried everything else' category! :nod:
I like to use Baby Bee Multipurpose Ointment (like vaseline without the petroleum) - use it everywhere. Made by Burt Bees - bought it in Boots when on offer!
I must admit one of the best things I ever bought from Q was the Emjoi pedi roller. I get dry hard skin on my heels and had tried all kinds of things,even the dreaded foot scrapers but the Emjoi works a treat and is gentle. It`s a hand held battery operated thing and you put in little rollers which gently sand away the dry skin. Use the coarse roller first and then finish off with the fine one. Its gentle, effective and I use it once a week, though I used it twice a week to begin with. Wouldn`t be without it and I believe Boots sell it now, has great reviews. Your feet need to be perfectly dry and free of all creams or oils or it won`t work on them.
I have R.A and find my feet really suffer in the cold weather I never go to bed with out socks on, but it the cracked heals that get really painful.
I will have a look in boots (one of the few high street stores we have) for the sanctuary foot cream.

Me too Madmax and my medication causes very dry skin. Do try the Flexitol - it's the only thing that worked for me.
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Me too Madmax and my medication causes very dry skin. Do try the Flexitol - it's the only thing that worked for me.

That must be horrible & very frustrating, knowing you can't keep the dry skin totally at bay no matter what you do! :sad:

That Flexitol stuff sounds brilliant though, so many good online reviews for it! :nod:
I've been trying a couple of the SBC gels and, despite my concerns about the alcohol, I must say I'm quite impressed. The moisturising effect lasts considerably longer than many rich creams and lotions and I do like the light texture - not a fan of grease!!

Still searching for the perfect handcream to ward off the split skin on my thumbs each winter........
I've been trying a couple of the SBC gels and, despite my concerns about the alcohol, I must say I'm quite impressed. The moisturising effect lasts considerably longer than many rich creams and lotions and I do like the light texture - not a fan of grease!!

Still searching for the perfect handcream to ward off the split skin on my thumbs each winter........

And me, though I have to say the Aveeno one comes pretty close for me, as it forms a sort of water resistant barrier so you don't have to re-apply it every 5 minutes! I also quite like the Lulu Hand to Hand Combat one & I'm thinking of trying the Neal's Yard Bee Lovely one as I like the sound of that!

My hands have also been a lot better since I discovered the Co-op gentle Hand Wash, one of the few that doesn't split my skin open & it's only around a quid & it's bunny kind too! My hands get on with the LE one & the Elemis Lime & Ginger one as well but they're considerably more expensive than the Co-op one & I go through them much too fast to keep forking out for them! :flower:

p.s. I hate greasy creams too, yuk, yuk & more yuk, nothing worse!
There is a product called "snow fire" which a plasterer recommended to my OH who suffers from split skin on hands in winter. it has a strong smell (like wintergreen) which does wear off.
My husband works outdoors all year round so his hands suffer badly and the skin split around his fingers. Last winter I bought a tube of this cream from a local shop, it cost less than £1 and I didn`t expect it to work but it did. Since then I tracked down the manufacturers and now buy it in bulk for my husband. He uses it all year round now and he says his hands have never been as good for years.
I have to confess to being a bit of a compulsive hand washer which isn't ideal when coupled with very dry and sensitive skin but I'll give that Co-op handwash and the olive oil cream a go.

Perhaps I'll just save my favourite L'Occitane rose soaps for all those long hot, humid summer days when there's more moisture in the air! :giggle:

PS: Have just remembered I used to buy a rose scented handcream by a Dr Hauschka (sp?) that was effective for a few months but then I think the formula changed - hugely expensive too.
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I am always amazed at what you wonderful people on here know, and recommend.
I must be on the same med's as you Disenchanted as I have dry sensitive skin all over and am never without a split around my nails or cracked skin on my hands. I must have spent a fortune on hand creams over the years from £15.00 + a tube to the 99p tubes from the pound shop but have yet to find anything that really works.
So I am going to look up the link Vienna posted and try that, on both my feet and hands as it is a faf to have to use 2 different creams.

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