Fishy forward bids?


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Addicted to bling
Aug 2, 2009
I put in a forward bid on a white gold alexandrite ring last night. It said there was already one forward bid on it and how much it was for. So I placed the next one up. It ended in the early hours of the morning. This morning I get an email to say I was outbid. Fair enough, I thought. However, it's now reappeared in the web games with again one forward bid already on it for the same amount. It seems a bit fishy to me. Do you think they put phantom forward bids on items to try to make you buy it at full price? It wouldn't surprise me. This happened to me before with an item which every time it appeared on a web game had a forward bid on it which I bid on but always lost it. I did eventually win it on about the 4th time of trying, but it was so hideous that I sent it back anyway. :grin:
Hi Greenie, I dont order from the web anymore, the last time, it was a real pallaver, as I paid by debit card, got a confimation email, and my goods were meant to be delivered 4 days later, i waited in all day, and no sign of DPD man, so i rang CS and was told that due to the fact that it had been a price crash weekend DPD were having problems delivering the surge of gems parcels, and i would get it the next day, well it never turned up! and i got a call from cs, saying that they had problems with my debit card - well i checked on my account and the money had already been allocated to gems, but cs wasnt having this, so i had to contact my bank, and then contact gems cs again - any way, having spent nearly all afternoon on the phone to my bank and cs, i finally made contact with a woman at my bank who told me that the money had been been allocated to gems awaiting for them to sanction the payment, but they had not claimed the money within 3 working days, and it would go back into my account - which it did, and i then re-ordered the ring, and had to wait a further 4 days for delivery - had it just under 3 weeks and the stone fell out! so that has put pay to my dealings with ordering via the website. The strange thing is, when i first ordered it, i had a peculiar feeling that i shouldnt have done it! lol I had that yesterday morning too with the TJC website - the ring i had my eye on - was sold out, but it was there the night before, and had been all week long - sometimes i think if you are not meant to have something, gremlins move heaven and earth to cause glitches - or perhaps thats just me - lol xxx
Well Argey I told you to keep your shoes on when you visited me - those feet of yours phew!!

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