Filthy Finger Nails - Shock Horror!!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I LOVE my halogen cooker and am thinking of getting the TSV one so I have a "spare" for when my current one dies.

Watched a bit of the presentation and OMG - the dirt under Jillys nails :angry:

I know false nails tend to hold the dirt but FFS - surely she should have scrubbed them before inflicting such close-ups on us!! :confused:
That woman makes me feel sick with those revolting nails. :puke: She might be a great cook irl but there's no way I could ever eat anything prepared by her as the mental image of them would turn me right off. :puke: I'm surprised QVC haven't told her to do something about them. I hate the look of all false nails anyway but hers are the worst I've seen and the fact that she looks like a witch doesn't help either. :eek:
The only QVC presenter whose false nails look good is Dawn Bibby. I always thought she had natural nails until she mentioned getting them done. She also keeps them and her cuticles looking immaculate.

Re Jilly's nails - must be against health & safety :taphead:.

That woman makes me feel sick with those revolting nails. :puke: She might be a great cook irl but there's no way I could ever eat anything prepared by her as the mental image of them would turn me right off. :puke: I'm surprised QVC haven't told her to do something about them. I hate the look of all false nails anyway but hers are the worst I've seen and the fact that she looks like a witch doesn't help either. :eek:

Couldn`t help laughing at your post`re SO right........ you post is so funny ,
Oh those nails I've commented before I just can't watch them handling food. :puke:
I don't know how she can cook to any degree with those nails, so unhealthy in the kitchen.
I think they depend on the back stage prep kitchen and mention a Jo rather a lot. :talking:
Perhaps the QVC staff know which food they are really safe to eat. :pizza:
I'm no cook so don't really know but Simon Brown does appear much better to me.
The video linked to the product is NOT the QVC presentation in the studio.........

Maybe someone at QVC actually noticed the dirt too.......the close up made it SO obvious, you could actually see the individual BITS caught under the nail :envy:
Pinkpussycat -I'm so glad it's not just me that thinks this guest presenter looks like a witch - she'd be a cinch for the part if they do another show after they've cast Dorothy & Toto!

I've been wondering about a halogen oven - I've been out this morning and just caught the last few minutes of the 11am hour - would any of you out there recommend them, other than SallyMc, can you just heat things as opposed to actually cooking them?

Picking up the point of the fingernails (which I didn't see) I just wish I had some - any advice on how to grow mine would be welcome..have tried everything on the market!
Pinkpussycat -I'm so glad it's not just me that thinks this guest presenter looks like a witch - she'd be a cinch for the part if they do another show after they've cast Dorothy & Toto!

I've been wondering about a halogen oven - I've been out this morning and just caught the last few minutes of the 11am hour - would any of you out there recommend them, other than SallyMc, can you just heat things as opposed to actually cooking them?

Picking up the point of the fingernails (which I didn't see) I just wish I had some - any advice on how to grow mine would be welcome..have tried everything on the market!

I got my halogen from Amazon couple of months ago, and I love it!
It came with all the extra's included, which on QVC are to be ordered separately, like the lid stand.
The halogen oven heats up very quickly and my dishes (chicken, baked potatoes, pasta, roast veggies..) taste great.
This was the one I got
Picking up the point of the fingernails (which I didn't see) I just wish I had some - any advice on how to grow mine would be welcome..have tried everything on the market!

I'm guessing you've tried ProStrong? That worked wonders for me, I really didn't get on with the OPI two-coats-of-Nail-Envy-then-one-every-other-day scenario, yuk. Haven't needed it for a few years as my nails seem fine and I don't know whether the formulations have changed as they are apt to do but I do find my Leighton Denny nail file is invaluable, am sure my use of that together with Nails Inc acetone-free remover has helped as I'm not doing any damage with the routine maintenance stuff...hope this helps a bit x
Thanks Art Deco...yep, tried Pro Strong and it worked to a my nails did make it to the ends of my fingers and then bingo, they all broke again! I'm a sucker for nail products and I've tried so many things, high end down to cheap high street products, but nothing has really helped...I'm 63 this year and never in my life had nice finger nails, boo hoo, and I would love to be able to wear nail varnish - it just doesn't look right on my stubby efforts! My daughter has the Leighton Denny files and I borrowed those and used them exclusively to see if they would help, but no. My nails often break at the sides right down where they're still joined to my finger - ouch!
I got my halogen from Amazon couple of months ago, and I love it!
It came with all the extra's included, which on QVC are to be ordered separately, like the lid stand.
The halogen oven heats up very quickly and my dishes (chicken, baked potatoes, pasta, roast veggies..) taste great.
This was the one I got

Thanks Tia...very helpful, just been having a look at the Amazon one via your link..having a good think about it now!
Another thumbsup from me too Busymum for the Halogen oven. Since buying mine, shortly after Tia, I haven't used my normal ovens at all.
Filthy Finger Nails - Shock Horror!

I think this is the worst food demonstration I have ever seen! the same basic foods in each programme, and not a word about how long the cooking time should be or at what temp. there are some recipes on th QVC website, pretty basic, and a chart for cooking times, but it is so basic, it does not give times for different weights.

I am interested in using this to cook a whole meal, but not seen that explained at all.

I have this on cheque hold but am wondering whether the ones on Amazon would be a better buy. faster delivery, for sure.

the jacket potatoes look overcooked. Yuk. I am sure this is useful if I only knew the best way of using it.
I have this on cheque hold but am wondering whether the ones on Amazon would be a better buy.

The one on Amazon is 12-litres whereas the TSV is only 7! QVC's 12-litre model is the best part of £80 delivered :eek:

I see that Amazon also do a dinky 3.5-litre one :)

Re Jilly - a month or two ago I got the distinct impression she'd cut 1mm off her nails and toned down the colour of her hair by 0.1% - "she's getting ready to plunge into looking human", I thought... but no :(

Filthy Finger Nails - Shock Horror!

Thanks for the advice to look on Amazon. Definitely a bettter deal IMO. The Amazon ones are 1000w+ whereas I would think the QVC one would be underpowered at 800W. A couple on Amazon also boil and steam, which I would like, so going for one of those.
I can't watch this woman present anything,her appearance is too disquieting.She has looked witch-y from day one and I'm pretty sure she's has a nose job in the last few years and still,she looks.....erm....

And don't get me started on those spades she calls fingernails.


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