Fashion Expert


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I have heard Genevieve choose items for different size ranges and body shapes. She gives great advice on how to wear certain items and I have found her tips for plus sizes like myself to be helpful. Glen never did this and thats where he showed his inexperience.
Just nice to have a woman relate to the clothes and seeing them worn by the expert in differnet ways is a plus.
Shes no Gok but then again I would find him patronising.
I was surprised to see a blog from Glen Campbell, I thought he had left QVC :thinking:
I was surprised to see a blog from Glen Campbell, I thought he had left QVC :thinking:

Me too! :confused: Someone must have heard wrong......OH! NO! I don't watch many fashion hours, but he ruins the shoe and handbag presentations with his inane waffling :sad:

Genevieve Redmond has been styling (apparently) some of the fashion shows for a while. She also appears as a panelist in this country on a talk show, which covers politics, currents affairs etc. They don't do fashion! I have always been a bit puzzled by the role of these experts. I only take seriously the ones that actually are employed by the brand, ie Caroline Archer from Liz Earle or Paul thingy from Bobbi Brown. I get irritated by young wanabees brought on to flog designer handbags. We used to have dotty lottie on promoting KVZ bags, now I see she is bouncing around as a presenter on that other unmentionable fleapit of a shopping channel which I hate with a passion. And whats with the ladies who are on selling beauty gadgets? They pop up demonstrating so many different things, I am sure one of them used to be on Blue Peter many years ago., either that or another childrens programme. The fashion show experts take the biscuit though, still I suppose it is better than having to listen to AY giving fashion tips during the beauty hours, when she just cannot get it right herself. It sets my teeth on edge.
Most of them are not "experts" they are actors hired by either QVC or the companies to flog their wares. Genevieve I understand is actually a professional actress paid to play the part of a "fashion expert" on QVC.

Whatever you think of Glen Campbell, and lets be honest he does talk some rubbish at times, he does at least have a background in fashion-or at least thats my understanding. QVC wouldnt be able to get a "real" expert on to flog the so called fashion they sell unless they were really desperate for work so I dont know why they bother much better to just give full information on size fabric care and get some models who are actually like real women and not stick thin to wear it
GLENS only background in fashion is that many moons ago he ran a clothes shop in a run down part of Leeds, I worked many moons ago as a Saturday Girl on the the No7 counter in Boots, so presumable I can ascertain to the dizzy heights of being a beauty expert lol
GLENS only background in fashion is that many moons ago he ran a clothes shop in a run down part of Leeds, I worked many moons ago as a Saturday Girl on the the No7 counter in Boots, so presumable I can ascertain to the dizzy heights of being a beauty expert lol

Didn't he used to be on This Morning?
GLENS only background in fashion is that many moons ago he ran a clothes shop in a run down part of Leeds, I worked many moons ago as a Saturday Girl on the the No7 counter in Boots, so presumable I can ascertain to the dizzy heights of being a beauty expert lol

He has worked on other TV shows as a stylist though OK he might not make much sense some tiimes and does spout some rubbish but I guess what I was trying to say is that there is a world of difference between being an "expert" and an actor being paid to sell a product.

I am sure most of us on here could sit up there and suggest ways of wearing things but that doesnt make us experts. I am not saying Glen is any better than any of the other so called experts just that he does have experience of putting outfits together and doesnt have a background in acting. An actor can make you believe in a character they are portraying be it a mass murderer in a TV programme or a so called fashion expert.

You would never get a real stylist working on QVC in order to really style someone they need to be able to access all sorts of items from all sorts of different manufacturers and the way QVC sell is too have hours dedicated to certain manufacturers. Maybe they could have shows where a stylist picked out complete outfits using stuff from any of the brands they stock now that could be interesting

I would rather if they are going to have dedicated brand hours that they just gave the correct information and had real women modelling the stuff they sell than have to listen to someone calling themselves a stylist rabbit on about how to wear something I can get that information by looking at magazines etc. What I want to know when I am buying clothes is will it fit me? how easy is it to look after? and will it suit my 5 foot somewhat rounded body:giggle:
And tell Tiana B to add at least 4inches to the hemline, if only for Joy's sake, she is a fab model poorly dressed, literally, on these hours.
I have been a fan of QVC for quite a while and I enjoy the beauty and Fashion programmes. Some of the fashion is not to my taste but none I find offensive.

I have to say that I like both Glen and Genevieve and that Glen especially gets a rough deal on this forum.

Genevieve has been a stylist for 10 years and has been with QVC on the Casual & Co programmes for a long time, it was also mentioned that she styles the shows behind the scenes and is a fashion writer.

Glen has been working as a fashion expert for 20 years and appeared on This Morning a while back as a fashion expert, he also appears on TV in the midlands.

Glen seems like such a gentleman and Genevieve knows her stuff.

Just my perspective I know.

ps: Glad to have taken the plunge and joined in the conversation.
HI NikkiJ and a v warm welcome. I'm glad you took the plunge to join in and everyone is entitled to say how they feel. Mostly the "fashion experts" make me chuckle, they have to show a creative side with very limited resources, but the cliches do get a bit wearing...(oooh punny!)

Jude xx :wink:
Hi Nikkij :mysmilie_357:
You will enjoy your time on here. I lurked for ages before taking the plunge. :hi:
GLENS only background in fashion is that many moons ago he ran a clothes shop in a run down part of Leeds, I worked many moons ago as a Saturday Girl on the the No7 counter in Boots, so presumable I can ascertain to the dizzy heights of being a beauty expert lol

not correct. glen was a presenter on Yorkshire TV's own fashion programme (a regional version of the clothes show) and that must have been at least 20 years ago. he then went on to national tv in various programmes.
regardless of whether people like him or his opinions, he does have a strong fashion background.
not correct. glen was a presenter on Yorkshire TV's own fashion programme (a regional version of the clothes show) and that must have been at least 20 years ago. he then went on to national tv in various programmes.
regardless of whether people like him or his opinions, he does have a strong fashion background.

my point was that was how Glen started out, and yes I am aware he was Calenders own fashion show BUT he was in the right place at the right time, he has no formal qualifications in the fashion industry what o ever,but he dropped on his feet, and I say fair s fair who else wouldnt have done the same in his shoes

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