Facebook Post & Reply re Jill Franks


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Dippy One

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Someone on the QVC FB page posted that she'd sent an email complaining about Jill Franks stating that she uses this brand and then rhe next week she'll be in love with another brand and so on and so on. This is the reply that was sent back to her.

"Remember my post regarding Jill Franks using products etc. Here's their reply via email:
Thanks for your post on our Facebook page.
We appreciate the point you raised about the comments that can be given on air by our presenters and just wanted to take the opportunity to explain further.
We do encourage all of ...our presenters use the products they demonstrate. This is so that they can give our viewers a more personal opinion and share their experiences of using a product. And like many customers, presenters do change their minds or like to try different ranges. Our presenter Jill is often very excited by the different products she uses and she expresses this quite overtly on air. We have discussed this with Jill as we know our customers rely on our presenters for their honest views of a product. Jill's intention is never to mislead our customers in any way and she will be more mindful of the impression she gives in the future.
I hope you find this information helpful and reassuring. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
Best wishes
Customer Focus Team".

Hmmm Lets see what happens with her....
wow! great to get a reply like that from QVC.... i'm sure Jill will reign it in for her future presentations.

thanks for being so enthusiastic Jill! :rock:
Someone on the QVC FB page posted that she'd sent an email complaining about Jill Franks stating that she uses this brand and then rhe next week she'll be in love with another brand and so on and so on. This is the reply that was sent back to her.

"Remember my post regarding Jill Franks using products etc. Here's their reply via email:
Thanks for your post on our Facebook page.
We appreciate the point you raised about the comments that can be given on air by our presenters and just wanted to take the opportunity to explain further.
We do encourage all of ...our presenters use the products they demonstrate. This is so that they can give our viewers a more personal opinion and share their experiences of using a product. And like many customers, presenters do change their minds or like to try different ranges. Our presenter Jill is often very excited by the different products she uses and she expresses this quite overtly on air. We have discussed this with Jill as we know our customers rely on our presenters for their honest views of a product. Jill's intention is never to mislead our customers in any way and she will be more mindful of the impression she gives in the future.
I hope you find this information helpful and reassuring. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
Best wishes
Customer Focus Team".

Hmmm Lets see what happens with her....

In other words, it sounds like Jill has had a telling off and QVC want to make it clear that they're not happy with her opinions at times. I'm gobsmacked actually, I thought they would have stuck up for their employee.
I rarely lose my rag (never have done so on here), but this has really angered and saddened me.

I can't believe how anyone could actually complain about this to JF's employer - for goodness sake what has she done that is so wrong that she needs a "telling off" from the bosses ?

There's a world of difference between having a bit of laugh and whinge on forums about the presenters' on-screen foibles, but to actually take it further into "real life" and hurt anyone or jeopardise their job is unforgiveable.

I can only assume that the complainant is absolutely perfect in all respects but at the same time is completely incapable of making their own decisions and is confused and angered by all the on-screen banter and chat, to the point that it becomes their personal "crusade" to change it.

I've got enough about me to make my own decisions on what to buy, depending on the facts given by the presenter, guest and website, not on personal views from presenter or model. If the facts are wrong or thin on the ground then I would complain, or do more research and then buy elsewhere .

Foolishly I had assumed that it's the directors/producers in the gallery that control what happens on air, to ensure a balanced, factual and honest presentation of each product. I do hope they are also disciplined for their failures.

I really dislike the presenting styles of several presenters but I'm always being told on this forum that I can change channels it's a shame that some people don't take their own advice.

Right, let's draw straws for which of us will have the honour of formally complaining about the other presenters:

Craig - for being such a stupid pratt with his dancing, prancing, preening and gurning, and for being a persistent liar about the number of QVC products he has in his mansion. He really distracts me from the products and they lose my sale every time.

Dale and Simon - for their patronising and condescending insincerity which gets in the way of the odd fact that they might accidently throw our way despite their best efforts.

Julia - her persistence in telling us how tiny she is and what size she wears, to the point where she confuses me about what size I need.

Richard Jackson - for omitting to mention that lily pollen is fatal to cats

Lulu - for telling outright lies that her youthful looks are down to the efficacy of her time bomb products. Methinks a complaint to Trading Standards is in order.

Alison Young - for condoning the above
I know I started the thread but I too think the woman who emailed QVC was so stupid. So what if JF constantly tells fibs , if we all complained about presenters fibs we'd never be off the phones. As Rene in Allo Allo said "You stupid woman".....
Two weeks ago Jill was raving to Liz Earle that all the recent compliments about her hair were down to her using the new LE hair products. This week she was pretty much saying the same thing to Philip Kingsley. I remember thinking at the time that someone would pick up on this and probably mention it in this forum, but to complain to her employers is spiteful and petty.
Some people really need to get a grip on reality, Jill Franks may gush about how wonderful whatever product she is selling at the time but what sales person doesnt? If you dont have the nouce to tell the difference between sales patter and the facts about the product then you shouldnt be watching shopping TV.

There are far more important things going on this country to complain about than the antics of a shopping channel presenter
Some people really need to get a grip on reality, Jill Franks may gush about how wonderful whatever product she is selling at the time but what sales person doesnt? If you dont have the nouce to tell the difference between sales patter and the facts about the product then you shouldnt be watching shopping TV.

There are far more important things going on this country to complain about than the antics of a shopping channel presenter

Agree, we may have a winge from time to time along the same lines, but the company/ products would not be very happy if the presenter was lukewarm about their goodies.I have thought that they should allocate certain presenters to ranges that they truly love & use but this wouldn't really be practical.Things reallt get on mt **** from time to time but would never take it as far as complaining to QVC. Endorse Delh, there are more important things to concern us.
I agree that it was a bit much of someone to actually complain to Jill's bosses but I do hope this has made her (and other presenters) realise that if they keep telling lies, sooner or later we are going to pick up on this. Of course, all they want is the sale at all costs, but we as customers deserve a bit more respect.
I was like JF for 10 years in terms of loving all skincare prducts until I tried and loved Liz Earle skincare from September last year. I told my friends about the range which they now use but my friend's Mom uses Elemis as she didn't like LE products because they didn't suit her skin but did she phone me and ask for me to be hung drawn and quartered NO she never... They are sales people for crying out loud.

Someone did pull her up about it and said "Well don't we all chop and change products , so why shouldn't the presenters" the complainee replied with this " the fact is, is that a week ago I heard Jill say she had used a Liz Earle shampoo EXCLUSIVELY then within the week said the same about another brand of shampoo. I chop and change all the time, and appreciate that they have to try various products. My concern was of CREDIBILITY and possible breeches of the advertising standards. QVC have now responded." Think she should sort out her spelling (no I'm not being nasty) before complaining about something so trivial.
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What is classed as advertising puff is allowed anything more isn't so I'm assuming this might have happened in this instance. It's a shame the follow up actions were done publically but it might have been done with one eye towards the regulator?
What a spiteful thing to do & what a sad individual that person must be to have done that. Totally gobsmacked with the reply QVC gave back. I do also wonder if JF has had a wrist slap

Shes not one of my favouriteds admittedly but that was way OTT to do that. I think she does to need to reign in a bit because she sends out mixed messages.
But if Jill Franks was misleading people why is it spiteful and sad for someone to object to it?
I don't see how we can ever really know what any of the presenters really use on a day to day basis but they are given the product to try and it is their job to wax lyrical and sell, what ever brand it is. It's the same in department stores. Every assistant behind every beauty counter will tell you that their products are the best and they use nothing else but how can we really know.
Very true but the QVC presenters are not reresentatives of the the product so they need to be more impartial. No one expects them to turn around and say something is rubbish but to give glowing recommendations which are untruthful shouldn't be expected either. If the presenters are doing their job properly they should be acting like the customer would in a shop and ask relevent questions of the sales rep to allow the customer to make a more informed choice.
I used to know someone many years ago who worked on the Dior counter in Lewis's in Liverpool,she spent every day advising her customers on the skincare and make up products she was selling.She herself bought all her own skincare and make up from the nearby Kanebo counter.
What I don't understand is why a member of the public felt they had to complain in the first place. A juggernaut like QVC should be on top of every little thing. Their products and presentations are everything to them and I think they are quite lax in quality control and what presenters are allowed to say (and wear...!). Too sloppy too often.
I used to know someone many years ago who worked on the Dior counter in Lewis's in Liverpool,she spent every day advising her customers on the skincare and make up products she was selling.She herself bought all her own skincare and make up from the nearby Kanebo counter.

Yes I have a friend who used to work Givenchy but hate their foundation, only used Kanebo.

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