Ex QVC Presenters on the radio!


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Jun 18, 2012
Having had my laptop stolen when my house was burgled just over 2 weeks ago I turned to the radio as that was one of the few things the thieves didn't take :(
Only just got new laptop from Argos so am back online!
Who should be presenting the news on BBC London 94.9? Anna "scratchy voice" Cookson! And who sometimes reads the news on LBC 97.3? Glenn Thompsett! - he actually has a very good voice for the news. Sounds a bit like Howard Hughes who used to present on there some years ago!
Awww sorry you got burgled Julius, glad to have you back :mysmilie_59:
Thank you. I'm just glad I wasn't home asleep when they broke in. I dread to think what could have happened. I won't let it get me down. Just have to pick up the pieces and move on. I bought some big blocks of household soap and scrubbed the place until my hands were raw. Not content with smashing the place in bits they took my laptop and my empty wallet amongst other things. I didn't even have that much anyway. The police were worse than useless. I know people have had worse experiences than me. I just found the whole thing such a violation. Am going to step up security.
So sorry to hear about your burglary, just wanted to send you a "hug" x

Thank you for your kind wishes. I am going to write an article in the Hendon and Finchley Press about the whole experience. Something is seriously wrong with the police and the way they just don't give a damn.
My sympathy Julius. When I was a student I was burgled when I was alone in the student house. A small person climbed in through my downstairs bedroom window. Fortunately I was in the living room watching telly and they scarpered when they heard me saying "hello hello?" when I heard a noise.I lost my CD's and stereo, not much else. But I was terrified and yes...you feel violated. West Midlands police were really good though and in the days before mobile phones being commonplace they actually drove round to my then boyfriend's house and got him to come round to help me. It was funny when the police knocked on his door it is possible that some of his house mates were smoking something they shouldn't have been......but got away with it. My ex boyfriend borrowed his mate's Raleigh chopper (??) and cycled to my house. I thought that was a really nice of them to do for me. I am sorry to hear that your experience was so different. It does not matter that you may not have much, but what you have is yours and nobody has the right to take it.
So sorry to hear you were burgled Julius, it's such a horrible feeling. If you can I would recommend getting yourself a dog. Not only are they great company and a reassurance after something like this has happened but often a barking dog is the difference between burglars choosing your house or giving it a miss. I know our dog stopped at least one burglar by barking loudly. he was as soft as anything but sounded scary in the dark!
So sorry Julius about your trauma.

Two weeks ago my immediate neighbour had intruders break in and took her handbag and mobile - she and her chap were asleep upstairs !!! Then the bastards had the cheek to try jemmying open the other neighbours front door, they were disturbed and scarpered. I've already had a locksmith upgrade my security.

I can testify what you say about the police - they may do a good job in some areas, but they were called to this break-in at 3.30 am, and they ARRIVED at 8.45 am !!!!! blaming cutbacks and staff shortages. I swear if we had mentioned holding them at gunpoint, there would have been helicopters and police from 3 forces swooping on our little village within 10 minutes !!!!!

I won't say who was 'allegedly' to blame for the robbery, as I would be deemed politically incorrect, but they are known as a group of people who don't generally stay-put in one place.
My sympathy Julius. When I was a student I was burgled when I was alone in the student house. A small person climbed in through my downstairs bedroom window. Fortunately I was in the living room watching telly and they scarpered when they heard me saying "hello hello?" when I heard a noise.I lost my CD's and stereo, not much else. But I was terrified and yes...you feel violated. West Midlands police were really good though and in the days before mobile phones being commonplace they actually drove round to my then boyfriend's house and got him to come round to help me. It was funny when the police knocked on his door it is possible that some of his house mates were smoking something they shouldn't have been......but got away with it. My ex boyfriend borrowed his mate's Raleigh chopper (??) and cycled to my house. I thought that was a really nice of them to do for me. I am sorry to hear that your experience was so different. It does not matter that you may not have much, but what you have is yours and nobody has the right to take it.

Gosh! That must have been terrifying, being there when they got in! Sometimes on Tuesdays (my day off) I would have been asleep or resting. Luckily I went out for the day. I didn't much relish having to try and sleep with my bike barricading the door to prevent any intruders regaining access. Could hardly sleep except for a couple of hours due to exhaustion. Whole door / lock was ruined and splintered. I am lucky to be young and reasonably fit. I think it would have been worse for an elderly person living on their own. It's not a nice thing to happen. The policeman who came round said: "Well there's a lot of people out there desperate for money, without a job!" I told him to get out!
So sorry Julius about your trauma.

Two weeks ago my immediate neighbour had intruders break in and took her handbag and mobile - she and her chap were asleep upstairs !!! Then the bastards had the cheek to try jemmying open the other neighbours front door, they were disturbed and scarpered. I've already had a locksmith upgrade my security.

I can testify what you say about the police - they may do a good job in some areas, but they were called to this break-in at 3.30 am, and they ARRIVED at 8.45 am !!!!! blaming cutbacks and staff shortages. I swear if we had mentioned holding them at gunpoint, there would have been helicopters and police from 3 forces swooping on our little village within 10 minutes !!!!!

I won't say who was 'allegedly' to blame for the robbery, as I would be deemed politically incorrect, but they are known as a group of people who don't generally stay-put in one place.

It was probably gypsies, or "travellers" as I believe they often like to be known. I don't like the term "traveller." I am a traveller when I go on holiday. I am not a person of no fixed abode who goes robbing and stealing from people. I am sure there are good and bad gypsies and I don't have anything in particular against people moving around, but I don't like people who rob and thieve and don't contribute anything to society. About 8 years ago a gypsy drove into the back of my car when I was stationary at the traffic lights! He gave false details and although I managed to trace him to a campsite in Heathfield, the Police just dropped the case. I grew up in Lithuania where are a number of what we call "cigonai." They claim to have magical powers for fortune-telling and other such nonsense!
Brissles contact your local locksmith and get them to fit a "London bar" or a Birmingham bar. It's like a metal strong strip that stops them from jemmying the door. The locksmith fitted on here. It reinforces the frame and is very effective and costs relatively little money.
So sorry to hear you were burgled Julius, it's such a horrible feeling. If you can I would recommend getting yourself a dog. Not only are they great company and a reassurance after something like this has happened but often a barking dog is the difference between burglars choosing your house or giving it a miss. I know our dog stopped at least one burglar by barking loudly. he was as soft as anything but sounded scary in the dark!

I would like to have a dog, but am often not around much as I work long hours. The locksmith who came out was very helpful. He fitted everything and said I have 30 days to pay the bill. Sadly I didn't have insurance. I didn't renew it as I was trying to save a bit of money. In my flat back home I have what is called a "sarvuotas durys," a kind of safe -type door that locks in several places. They are very popular in Lithuania but here nobody seems to have them. The only time I saw such a door here was when I was looking for a new flat and visited one owned by a Lithuanian landlady!
I know exactly how you feel, we were burgled on Boxing night whilst we were out. Even though it was 21 years ago the feeling never leaves you.
sorry to hear that mr Julius

apparently my house was burgled on the night of my birth lol, I know I shouldn't laugh but what are the chances.
Oh Julius what a horrible experience for you! I can only imagine how you must feel. Please make sure you are nice and secure - biggest hugs xox
How awful for you, Julius. Our house is now like Fort Knox, but it's not possible to guard against everything, so my sympathies for what was a horrible experience.
Julius, what an awful thing to happen. I totally understand the feeling of being violated. My daughters house was burgles a few years ago. She was downstairs watching an early evening programme with her eldest son ( about eight years old). Her youngest (5years) was upstairs in bed. She heard her youngest say 'who are you' and a voice say 'go back to bed'. She then called up 'who's in my house'. Yeh I know rather silly, but she said she couldn't think what to say. Anyway, needless to say the guy ran, broke her bedroom window to get back out taking her two jewellery boxes with him. The only thing of any value he got was a tiny silver elephant charm necklace her grandfather had bought her when she was four years old. She was and still is devastated by it. Her youngest had to have councelling help because he wouldn't go upstairs!

These people have no morals, care, or thought of the damage they do to people and it makes me so angry that the police only over platitudes. I know times are hard but surely breaking the law is breaking the law regardless of the so called severity!

Sorry, rant over. This is a bit of a pet subject for me.

Julius, I know it is really hard, but you have to move on and make your self as safe as possible.
Glenn Thompsett always reminds me of Smashy & Nicey. As does the guy with white hair who does those hair-fibres-to-cover-your bald-patch infomercials. (trying to remember his name)
That's sad to hear Julius.
I have never been burgled (touch wood).
I live on my own and cant imagine what it would do to me mentally.
I have a small safe - you can get them for about £30 from argos - that I drop important documents and stuff into. I would recommend it for piece of mind. Mine is attached to the floor in my understairs cupboard.
Stay strong!
Glenn Thompsett always reminds me of Smashy & Nicey. As does the guy with white hair who does those hair-fibres-to-cover-your bald-patch infomercials. (trying to remember his name)

I know what you mean!

I remember Glenn mostly as one of the continuity announcers for LWT, I think he did that for donkeys years.

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