Everyone in the operating theatre can smell me....*giggle*


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Jun 24, 2008
so says Tova fan "barbara" who is a theatre nurse and apparently has every fragrance that Tova has ever put her name to.

"even if i wear a different one people still know its me...*giggle*"

i bet they do babs luv. it will be a case of "jesus christ, barbara has been piling it on again" *wafts hand in front of nose*

look, the only thing i want to smell in an operating theatre is the faint whiff of disinfectant. i would NOT be happy drifting off to the land of nod with the smell of Tova's armits in my nostrils.

its an old cliche, but its true to say that if other people can smell your fragrance without being VERY close to you, you either have too much on or its nasty cheap perfum... (sorry "urrrgh dur paaafun" as Tova thinks it's pronounced). either way, not pleasant.
Surely heavy perfume is a big no no for hospital staff - especially theatre staff. In that situation give me carbolic any day.
Blimey, perhaps the NHS are saving on anaesthetics by getting the nurses to wear 'knock out' perfumes.:eek:
its an old cliche, but its true to say that if other people can smell your fragrance without being VERY close to you, you either have too much on or its nasty cheap perfum... (sorry "urrrgh dur paaafun" as Tova thinks it's pronounced). either way, not pleasant.

Very true ... some lady was sitting THREE seats ahead of me on the bus yesterday and I could smell her perfume (know it was her cos she got on in front of me and I deliberately went as far back as I could but rest of seats were full). Dunno what it was but I felt like I was choking with it. Was glad when she got off.
Very true ... some lady was sitting THREE seats ahead of me on the bus yesterday and I could smell her perfume (know it was her cos she got on in front of me and I deliberately went as far back as I could but rest of seats were full). Dunno what it was but I felt like I was choking with it. Was glad when she got off.

The old ladies by me normally wear "Eau de mothballs !" :sad: :flower:
LOL well said BurlyBear! I was thinking the same thing, listening in horror as she spoke. She was talking about getting things prepared for that day's surgery and the surgeons coming in... I'll bet they draw straws by their lockers as they change into their scrubs, and the ones who draw the short straw get Babs as part of their crew.
or, since in reality they are probably not allowed to wear perfume in the operating theatre (as Snuffles suggests), maybe it's like that scene in 'The Royle Family' where Mary says she's a teacher and Barbara reminds her she's actually a dinnerlady... Babs is actually a cleaner and not a theatre nurse! (All that Tova has given her delusions of grandeur... ).
so says Tova fan "barbara" who is a theatre nurse and apparently has every fragrance that Tova has ever put her name to.

"even if i wear a different one people still know its me...*giggle*"

i bet they do babs luv. it will be a case of "jesus christ, barbara has been piling it on again" *wafts hand in front of nose*

look, the only thing i want to smell in an operating theatre is the faint whiff of disinfectant. i would NOT be happy drifting off to the land of nod with the smell of Tova's armits in my nostrils.

its an old cliche, but its true to say that if other people can smell your fragrance without being VERY close to you, you either have too much on or its nasty cheap perfum... (sorry "urrrgh dur paaafun" as Tova thinks it's pronounced). either way, not pleasant.

Well!!! if I fart everyone in my office can smell me..what does that prove, that I have the same effect as Tova LOL
I would be very surprised if theatre staff are allowed to wear perfume particularly at the strength Babs was boasting about. A surgeon needs to be able to use all their senses including smell in the operating theatre, not too mention it is not a good idea for their eyes to be watering from the Tova fumes while they are working on a patient.

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