Erm, is she drunk....?


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I often get the impression that she is more tuned in to what is going on in the gallery rather than doing what she is paid to do. she seems to frequently be smirking at some joke that only she is privy to . I find her very self centered in her presenting style: "those of you who know me know that I love bags\pink\girly stuff\make up (delete as applicable). Well I don't give a stuff what Jill likes, her job is to accurately describe the item on air yet this seems to be .too much of a challenge for her.
I often get the impression that she is more tuned in to what is going on in the gallery rather than doing what she is paid to do. she seems to frequently be smirking at some joke that only she is privy to . I find her very self centered in her presenting style: "those of you who know me know that I love bags\pink\girly stuff\make up (delete as applicable). Well I don't give a stuff what Jill likes, her job is to accurately describe the item on air yet this seems to be .too much of a challenge for her.

Couldn't agree more. She went too far and needs to get a grip and so does the gallery. It was so excruciating I had to switch off. To make matters worse IMO she seems to think these antics are endearingly cute and funny - all part of her "girly" persona. They're not. Get over yourself.
I didn't see the George Simonton show but I wonder what he made of JF's antics. I did see her flirty behaviour (that's really the only way I can describe her giddy antics) with Ken Paves and it made me cringe. That's twice I've seen her on with Ken and she seems more interested in flirting with him than doing the job she's paid to do. She has been overexposed on the channel recently and it feels like every time I turn on there she is... talking about herself, what she likes, what she wears, what she bought her girlfriends, what she said to her girlfriends - as if we're interested. Sorry, maybe some people are. At the end of the day there are plenty of presenters on other channels who could do a much more professional job.
I didn't see the George Simonton show but I wonder what he made of JF's antics. I did see her flirty behaviour (that's really the only way I can describe her giddy antics) with Ken Paves and it made me cringe. That's twice I've seen her on with Ken and she seems more interested in flirting with him than doing the job she's paid to do. She has been overexposed on the channel recently and it feels like every time I turn on there she is... talking about herself, what she likes, what she wears, what she bought her girlfriends, what she said to her girlfriends - as if we're interested. Sorry, maybe some people are. At the end of the day there are plenty of presenters on other channels who could do a much more professional job.

When I first started watching QVC i'm sure she just used to do the keep fit shows,maybe she go back to doing just that.
Can't stand the woman and that incident with the shaky hand is childish and a form of bully type behaviour.and why is she on all the time? as soon as I see it's her again I switch off, surely that can't be what qvc wants--us all switching off.
Can't stand the woman and that incident with the shaky hand is childish and a form of bully type behaviour.and why is she on all the time? as soon as I see it's her again I switch off, surely that can't be what qvc wants--us all switching off.

Sitting next to the chap as well, a power tripper. :taphead:

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