Elemis TSV Sunday 29th of August


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The problem with this special treatment i.e. the pre-order email is that it makes the people who didn't get the email feel like they are classed as less-valued customers. This TSV isn't for me but I feel like QVC think other customers are more important than me so it makes me think I would prefer to spend my money elsewhere!

I can appreciate that, but the flip side is that customers like me who have bought every Elemis TSV for ages who received the e mail are able to buy the TSV if they wont be in this weekend and given that it is a Bank Holiday weekend and the last weekend of the school holidays chances are that a fair few viewers wont be at home

We of course dont know how QVC have chosen which customers to send the pre order email to and it could be totally random in which case I can more easily understand why people who are regular Elemis customers would be peeved.

I would for instance not give two hoots if they did a similar thing with say a Philosophy or Gatineau TSV and I didnt get the email, I dont buy those ranges and wouldn't feel that I was less valued as a customer.

If QVC are using it as a marketing tool which seems probable then targeting those customers whose purchase history shows they are likely to buy the TSV makes business sense given the bank holiday etc. it would mean that they may "catch" purchases from people who if they hadnt sent the email would not have been able to purchase.

I certainly dont feel as if I have had special treatment I just think QVC know from my purchase history that I would be buying the TSV and are hedging their bets on my being away this weekend so getting me to order it early which means they dont miss out on any purchases.Its just them maximising their profits not giving preferential treatment to particular customers, the same as when they send out the samples (which I never seem to get:thinking:) its just a marketing ploy
The problem with this special treatment i.e. the pre-order email is that it makes the people who didn't get the email feel like they are classed as less-valued customers. This TSV isn't for me but I feel like QVC think other customers are more important than me so it makes me think I would prefer to spend my money elsewhere!

Totally agree with you. I was dithering about whether to buy this, and probably would have weakened tomorrow, but I didn't get any email, or a sample so they can bugger off. I won't be buying. I think it's completely unfair the way QVC treat their customers sometimes
Well I got a sample today in the post. Why do QVC leave it so late to send these out? It doesn't give you much time to trial it before the launch.
QVC America have the Elemis full size new eye cream with a free absolute eye mask and on 3 easy pay. I wonder if we'll get that tomorrow?
I got the eye cream sample but no email thingy. I do buy Elemis but will not be getting the TSV unless it is on easy pay, which apparently is not going to happen. Actually Easy Pay is about the only thing that QVC do that sets them apart from the competition in a positive way. I can appreciate that it might tempt people to over spend but I have found it useful in the past and it has swung it when I have been dithering a bit.
Oh dear. It is really kicking off over on Face book about the whole pre ordering thing. A lot of very unhappy people, some saying they will be taking their custom elsewhere. Others demanding that we should get easy pay to make up for being treated like second class customers. But of course QVC are not answering the questions. Poor Keeley seems to be getting it and she said she would be asking questions at QVC when she arrived today.

I am in two minds about buying the TSV, really wanted easy pay. But then by midnight I will have a few glasses of Shiraz Rose in me so who knows?
Oh dear. It is really kicking off over on Face book about the whole pre ordering thing. A lot of very unhappy people, some saying they will be taking their custom elsewhere. Others demanding that we should get easy pay to make up for being treated like second class customers. But of course QVC are not answering the questions. Poor Keeley seems to be getting it and she said she would be asking questions at QVC when she arrived today.

I am in two minds about buying the TSV, really wanted easy pay. But then by midnight I will have a few glasses of Shiraz Rose in me so who knows?

QVC only seem to work office hours when it comes to replying on Facebook. They seem to having problems over there what with this and the uproar over the handbag competition the other day.
QVC only seem to work office hours when it comes to replying on Facebook. They seem to having problems over there what with this and the uproar over the handbag competition the other day.

BB what's the handbag controversy?


Jude xx
BB what's the handbag controversy?


Jude xx
They had a comp to win a Charlie Lapson bag, you had to post "I would love a Charlie Lapson bag because ..." and the post that got the most "likes" would be the winner. QVC announced a winner but I don't think they had started the post using the correct wording and the entrant seemed to be under 18 whilst the rules included entrants had to be 18 or over. In the end they announced an additional winner who had followed the rules but there was quite a bit of controversy all the same.
I'll be up late tonight so I am tuning in to see if they offer easy pay out of shame!!! They should do, they have obviously annoyed a lot of customers and that is never good. Am also hoping for some love surprises or easy pays on a couple of products I need.
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