Elemis Bad skin reaction.


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Hi, i purchased the ELEMIS TSV last week which included the new melting gel cleanser. After using it i noticed my face felt uncomfortable and felt like sandpaper after 2 days? At first i was unsure if it was the cleanser or the pcmarine cream? Day 3 my face was red and puffy and i had to sit in vaseline for days as i could not put anything on my skin, not even mineral makeup. I contacted qvc and after 1 week they replied telling me that they DO NOT mention that it may cause sensitivity as not many people react to there products? Well i clearly did and found out it was the NEW melting gel cleanser. I think it should come with a warning as it was not pleasant and would like to know, should i try liz earle? Any advise welcome. xxx
Sorry you have had a reaction I love the new cleanser and PCMC hopefully your skin will settle down. I have used Liz Earle and didnt like it made my skin tingle I am sure someone will be along shortly to advise you more, at least with QVC you can try products out knowing that if you do react you can send it back.
Have you tried the other products in the TSV?
I wouldn't use any of the premium brands until your skin has completely calmed down. I'd recommend using basic aqueous creams such as E45 or Simple products for a couple of weeks until your skin is back to normal. I had a reaction after using a new cleanser earlier this year and was then hyper sensitive to everything for a while. 3 weeks of E45 cream/lotion worked wonders for me. Back to Decleor Hydra Floral now and Elemis Lime blossom cleanser but couldn't use these while my skin was still reactive.
Good Luck Sush
I've not used Elemis, but used to use the Liz Earle cleanse and polish but personally didn't like the smell. When the Decleor cleanser was launched I ordered that and have re-ordered it 3 times since then. I prefer it to LE because it has no perfume, you only have to use a minute amount and it removes waterproof mascara without scrubbing. It leaves my skin feeling moisturised and the bonus is that I've had no reaction to it, unlike with other brands I've used.

And as delh said, you can at least return it for a refund as it's caused such an bad reaction.
Elemis skincare (Tri enzyme stuff) caused cystic acne on my face. It was awful and I would never use their facial products again, they're obviously not right for me. I agree that you need to let your skin settle down before you try anything else. Frankly, I would avoid Liz Earle products since there are a lot of ingredients that can cause bad reactions in a skin already stressed. I've never understood, for instance, the logic of putting things like camphor and eucalyptus on the face, though obviously a lot of people find that they tolerate it okay.
I hope your skin settles down quickly and you are able to find something that suits.
I've had that happen with some products. Not Elemis but the most recent episode I had was to some Decleor products. Just because it's "natural ingredients" doesn't mean it's always gentle, there are some pretty lethal plants!
Try taking some Piriton tablets to help your skin settle, they're very good for skin reactions, one every 4 hours.
They're safe, the vet even told me, over the phone, to give my smallest Yorkie two at once when she had a bad reaction to a sting last summer!

Other than that, I'd avoid putting anything too complicated on your skin till it settles down. It might be over reactive for a while.
Hello sushibabes14

I hope your skin settles down soon; must be miserable!

Warmest welcome to the forum, looking forward to your posts.

Jude xxx
Welcome to the forum. I hope your skin sorts itself out soon. I was very disappointed with the PCM, my skin broke out in spots and was the worst it had been for years. I had the same with Decleor products.
I use LE and recently started alternating it with Alpha H, my skin has never looked better.
I was very sceptical about Alpha H but for me it works, having said that I have read horror stories about the reaction others have had to it.
Good luck.
I would go to the doctor and get some steriod cream for a start. Then just use plain luke warm water to cleanse your face. As for moisturiser try LUSH Dream Cream/Lotion, it is just oat milk which is very very gentle. Infact I think its for your body but you can use on your face. If you go into a LUSH store they will give a sample in a little pot for you to try.

No matter what brand you should do a patch test 24 hours before using. Some of the vendors on QVC did used to say that.

Lots of people complaining about Liz Earle upsetting their skin, even people who used to use it without problem. Any brand no matter who can have a reaction with someone. I know I cannot use anything with rose in it, yet they say rose is the thing for mature/dry/sensitive skin.

Once your skin has settled down, just go back and use whatever it was you used before as it seemed to work for you.

Honestly its too expensive to keep ordering from QVC to have to send back. You need to find which ingredient is causing this, trial and error. There is natural AHAs in the Melting Cleanser which is seems a smaller amount than in the Papya Mask. That one I cannot use as it makes me itch, I only used once and did not repeat. So each brand if you can get samples try behind your ear for 24 hours and it anything itching, tightness etc do not use on your face and disguard.

I have mild roseaca and Elemis agrees with my skin. BUT, I would not even think of trying the Tri range, as I said Papaya Mask which is suppose to be gentle makes me itch(not tingle but itch), the Eye Mask because of the rose makes my under eye sore and red.
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Like other people I have VERY sensitive skin. I changed from LE cleanse and polish to the new Decleor one and I love it. It's more expensive but lasts much longer because you need only a tiny amount and add water. My eyes don't like it though so I use Chanel eye make-up remover. Someone above advised aqueous cream such as E45, but use this with care (there's a reason why it's cheap). Really hope it settles down quickly.
I have very sensitive skin and have started using Eucerin products from Boots and the AD skin synergy oil from QVC at night

I have found despite the cold weather my skin is still looking ok, I won't be using 'high end' skincare again as the just don't agree with me and i have tried loads
Any skin can react to something. You should always do a patch test, but saying that sometimes you can develop sensitivity over time as well, so a patch test would not be sufficient.
I think Donna and others gave very sound advice. Be very nice to your skin for a while, it needs to really settle down before you try anything new on it at all now.
I'm a fan of Cliniques Comforting Cream Cleanser which I use with a muslin cloth and it takes off my make up and eye make up fine and leaves my skin soft.

If you pop to a Clinique counter they will prob give you a trial size to take away with you, that way you can try it at home without buying the big tube.

I had a terrible reaction to a well known spot brand a year ago and it felt like it had burned my face it was so sore, took a while to calm down again. I used lukewarm water and aqueous cream and that helped, was too scared to try anything else!

Good luck and hopefully your skin will be back to normal again soon!
Thank you all for your advise. Much improved today. I can go out shoping now without scaring dogs and small children, i swear i was also glowing in the dark!!! Take care all. Grazie mille !!!
once youre back on track & maybe the warmer weather comes in.......as if.......anyway we all use philopshy purity.........NOT the clear one as non of us liked that & how our skin felt afterwards....even the blokes.....the one that looks like proper home made vanilla custard.........welcome to the forum...
Any skin can react to something. You should always do a patch test, but saying that sometimes you can develop sensitivity over time as well, so a patch test would not be sufficient.
I reacted badly to a cleanser (not from QVC) and it wasn't an immediate reaction but happened after about 4 or 5 uses. The pharmacist said that you can react slightly and then the reaction builds up over a few uses. Doing a patch test is a good idea but as you say it won't always mean a product is ok for you.
I've been lucky with regards to skin care as I have not suffered any reactions so far (touch wood). The only time something felt a bit dodgy was when I used Clinique toner number 2. My skin was really tingly, very nearly stang, so I gave up after one use. Don't know if I applied too much or what it was but I haven't used it again.
i havent got sensitive skin at all i can use all the high street, avon even with excellent results with no adverse reactions.

but all the high end stuff does not agree with me. for them to be high end they have to have a cocktail of perfume and odd ingredients to make them silky and pretty even. i doubt that these extras do any good to your skin but the lux factor has taken over from a moisturiser just doing that moisturising.
its odd about this post but elemis to me is the worst offender,then decleor and clarins.alpha h to me is excellent as it has little or no perfume and no essential oils.
Hi Sushi :wave:

Sorry to hear you had a bad reaction. As everyone as said it is best to steer clear of any creams etc and keep things simple while your skin recovers. Now your skin has been sensitised it can take weeks or months for it to clear fully. Donna255 is right about getting a steriod cream from the doctor so that the inflammation can be reduced and healing can take place. You may find some things you were not sensitive to before react with you now after this.

I was badly sensitised to something over a period of months and my face ended up looking like I had severe sunburn! It took a good 8 months before I could use anything again. E45 for me didn't work as it contains lanolin and I reacted to everything that contained it although that was not the cause of the irritation but I am fine with it now.

There is an ingredient in the Melting Gel called Chlorphenesin which I've not heard of so I have looked it up, it is used as a preservative (anti fungal & anti bacterial) yet in the ingredient listing it is 12th out of 25 , it is also a cleansing agent. It says it can cause irritation and contact dermatitis in people with dry and sensitive skin.
I think that along with the other 'exfoliating' ingredients such as Papaya are probably too much for your skin.

Anyway, good to hear that it has improved and I would definately send it back to QVC.
Most skin care brands do samples that you can patch test with before buying.

Hope it does clear up quickly for you though, good luck! :sun:

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