Does Mark Ryes ever learn????


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Awwww bless out favourite little poison dwarf he just spent hours watching Harry Potter and guess what he didn't seem to like it awwww bless him he needs a man in his life any volunteers?? come on you know you want to.
Eugh what a lovely picture in my head I have NOT!!!! "Eurgh. Eaten too much tonight. Lying on my bed, naked, with tummy ache, gently rubbing my belly to make it feel better."
Eugh what a lovely picture in my head I have NOT!!!! "Eurgh. Eaten too much tonight. Lying on my bed, naked, with tummy ache, gently rubbing my belly to make it feel better."

Tommy Lin
@markryes "rub somewhere else mite make u better ! X"

0912 Tommy Lin
@markryes ;-) giv us a rub

markryes Mark Ryes
@0912 hmm maybe. Come n try
Latest from Bid tv's sexiest presenter:

markryes Mark Ryes
@ColAdam I've always thought the Mail on Sunday were scum. I see nothing to change my opinion

Aww Gabriel Thomson from My Family is so cute!

Morning all. I had a continuous nightmare about two jobs clashing and not being able to ring anyone to tell them & then choosing just one :(
I do know Tasi that some of the tweeters of Ryes are friends he has known for many years (Binky_2301 & his Husband dapcom) comes to mind and others but some are people he's never met..

Some others which made me howl with laughter - " bobballardsport @markryes morning top telly totty.
about 7 hours ago via web in reply to markryes
Retweeted by markryes"

and totally cringe "Hmm lovely Nestle advert with @TomDaley1994 - not sure he was *entirely* comfortable doing it tho...." Another of Ryes's crushes , as if losing his father wasn't enough for poor Tom he has to see this tweet in his tweetbox , poor lad.
I'm not a fan of Mark Ryes....but I do think its hugely ironic that this thread is outraged at how awful it is that Ryes insults TV presenters on his twitter; while insulting Ryes himself. One rule for you lot, a different for him?

As I say, I'm not defending him or even saying he's a good presenter, but this thread is full of people posting malicious comments about a TV presenter. Pot, Kettle, Black.
I think I speak for the other posters on this thread that our "problem" with Ryes is that this cretin comes across all nicey-nice on the channels but when you read his tweets they are the most nastiest and downright rude you could ever read. It is appalling that you have to slag off people who have had/got more fame than Ryes. The infamous tweet about Nicki Champan's "speech impediment" made my blood boil so much that several of us complained to Sit-up and thought we'd got somewhere (Thinking Sit-Up had warned Ryes about his tweets) but several weeks later up crops the nasty tweets again. You certainly wouldn't catch Paul Becque writing such hate on a social networking siteas it's not in his nature.

I (certainly) hope people who hear about this forum site come and look to see what the forum is about and read hopefully this thread and not be taken in by Ryes's happy persona he portrays on the Sit-Up channels.
FFS how big is Mark Ryes's obsession with Tom Daley? Another Tweet today "Oh my. Nice job @TomDaley1994 for your Radio Times cover. You've just dived through my letter box!". Leave the poor lad alone , he's just lost his father I don't think he wants someone in his 40s perving over him the poor lad!!!

Ryes seems to have lost obsession in Joe McEldery as he was always obsessing about him!!
I'm not a fan of Mark Ryes....but I do think its hugely ironic that this thread is outraged at how awful it is that Ryes insults TV presenters on his twitter; while insulting Ryes himself. One rule for you lot, a different for him?

As I say, I'm not defending him or even saying he's a good presenter, but this thread is full of people posting malicious comments about a TV presenter. Pot, Kettle, Black.


I really should steer clear of threads like this one, but looked here just out of curiosity and was utterly dismayed at what I saw.

You may think that Mark Ryes isn't a good shopping TV presenter but there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for some of the obnoxious and downright petty comments on display here; believe it or not he is a human being therefore fully entitled to express his own likes and dislikes.

Would people prefer Mark Ryes to say absolutely nothing instead? Or even worse, pretend that he likes someone or something even though he really doesn't, in which case people would instead be sniping at him if they ever saw clues that he was lying, calling him two-faced and dishonest as a consequence? Of course not.
I think I speak for the other posters on this thread that our "problem" with Ryes is that this cretin comes across all nicey-nice on the channels but when you read his tweets they are the most nastiest and downright rude you could ever read.
Believe it or not, as a shopping TV presenter Mark Ryes is paid to appear on screen in a suit and sell as many products as possible to the viewers at home. That's all.

The speech impediment comment may be true but all things in this case are relative; I've not heard the voice of the person in question so cannot properly assess whether or not any criticism is justified. If you disagree with something that Mark Ryes has said or don't like him, that's fine, and if he's been disciplined over the speech impediment comment then he has been punished and nothing more (literally) needs to be said.
]there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for some of the obnoxious and downright petty comments on display here.

OK, no offence here, but find your horses and hold on to them pretty damned tightly... I would suggest quoting your sentance above to the man himself - who actually started all this with his bullying and discriminating attacks... full stop end of! He is a truly vile excuse for a man who projects his issues (and there are seemingly a lot of them) on to others who are in no position to defend themselves (ie they probably wont ever get to read them)... I can guarantee you that he wouldnt dare say any of his comments directly to the people themselves... and I will also confirm that I would VERY happily say whatever I say on here, or any other forum, directly face-to-face to the person themselves!

I really should steer clear of threads like this one, but looked here just out of curiosity and was utterly dismayed at what I saw.

You may think that Mark Ryes isn't a good shopping TV presenter but there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for some of the obnoxious and downright petty comments on display here; believe it or not he is a human being therefore fully entitled to express his own likes and dislikes.

Would people prefer Mark Ryes to say absolutely nothing instead? Or even worse, pretend that he likes someone or something even though he really doesn't, in which case people would instead be sniping at him if they ever saw clues that he was lying, calling him two-faced and dishonest as a consequence? Of course not.

Agree entirely. I've no idea what Ryes is like a person, but he has a personal twitter account and can say what he likes on there as far as I'm concerned. Just because he happens to work for Sit-Up does not require him to be some moral guidance figure for society.

And there seem to be far more hateful comments posted on here about him, then I've seen on his twitter.

But anyway, no idea why I'm contributing to this thread, dissertation procrastination I guess! :)
Agree entirely. I've no idea what Ryes is like a person, but he has a personal twitter account and can say what he likes on there as far as I'm concerned. Just because he happens to work for Sit-Up does not require him to be some moral guidance figure for society.

And there seem to be far more hateful comments posted on here about him, then I've seen on his twitter.

But anyway, no idea why I'm contributing to this thread, dissertation procrastination I guess! :)

Hateful comments on here? Christ (C), I aint even warmed up yet :O)

But yes you are right he can use his personal Twitter account to say whatever he likes it would seem, and therefore that courtesy is afforded to us on a public forum. For anyone to publicy attack someone for how they speak etc deserves everything they get. If I slagged him off for being gay there would be uproar and I would be linched - so whats the diff??
If Mark Ryes can make public comments on people he has never met so can we and it isn't a private twitter when it viewable to anyone in the world. If Mr Ryes doesn't like comments being made about him he shouldn't do it the other way around he should take what he gives if you make comments about others you should expect to receive them back and if he is unhappy he is welcome to join this forum and defend himself.
He wouldnt come on here though Steve to defend himself cos he's a tw@!!

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