Does anyone remember the pre 9/11 men?


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Was it Chuck Clemency Donna? He seemed a lovely chap, and talked me into buying a tanzanite ring with that presenter spiel about how it could run out in a matter of years! Still a nice ring but I don't get jewellers snatching my hand to buy it from me for silly money!

I think you are correct. Weird thing is I can see his face still and remember the story about the earrings and his daughter.
This thread reminds me of The Faulty Towers German episode 'Don't mention the war!'

Perhaps I'm missing something but I can't see how just mentioning 9/11 causes offence?
This thread reminds me of The Faulty Towers German episode 'Don't mention the war!'

Perhaps I'm missing something but I can't see how just mentioning 9/11 causes offence?

I was just going to say the same thing DD. By the way you mentioned the war but I think you got away with it.
How nasty you are sometimes.

Why are we bullies when just voicing an opinion in a reasoned fashion without insulting anyone?

Don't worry yourself Tiddlywinks their comments were aimed at me more than you I suspect - I'm so used to it, I just let it go... oh god i sound like i'm quoting that bloody disney now!
wonder if it's simply a case of something about Q that has caused the visits to drop off? Perhaps the Americans found it was just not financially viable to come over to appear on Q? Perhaps Q started putting up their guests in the local equivalent of Faulty Towers and they took umbrage? (Sorry, but a wonderful exchange of comments on here between loveheart and DunmowDizzy, quoting Faulty Towers, just set me off thinking about it - what a witty lot you all are!). Could be something as simple as the penny dropping that whoever the guest is, they'll never be allowed to get more than 2 words in before they get interrupted. :mysmilie_17:

I have wondered about those guests many times since 9/11, and actually I wondered if they had offices based in the towers, and perhaps were killed, no way to know this of course, but I don't think they just suddenly stopped flying because of 9/11. I think both clothing and jewellery men may well have had offices in those towers. I do hope not, because some of them were really nice guys, and I do recall the chap who sold lovely jewellery, in fact I have one or two of his rings, and also remember him naming an item after his daughter.
Akimbo, don't despair, Gems were on about it again this morning, how it's getting harder to find, could run out, save it for your kids, etc. etc. Who knows, give it a couple of years and anyone whose got it could need an armed guard with them when they go out!

Was it Chuck Clemency Donna? He seemed a lovely chap, and talked me into buying a tanzanite ring with that presenter spiel about how it could run out in a matter of years! Still a nice ring but I don't get jewellers snatching my hand to buy it from me for silly money!
OK - let's not get hysterical...

With my first post I quoted as follows:

Does anyone remember those American guests who crossed the Atlantic regularly to sell us products, until they were frightened of flying after 9/11?

We went through the Blitz, you know, yellow Yankees.

My comment (in its entirety) was:

Poor taste.... I don't think 9/11 is a topic for jokes. 3,000 people died in horrific circumstances (and televised for all to see).

Anyway, I doubt it's a fear of flying that has caused changes to American attendance - more likely to be budgets or canvassed opinion dictating the changes.

Another poster then jumped on me and accused me of bullying - simply based on the above post - which is pretty OTT.

For me - in my opinion - 9/11 is not really the subject to choose to make cheap jokes... just as I wouldn't expect people to have a pop at the thousands of people who now avoid the tube as a result of 7/7.

It's not a case of not mentioning 9/11 - it's my opinion that the 'joke' was in poor taste... particularly the reference to 'yellow yankees'.

That's simply my opinion as - thankfully - this is not a police state so I feel comfortable adding my comments.

For the record - disagreeing with someone is NOT bullying.
OK here's my two penn'orth. I was not in the slightest bit offended by Miss Grumpy's original post and don't believe she meant to upset anyone. I completely understood the point she was making. Her comparison to The Blitz I thought was using irony and it made me smile. She made a very nice apology to anyone who was upset and I don't feel there's any need to have the post removed.
At the same time I totally see why Tiddlywinks (and others) did find it offensive and absolutely support her/their right to say so, which Tiddlywinks did in a reasoned and polite way. Tiddlywinks did not ask for the post to be removed, she did not use any emotive language or name call anyone.
The only post in this thread which I found rude and offensive was Shopperholic's. I bet I'm not the only one who is sick to death of reading Shopperholic's continual protestations about everyone's right to voice their opinion while at the same time replying in a verbally aggressive way to anyone whose opinion differs from hers, and always, but always, insisting on having the last word, as I have absolutely no doubt she will also do here. In my opinion, of course. So there.
I wish someone would tell the students in Norwich then about the bullying, who apparently have confiscated sombreros given out by a Mexican restaurant because they may cause OFFENCE ! If I had worn a sombrero (which my brother often did coming through an English airport), and had it snatched from me because it caused OFFENCE, then I would consider that bullying - in fact I would probably punch the lights out of anyone who tried to do so !!!!
I have apologised for causing offence. The fault was entirely mine. I see no reason why Tiddlywinks should have a go at shoppaholic.

She's always got something to say, something clever no doubt. Or maybe you'll be put in your place in no uncertain terms like a naughty child who's been sent to bed without supper.
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Why are you so holier than thou all the time? There's always some finger wagging comment like a school mistress.


Hmmmm... I wagged my finger at someone (Shopperholic) who overreacted to some simple and reasoned remarks. If the poster had been polite then I would have returned the favour and my finger would have stayed firmly unused.
She's always got something to say, something clever no doubt. Or maybe you'll be put in your place in no uncertain terms like a naughty child who's been sent to bed without supper.

Gosh, another post about me - as the Ferrero Rocher man might say - you're spoiling me... such blessings you've bestowed.
Gosh, another post about me - as the Ferrero Rocher man might say - you're spoiling me... such blessings you've bestowed.

Well, this is the persona you've worked hard to create on this forum, so it's only right that it should be both recognised and rewarded. And I wouldn't dream of contradicting anything you say because you're always right and you always know best. I learn so much from you. I'm truly thankful.
Well, this is the persona you've worked hard to create on this forum, so it's only right that it should be both recognised and rewarded. And I wouldn't dream of contradicting anything you say because you're always right and you always know best.

You do know the definition of bullying I take it?

I'm bowing out for now as I don't think anyone else wants to witness this bickering.
I will no doubt get slated for saying this but I love it when people get irate and 'go off on one.' I feel this forum is a place where we can say what we like and have a bit of banter. Sometimes we forget not everyone is on our same wavelength and might take offence when none is meant.
I googled chuck - he works for EVinelive jewellery channel and gas a fb page.
There is no doubt that Americans stopped travelling after 9/11 and I think that they realised that either they could do without travelling outside US to sell their products or that a substitute local could stand in. It definitely broke the mould and then they just dwindled to nothing with a few exceptions.
OK here's my two penn'orth. I was not in the slightest bit offended by Miss Grumpy's original post and don't believe she meant to upset anyone. I completely understood the point she was making. Her comparison to The Blitz I thought was using irony and it made me smile. She made a very nice apology to anyone who was upset and I don't feel there's any need to have the post removed.
At the same time I totally see why Tiddlywinks (and others) did find it offensive and absolutely support her/their right to say so, which Tiddlywinks did in a reasoned and polite way. Tiddlywinks did not ask for the post to be removed, she did not use any emotive language or name call anyone.
The only post in this thread which I found rude and offensive was Shopperholic's. I bet I'm not the only one who is sick to death of reading Shopperholic's continual protestations about everyone's right to voice their opinion while at the same time replying in a verbally aggressive way to anyone whose opinion differs from hers, and always, but always, insisting on having the last word, as I have absolutely no doubt she will also do here. In my opinion, of course. So there.

Stay calm and press the ignore button, as I suggest these people who are "sick to death of reading" my comments do. You're very rude, does that bother me? Absolutely not. Oops replying is the last word but when you press the ignore button that won't concern you any more.
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