Do you think they`re struggling ?


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a big issue with me is how long it takes for qvc to deal with problems of their making. they are way behind all the other big companies when it comes to basic customer service. i am loathe to want to purchase from them anymore
For me, the irritant is not just the high P&P but the high P&P charged on every single item. If you want to order a two or three items to make a complete fashion set, for example, you'll be looking at paying around £12 P&P which is utterly ridiculous, or charged twice because you want two different colours. Their standard snail mail charge is what most other places charge for next day or, at most, 48 hour service. They should have been charging per order for years by now.

There are smaller issues too, but equally as irritating. One that gets me in particular is when they display a still picture of a product when the guest is trying to demonstrate it on air. They do this a lot with cosmetics - the guest will try and show the colours on their hand or arm, so the director will put up the useless colour charts that are a waste of time.
I think their business model definitely has not evolved with the changing times. When amazon started stocking more varied goods (with prime) and then ebay also, both frequently with free p&p, I probably stopped shopping with qvc, I didn't stop looking occasionally, but I honestly cannot remember the last item (probably a Liz Earle TSV) and when I made my last order with them. I don't drive, so I find a day trip to TDHS either on the train or local bus is a fun and social occasion for me, whereas I find watching qvc alone at home is the exact opposite.
I notice that as each month goes by I bother less and less with Q.
Started watching at every available moment, taking annual leave for special jewellery days, spent a fortune.
Then only watched show interested (remotely) in
Then only watched shows totally interested in.
Then only checked TV guide and if I remembered watched particular shows mostly on mute
Now I don't even bother looking at what is on
Used to have a quick look at website most evenings now don't bother
Every week looked at clearance now don't bother

Basically lost all interest.

It seems to me that they have dropped anything that was remotely worthwhile, expanded the rubbish items, and anything new is worse than we could have possibly imagined up to 5 years ago when it all went down the plug hole. IMO this coincided with the gobby presenters/twatting and Groundhog Day shows.

I'm out!!
For me, the irritant is not just the high P&P but the high P&P charged on every single item. If you want to order a two or three items to make a complete fashion set, for example, you'll be looking at paying around £12 P&P which is utterly ridiculous, or charged twice because you want two different colours. Their standard snail mail charge is what most other places charge for next day or, at most, 48 hour service. They should have been charging per order for years by now.

There are smaller issues too, but equally as irritating. One that gets me in particular is when they display a still picture of a product when the guest is trying to demonstrate it on air. They do this a lot with cosmetics - the guest will try and show the colours on their hand or arm, so the director will put up the useless colour charts that are a waste of time.

So agree with your points Moth. I remember ordering 3 sets of Molton Brown Xmas TSVs a few years ago - p & p was almost £20 !!! I cancelled the order; and if you return an item you're stung with the postage again. So why is it that we're charged £5.75 for postage, but it costs less when its returned ??? even so we've paid nearly a tenner on top of the item.

I've noticed that the presenters now say "....... and get it delivered within 7 to 10 days". Yes, TEN days , they're even confirming it now.

I also agree with the camera angles. With all the advances in technology why does it take forever to change image from a photographic still to live action in the studio ? sometimes we can hear colours being mentioned and other information, but we are stuck with a photograph on screen, and then we're taken back to a totally different item because the time has passed. What are they doing in the bloody gallery ? they see what we at home see, so why is it not possible to speed things up.
I don't know about the rest of you but I want free p&p, free returns, fast delivery, good choice, sizes that represent my really U.K. High street sizes (not inches), reductions of more than a few £s in sales, fast resolutions of problems and entertainment. QVC don't offer me any of these anymore. Sick if brand ambassadors, pushy presenters and inexperienced youngsters telling me what I need!
I also don't want tweets read out at all. Stop it - it is really annoying. I don't care what Maud in Manchester's pet hamster looks like. Stop it.
QVC are way behind the times. They should ditch the majority of live programming in favour of prerecorded segments. That way the customer can just access the demonstration of the item they like instead of listening to hours of waffle / hard sell. Even Argos does video demos now. For me, nothing rivals Amazon on price and service. I just bought an internet radio for only £60 - which is really amazing!
Ordered 2 items the other day from John Lewis & had email to say it is being delivered by Royal Mail (heart sinks!) but I can track it, what's the bet it will be here in the next 2 days being JL?-0
Ordered 2 items the other day from John Lewis & had email to say it is being delivered by Royal Mail (heart sinks!) but I can track it, what's the bet it will be here in the next 2 days being JL?-0

I ordered a ready-assembled ottoman from George at Asda (package was just under 18kg when it arrived) on Tuesday for a £2.95 delivery fee - it arrived yesterday!!!
I definitely agree with most of this Thread!
I've thought this for a while and don't buy half as much and enjoy the Presentations the way I used too!

My Main Reasons >

Too much of the same products, e.g. Overloaded at times with Beauty Products and Garden boring Stuff.
Some Presenters waffle on far too much and don't give us important info on the Product they are supposed to be selling!
A lot of emphasis on Social Media and the 'Mates Brigade' this can be very irritating to the viewer!
Not being able to Pick Day and Date Slot - I have many friends and family who shop elsewhere because they can do 'Click and Collect' when it suits them and not having to sit in for days waiting on a parcel to arrive!
Too many Freebies given out to the wrong people, e.g. So called Beauty Bloggers who think they have the right to say everything is Gorgeous! You need experience and have to look outside the box for honest and fair reviews! Right?

I could name a few more but don't have time! :mysmilie_7:
So glad things are better for you now, DD. I'd guess there are many others who use - or have used - shopping telly in the same way. I often wonder how many people are out there experiencing serious problems because of buying big from these channels. This is what makes me so furious when unscrupulous presenters - names known to you all - come on and quote one easy-pay as though it is the total amount payable. OK, we know it's 'buyer beware' in life, but surely the channel has a responsibility to act with integrity and not set up a situation where people can get over their heads in debt because of misleading info? We all know that when life isn't treating you kindly we are not at our best - the least these channels can do is not to mislead people.

It's probably down to me. When I was going through a very bad emotional period I was using QVC as retail therapy spending several hundred pounds a month but this seemed insignificant to the amount of money being hemoraged in legal costs etc. Now I'm in a much better place and trying to use my stashes or clearing it out to charity shops not bought anything for over a month (oops apart from a Bobbi brown OTO I bought when drunk spotted it when glancing online and purchased before even thinking or knowing what was in it). Naughty but sure that one won't go to waste.
I've ordered quite a lot of clothes from Asda online and had the same experience as you. We have a big Asda near where I live, but it's often more convenient for me to order online, and for £2.95 delivery and quick delivery timescale, I'm not complaining!

I ordered a ready-assembled ottoman from George at Asda (package was just under 18kg when it arrived) on Tuesday for a £2.95 delivery fee - it arrived yesterday!!!
So glad things are better for you now, DD. I'd guess there are many others who use - or have used - shopping telly in the same way. I often wonder how many people are out there experiencing serious problems because of buying big from these channels. This is what makes me so furious when unscrupulous presenters - names known to you all - come on and quote one easy-pay as though it is the total amount payable. OK, we know it's 'buyer beware' in life, but surely the channel has a responsibility to act with integrity and not set up a situation where people can get over their heads in debt because of misleading info? We all know that when life isn't treating you kindly we are not at our best - the least these channels can do is not to mislead people.

I know it should be obvious that it is only an Easypay instalment but Q's prices are so off the wall I'm surprised more people aren't caught out by this - I know my late mother would have been as she would never ever imagined that people would actually charge 4 times that amount for a big of tat.
In all seriousness, QVC would do well to get about a dozen of the top posters on together in a suite somewhere (all expenses paid of course!), both current and former buyers, to really listen to what frustrates us, as they would learn a helluva lot about where they're going wrong. They wouldn't like a lot of what they hear but then what's the point of turning a blind eye to our gripes (ie what stops us buying as much or at all from QVC) and carrying on the way they are? They need a long, hard look at themselves.
In all seriousness, QVC would do well to get about a dozen of the top posters on together in a suite somewhere (all expenses paid of course!), both current and former buyers, to really listen to what frustrates us, as they would learn a helluva lot about where they're going wrong. They wouldn't like a lot of what they hear but then what's the point of turning a blind eye to our gripes (ie what stops us buying as much or at all from QVC) and carrying on the way they are? They need a long, hard look at themselves.

Count me in!
Ordered 2 items the other day from John Lewis & had email to say it is being delivered by Royal Mail (heart sinks!) but I can track it, what's the bet it will be here in the next 2 days being JL?-0

IMO Royal Mail is never a problem with anyone else except Q.

Yes, with Royal Mall you can pay first class rates for a 1-2 day delivery, or a little less for second class with 2-4 day delivery. QVC appear to have created a third class of 5-7 days which is strangely dearer than either!
Count me in!

Absolutely! As I say, they'd need to make it worthwhile for all participants - perhaps a big hamper like Amanda Holden received, as well as travel and meal expenses obviously - but at least people on ST would still tell it like it is and wouldn't feel the need to heap praise on QVC just because they'd "got a freebie".

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