Do you think auctions close early?


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Jun 24, 2008
I've just been watching and they had a boxset of the 1st 6 series of Men behaving badly. It started off at the ridiculous price of about 50 odd quid, and plunged down to £19.99...big deal! They were obviously really struggling with it, and the presenter was trying to kid us how much she used to love it. Eventually it got down to £14.99 and there was still about 15 left in the drop, the presenter was waffling on about the next few products coming up and all of a sudden the price locked without warning. There's no way that 15 people all jumped in at once, I reckon they'd been there for another hour had they left it to run its course. I'm pretty sure that the producer just said "we're flogging a dead horse here" and snapped it shut! Could this be the case?
Have thought that in the past, they seem to give up and all of a sudden sold? Does make you wonder, assume they can only go so low before they have to say low enough, they still have to make money. I know they make enough on tel calls, but still want some on the item too
Have thought that in the past, they seem to give up and all of a sudden sold? Does make you wonder, assume they can only go so low before they have to say low enough, they still have to make money. I know they make enough on tel calls, but still want some on the item too

Yeah, in all reality, they'd have had to have given the dvd set away for free for it to close that quickly, especially as the beginning of the auction was so painfully slow. I thought it was going to megadrop at first, but when it dropped down to about £35 I knew it wasn't going to fly out..I mean you can pick up that sort of old stuff in the high street sales for half that price. I know they're not supposed to close before the goods have all gone, but surely they must have some kind of time if something hasn't gone in 10 minutes, then it ain't gonna go at all lol!
Sounds dodgy to me, if they ever got caught doing that can you imagine the backlash
I don't see a problem with it, if something obviously isn't moving, ok, I know it's supposed in theory to drop down to a £1, but that could take an eternity...specially when it's something few people would behaving badly dvds. I suppose they could keep it going in the bottom corner of the screen whilst the next drop is started. I thought all auctions could, in theory drop down the the lowest price and if they still hadn't gone then, they'd have to close the auction surely..I'm sure they wouldn't wait till they'd all gone.

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