Do you have photos of your pets as babies?


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Drifter McFluff

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2013
I've taken photos of my pair since they were tiny, it's good to look back on them and see how much they've grown.

This is baby Drifter aged 6 weeks. I think he's finally grown into his ears now! Maine Coons grow very slowly, and he only stopped growing taller and longer when he hit 3. Then he started bulking out a bit.


Baby Waffle, he's 10 weeks old here. He had very obvious dark points when he was a baby, but he's shaded darker as he's got older. Once he only had a brown nose, now he has a whole brown face. He grew much quicker, and I think he's fully grown now that he's just over a year and a half old.


Here are the boys together, in their first week together. You can see the size difference between baby Waffs and fully grown Drifter! Waffle never let this deter him though, he simply ran under Drifter's legs and bit his belly.:rock:

My doggies have been rescued so alas no I don't. :mysmilie_468:Yours look beautiful as kitties!:mysmilie_515: & handsome when older too!
my dogs are greyhounds so I dont have any of them, i have a few ferret kit pics though i will post
Oh the ferret!! *Heart melts*

I cuddled a ferret at our local sanctuary, he enjoyed licking my chin and nibbling my nose!
There used to be a guy who walked his ferret around the town here. Haven't seen them in a while. The ferret was cream coloured and wore a harness, lead and a red and green striped bobble hat. No idea what the bloke looked like. The ferret was so funny and nosey. He'd walk happily on the lead though.

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