Diet Chef vs "Ambient" Meals from supermarkets


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Jun 24, 2008
How many calories do Diet Chef main courses contain on average? And how much does The QVC price work out at per sachet for a main meal?

I ask because in doing my weekly shop on line last night I noticed a range called "Look What We Found" which is ambient meals, sold in sachets, no refrigeration required. They range between 200 and 400 calls per pack and at the moment are on offer in Ocado at between £1.33 and £1.77.

Thy sound rather good, made in the UK by a farming family using local produce etc. I've seen similar in Lakeland but they were WAY more expensive. They do soups too.

I imagine that DC can't be a great deal fewer calories than this for a main course? Does is mean you could create your own replacement DC "menu" using ambient meals from supermarkets, granola bars, low fat biscuits etc and save an absolute fortune?

Anyhoo I've ordered a couple of sachets and will report back on taste. Beef In Black Velvet and Lamb Hotpot. Not that I'm on a diet, I'll probably just have em spread on crusty bread while I'm waiting for me tea to cook :0)
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How many calories do Diet Chef main courses contain on average? And how much does The QVC price work out at per sachet for a main meal?

I ask because in doing my weekly shop on line last night I noticed a range called "Look What We Found" which is ambient meals, sold in sachets, no refrigeration required. They range between 200 and 400 calls per pack and at the moment are on offer in Ocado at between £1.33 and £1.77.

Thy sound rather good, made in the UK by a farming family using local produce etc. I've seen similar in Lakeland but they were WAY more expensive. They do soups too.

I imagine that DC can't be a great deal fewer calories than this for a main course? Does is mean you could create your own replacement DC "menu" using ambient meals from supermarkets, granola bars, low fat biscuits etc and save an absolute fortune?

Anyhoo I've ordered a couple of sachets and will report back on taste. Beef In Black Velvet and Lamb Hotpot. Not that I'm on a diet, I'll probably just have em spread on crusty bread while I'm waiting for me tea to cook :0)

Brilliant - i love it :mysmilie_15::mysmilie_508:
Not that I'm on a diet, I'll probably just have em spread on crusty bread while I'm waiting for me tea to cook :0)

That's the same bit that had me choking on my tea with laughter. :rock:
..."look what we found" originally supplied to Diet Chef I think, so it's essentially the same stuff, the price sounds very good.
..."look what we found" originally supplied to Diet Chef I think, so it's essentially the same stuff, the price sounds very good.

Claudia is right - the 'look what we found' meals are exactly the same as diet chef ones. Unfortunately, there are no where near as many meal choices in the supermarkets as with diet chef. Incidentally, I have lost two & a half stone since August with diet chef.
Slightly off topic but diet meals may well assist in weight loss, combined with exercise but what happens when you start eating proper food again? You can't eat Diet Chef for the rest of your life. Surely it's about re-educating yourself and lifestyle change, plus a lot of willpower and a little common sense. BB's opening post hilarious BTW.
Absoluteytoots Bensmum. I knew someone who did that Lighterlife nonsense a few years ago, and lost a real pile of weight. Did it for six months, look at me aren't I thin etc etc. finished it, went back to pie and chips (not literally that extreme of course, but went back to actual normal food), hey presto, heiffer again. Her body clearly got used to being given nothing but a rice cake and the minute she ate anything normal it got stored right up.
I have started 'weaning' myself off diet chef, and it is a lifestyle change... I know I cannot go back to eating crisps, cake, sweets, chocolate, chips take-aways, puddings, anything full fat or too starchy or I will start gaining weight again. I have to eat very small portions, low fat snacks and fruit, and not go over 1900 calories a day (give or take) and moderate exercise at least three times a week. This will keep me at a happy size 12 to 14, and being menopausal and 50 next year, I think is good going, considering I before August I was fat, frumpy and size 20, almost into size 22 clothes.
Well done you Topcat. Guess its whatever works for you isn't it, personally if I had to face the rest of my life denying myself the things I enjoy it'd make me too fed up for words, so I don't, I don't trough like an oinker or anything but I don't watch every mouthful. That said, while I could probably do with losing some weight I'm not too bad, so I plod along quite happily. Whatever makes life better for each of us eh? :smile:
Wow - well done TC, that's amazing!! And really good to see you're being sensible about maintaining. Bet you'll have no problems!! :clapping:

I have given up trying to be the size I was 7 years ago - life's too short and, at 38, I'm getting too old to worry about it!! I am a prolific baker, but am 'switched on' enough to know that one cake a day, maybe for two days isn't going to kill me. I give the rest away, so that helps! A little of what you fancy does you good, just cut down a bit or make a more sensible option on your next meal. 80/20 rule works a treat for me (good (ish!) for 80% of the time, don't care less for 20%!!!) I can't be doing with diet food either, not a scrap of salad or veg passes these lips! I just eat what I want, within reason, but know that 3 decent sized meals a day keeps me on track. But like Amn says, whatever works for the individual, and if Diet Chef helps people to kick start their new way of thinking, then rock on I say!! :rock:

PS - Burlz original thread - tres funny ;-) !!
it's weird isn't it - i managed to lose a bit of weight before i went to the usa for a month. no secret just diet and exercise. while in the usa, i scoffed all the pancakes, waffles etc that were put in front of me - came back exactly the same weight. pleased, i went back on my fruit, veg and exercise wand within a few weeks had put on 8 lb. i just don't get it. i remain convinced that even in the 21st century, there's a lot we don't understand about weight loss/gain.
lol Janie, that is mad! If all you're eating is fruit and veg though you're not eating enough and your weight gain is probably your body using your fat stores! I know a lot of men who virtually starve themselves and are still fat - they just don't get it! You need to eat to lose weight!

When you were eating in the States you were more than likely eating close to your 'normal' amount of cals, hence no weight gain. It's crazy though, it's a lot to get your head around, and it's too much like hard work sometimes isn't it?!

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