Desert Island Beauty Show - 21st July


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Yes, Q is a shop, but you stroll around department stores and make considered purchases at your leisure. DF rams the hard sell down your throat every second she speaks with every permutation of possible reasons why we need whatever she is flogging. I can't watch her so her hours are a turn off for me = no sale.
Are the prices any better?

Have to say I don't really take the time to know QVC's prices on these ranges,as I can't use them myself - I think they're on a par (like QVC you will always pay a premium with catalogues - but catalogues do have very good genuine sales)
i agree. as soon as someone tries to hard to make me buy something i'll come up with reason after reason why i'm not going to. it's like sales people who come to your house to quote for things, they always want you to sign up there and then on the basis of some "once only offer" - ive never fallen for that either. having said that i'm a cantankerous old sod who isnt afraid to ass-whoop some cocky salesman who thinks he can sell snow to eskimos. what worries me is that some people are more gullible, persuadable, or possibly just weak and will give in. THAT's the type that Debbie Flint is after. she's like a vampire :O)

(no offence Vampyre! x)
Yes, Q is a shop, but you stroll around department stores and make considered purchases at your leisure. DF rams the hard sell down your throat every second she speaks with every permutation of possible reasons why we need whatever she is flogging. I can't watch her so her hours are a turn off for me = no sale.

Fair enough, but I guess the number of people turned off are too few for QVC to worry about compared with the number who buy. I do understand why you're turned off - I have exactly the same reaction when ambushed by salespeople in shops - at least on QVC we have the option of strolling around the store via the website instead of via TV. I love the fact that if I'm online I still get offered the OTOs and Summer Surprises as they happen on air, so I don't miss out if it's really a good deal.
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At least on qvc we have the option whether to watch or not,I hate intrusive sales people in shops,I like to browse in peace and enjoy a quiet look around without being pestered every few minutes.You expect this at the big cosmetic counters but in Boots today they had salesgirls on the off the shelf ranges as well,I really just wanted to browse but when lingered for more than 20 seconds at the Olay section I was pounced on with the hard sell, yet when I asked about the new range----the one that sold out in 39 seconds---or something like that,I was told it's just a different range that does more,and that was that.I could have worked that out for myself,at least on qvc things are explained properly to us and we can switch off when we've had enough.
. . . . what worries me is that some people are more gullible, persuadable, or possibly just weak and will give in. THAT's the type that Debbie Flint is after. she's like a vampire :O) (no offence Vampyre! x)

Yeah, but there's a lot out there that's dangerous or foolish, and it's up to each of us to exercise judgement as to what we indulge in. In the same way that we can't stop other people from drinking or gambling to excess, or from taking drugs, we can't protect them from overspending either. I'm sure that if Debbie Flint wasn't there the weak and gullible would spend money they can't afford on impulse buys online or in the shops. If that's the kind of personality they have, then they have to take responsibility for it. You can't blame the brewery that makes the strongest beer for the fact that some people can't control their drinking - Debbie Flint is just doing her job.
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Did anyone hear the discussion about a text message? it was towards the end of the show I think. They'd ask for texts loads earlier and i sent one which was partly very complimentary but also made a lighthearted dig. Then I tuned out of the discussion and only tuned back in when i heard the end of a conversation about a text where AY was saying "You dont want to hear the second half of the text"

this is what i sent:
"Hi Julia you look GORGEOUS!!. And great to see you without the jeggings and toe posts... I LOVE YOU!! Matthew xx"

I wonder if it was me? :giggle:

No, I don't think it was your text Burlz. The one Alison referred to was about someone going to bed in gloves and nothing else!!
No, I don't think it was your text Burlz. The one Alison referred to was about someone going to bed in gloves and nothing else!!

I think Julia said that she wore gloves in bed and Ay said she had a vision of her with gloves on and nothing else.

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