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One of ours has a laundry mode setting, most stuff dries practically overnight.
Wouldn’t be without one.
We have two as we had a flood last year and I now use one to dry our washing. I leave it on over night as we get a cheap rate electricity and by morning the clothes are usually dry.
I've never experienced a flood but I'd imagine it must be awful. I hope you got everything sorted without unnecessary hassle.
Surprisingly the insurance company Direct Line were great and paid up promptly. We ordered and paid for carpets at Carpetland £2,500 and they closed down two days later but our credit card company paid us back within two weeks. So can’t complain, the worst part was the drying out and the dust and dirt but we are happy with the result.
I mainly use my tumble drier for clothes in winter (line dry other times) but the Meaco is fantastic. Mr M is a cold weather fanatic brought up on an isolated farm so doesn't like hot rooms whereas I'm a delicate desert flower. My Meaco lives in my bedroom and does a fantastic job of taking moisture out of my upstairs rooms. Where it all comes from I have no idea, but the end result is that it's actually warmer upstairs when I've had it on for a while. I wouldn't be without mine, even though I can't see it replacing my tumble drier which has clothes warm and dry within the hour and sod the cost. But if I have the choice, I line dry. (Mr M and I have different sleep solutions, too - I pile the blankets and duvets on that he willingly throws my way.)
We’ve got two Meacos and an old Ebac. Our house isn’t massive, but it’s Edwardian and it’s suffered with damp through previous owners not looking after it, leaning roof and what have you. We were thinking of putting changing rooms and a diving board in the back room at one point 😂

We have a Meaco for drying laundry and it’s absolutely brilliant, and one for keeping damp down in the downstairs rooms… wouldn’t be without them. Prob one of the best QVC purchases made…

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