It's about £20 inc postage on ebay for the 400ml size. Not sure I like those ugly labels they've stuck on all the bottles/jars.
I agree about the packaging CC its not as classy as the original is it?
It's about £20 inc postage on ebay for the 400ml size. Not sure I like those ugly labels they've stuck on all the bottles/jars.
Ooooh, sorry you had to have a mastectomy Maz, hope all is good now. I used up all my prolagene gel with that LAB gadget but it made no difference to my lines, just made my skin sticky. I'm still standing firm, however, I'm just popping open my saturday afternoon Henry Westons (only one) whilst watching Soccer Saturday so I'll make sure I don't drift to QVC after consumption because it has a similar effect to wine o'clock :beer::beer:
for anyone who is not sure of the shower gel go ahead. its a really sharp lavender and real essential to. and its sulphate free foams beautifully. if I see someone selling this on Ebay I may well buy it its that good!
What's Henry Westons? Larger?
eek...I'm meant to be saving for the NIOD. Has llloyd done those numbers yet?:mysmilie_50:
A very nice dry cider. Never drink beer or lager, can't stand the smell never mind the taste.
Still haven't caved in over the Decleor :mysmilie_50:
sounds nice...what %?
It's about 8.2% :mysmilie_13::mysmilie_13::mysmilie_13::mysmilie_13: I wrote that in invisible ink! However, word of warning. If you have not drunk this cider before and are trying it, I would drink it in your own home and make sure someone is available to put you to bed :mysmilie_17: They sell it in our local and I did try and warn this bloke but hey what do I know, stupid woman, as he crawled to the door on his hands and knees . . . . . after two.
Still not caved in and I am definitely not going to.
eek...I'm meant to be saving for the NIOD. Has llloyd done those numbers yet?:mysmilie_50:
Not done ml for ml on NIOD as price & p&p not posted yet.
But 8.2 isn't as much as wine is it?
In other news, I caved. Spectacularly, & bought 2, reason being that ebay would pay for the first if I sold the second. Haven't even researched the prices, I'm an astonishing knob.
Er no 8..2 isn't as much as wine but you don't drink wine by the pint. Or do you? :mysmilie_17:
Two Decleors, hmmmm. I think calling yourself an A K is a bit harsh unless you are related to U K? He he he he he he.
Mind has arrived. Shower gel doesn't smell full-on lavender, but more woodsy. Will give the balm a while this evening, and then the face cream in the morning. Will give some more updates when I've tried things :mysmilie_12:
I'm having a clearout while Mr CC is papering the bedroom and I have found four full bottles of Decleor oil, a much larger amber bottle of another kind of oil, body maybe, a full golden glow, a small tube of that brown cream and several mini sizes of everything and anything. Just finished a pot of prolegene lift cream which is good but smells of putty. I really did not need that last TSV so I'm glad I resisted.
Now, on to the Liz Earle stash or shall I do Molton Brown first . . . . .
Mind has arrived. Shower gel doesn't smell full-on lavender, but more woodsy. Will give the balm a while this evening, and then the face cream in the morning. Will give some more updates when I've tried things :mysmilie_12:
Can’t wait until I’ve used up my stash to get the feeling of receiving something & opening it straight away. Not had that feeling on beauty products for a long while. Found some prolagene gel in the bathroom cupboard about a third full, but would have loved the shower gel from the TSV.
Yes please, & thank you. Are there real essential oils in the shower gel? Sulphates?
Yes please, & thank you. Are there real essential oils in the shower gel? Sulphates?