Debbie Flint .... What do you think?


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Goodness me! So our Debs is too downmarket to sell high-end goods and the stunningly elegant and well-spoken Claudia is too "posh" and not "down to earth" enough - both criticisms that have been levelled at her in some quite vicious threads recently.

Who are we to be so darned hyper-critical. They are there to sell us goods, that is their job. We can choose to ignore them or to buy, it's quite simple really. I like Debbie because what you see is what you get. Yes, I do have a bit of fuzzy nostalgia for the old days but there are a couple from that time I would hate to see back. Those of us who knew her then have been asked our opinion of her before she returned. Some like, some don't, some are indifferent, that's why they have a wide range of presenters.

Her manicure and short, stubby fingers didn't stop me buying a bracelet yesterday. She was obviously nervous and aware that much was expected of her.I have never waxed lyrical about her but have always said that I admired the way she concentrated on the job in hand. I saw no reason to alter that opinion.Those who like presenters that babble about their family and private life may end up disappointed, those that want to know about the product, should be pleased. I'm in the latter category.
First time I have seen her and yeh! she was OK, like other posts I thought that she was honest and down to earth. The only problems I can see in the future though will be a clash of the busts between her and JR and who can thrust the most LOL!!!
debbie flint does have a distinct presentation style and while it is not perfect she actually manages to sell very well.
it is a far more direct approach to say cathy taylor but i actually like both as they are good but in a different way.
debbie uses a lot of direct sales techniques giving you excellent examples of how you can buy an item and use it after you buy it. some times she is a little off the mark but i like it. debbie is not at all boring to listen to and that makes her a good presenter.
she is not as polished as clare sutton in the looks department and i suspect that qvc have chose presenters that lookk stunning clare,claudia and julia look fab.
debbie is not a great beauty but i think she is interesting and adds a new dimention to qvc.
oh and yes that nail style is old hat and not flattering to any hand.:wave2:
I made sure I tuned into Debbie's first hour and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought her and Ralph got on fine. The only thing I noticed about her nails was one of her thumbs had a chip and she kept trying to hide it.

It must be very difficult getting it right as a presenter. I thought the top she had on was perfectly fine. They have to wear quite plain tops in order to show the jewellery off and it went lovely with the teal pearls.

I thought Debbie looked the same as 9 years ago. OK, she's put on a little bit of weight maybe. Haven't a lot of us?

She's got lovely cheekbones and a great complexion.

I, for one, will be looking forward to seeing her presenting more shows and hope she becomes permanent.
Debbie IS Permanent! At least she is not up her own behind like some of the others and QVC approached her t return which says alot for her sales return, once a presenter has left the ivory towers they are never allowed back usually. debbie and Julia worked together in the old days and tbh imo Debbie was much better than la Roberts, so will watch with interest what happens there
I thought it was lovely to see Debbie back...much more unchanged than I am. From reading what had been said on here (tother thread, mainly) I expected to see her deteriorated into some fat loud old harridan with an accent you could cut with a knife...well she's not! She's just the same as she always was...NORMAL. I extremely rarely make personal comments about the presenters because they are people and do have feelings but I will say that a dose of female normality is welcome by me!!
and she was great on the Thorntons show this afternoon, she didn't go over the top troughing chocolate the whole time and do lots of over exaggerating about how good it was - she sampled small pieces of everything instead and got it just right. It sometimes makes me feel physically sick watching the presenters over indulge like...well, kids in a sweet shop...and them thinking it's funny -but she was great I thought.
The reason I referred to the more "high end" hours e.g. lulu guinness etc is that often they like to be fawned and fussed over and I don't imagine Debbie is into that. This is more of a compliment than an insult. I've only seen her on the Easiyo hour today and she was fine, well informed and relaxed. I'm glad she's back, personally. Even if she refers to her children it only seems to be in the context of the product. Unlike AY at the TSV launch with Alexis - I really don't need to hear about her husband's experiences with a slow cooker and I don't think Alexis did, either. Welcome back Debbie.
I liked her, it made a welcome change from those who hyperventilate with feigned excitement over every single product they present. She struck me as competent, well informed and down to earth.
I liked Debbie years ago and I still think she's great!
She seems to have hardly changed too :)
I love her natural presenting and I didn't notice her being loud on the program I saw.

She's a big improvement on most of the presenters.
JR is really getting on my nerves now and I cannot stand her fawning and interrupting and fake laughs and me me me me me-ing.
Pippa also is very rude the way she says "yeah yeah" while the guest is speaking.
I am constantly amazed that QVC let them get away with this sort of behaviour.

Not sure if it was my imagination, but I think AY was actually toning her voice down the other day! I usually switch her off within 30 seconds, so it wasn't a full evaluation :D

Go Debbie!! I'd like more presenters like her :)
I was undecided after watching yesterday but watched the Thorntons show and thought she was great. Not nearly as OTT as the other presenters. A pleasant change i look forward to seeing more of her.
Im prepared to give her a chance. At least she didnt bumble, giggle, screech or fluff her way through the hours.

She seems calm and confident although perhaps a little to hard sell for my liking but im sure that will calm down a bit as she finds her stride. I find her voice pleasant and she is informative and knowledgable about the products. All in all a welcome addition
I'm really glad she's back, she used to be so funny. One of the best memories I have of Debbie is of seeing her present a watch and using the phrase 'wrist action'. She started to giggle and eventually they had to cut to a break as she could hardly speak for laughing! There used to be lots of laughs with Debbie. Give her time to settle in, not really fair to judge her just yet.
Incidentally, I don't understand the negative comments on her looks, I think she's a really pretty, voluptuous woman. Must admit I didn't notice the nails though!
I'm so pleased Debbie is back. I always loved her, she was great fun - wouldn't it be good if Paul Lavers would come back too!
Good luck to debbie!
It was good to see Debbie back I used to love her down to earth manner and looking forward to watching her again.
I am glad she is back,she's just natural,not false in any way. doesnt pretend to be something she's not... a breath of fresh air
Welcme back Debbie! I watched her Thornton's show and thought she did a really good job. She's maybe not quite as bubbly and vivacious as the Debbie of old, but given time I'm sure she'll settle right into it and let her hair down a bit.
What a nice change to watch QVC and not feel irritated by a presenter!
Couldn't agree more, it's so refreshing to see someone who is natural, and doesn't pretend to be something they're not, as those fakesters who have disappeared up their own ar$e, aren't fooling anyone.:sunshine:
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I wasn't watching QVC when she was on a few years ago, but I really really liked her yesterday. A breath of fresh air! She is what I call a member of "the normal club"!! Not up her own a**e, no hair flicking, no flirting, no giggling, no irritating screeching. Just good old-fashioned presenting skills. Well done Debbie Flint-let's hope you stay for a long long time.
Yes, she presents the items well. She delivers the information. She seems fun and natural. She is confident and doesn't talk about herself. A professional without being dull.

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