In an Ideal World ...
You obviously know about this place and read about what we say, if you are so sure we are in the wrong why not register and put your side of it?
You obviously know about this place and read about what we say, if you are so sure we are in the wrong why not register and put your side of it?
No chance PJ. Mike is too big a star to mix with the Hoi Polloi, he gets his little lackey from the Facebook Fanpage to deal with his PR.
Mike is not a 'star' by any means. He just doesn't have to justify
himself when he's done nothing wrong.
Mike is not a 'star' by any means. He just doesn't have to justify
himself when he's done nothing wrong.
Mike is not a 'star' by any means. He just doesn't have to justify
himself when he's done nothing wrong.