DBF book now in WH Smith


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Mine were the "Peter and Jane" books. :)

I seem to remember Dick and Dora. There was a farmer (can't remember his name), Dobbin the horse and Miss Tibbs the cat. Now my nephew's children are reading books with the character names of Biff, Kipper and Chip. They're quite good fun and Dad always seems to be a bit of a k**b! Mind you, I was a bit shocked to read TV and not the word television but I suppose that's the way it is these days.
Ours were all about Zip the cat. Mind you, we didn't actually learn to read English as we were part of that daft Initial Teaching Alphabet (ITA) experiment that was inflicted on selected primary schools back in the mid to late 60s. It blighted the spelling of a whole generation of kids.
I remember Dick and Dora, too! I also remember the stories were very boring and repetitive BUT we could all read and write, do basic musical notation, times tables, add and subtract at age 7 so if it wasn't broke, why did they keep fixing it?

< end of rant >

They were so completely boring but it spurred me on to read so that I could move up the reading groups and then I was able to pick whatever book I wanted and read on my own. My maths were (and still are poor) and it wasn't until a few years ago I got assessed and was told that I have numeracy dyslexia. Obviously I was just labelled "thick" at school. I can't help the children with their maths and the way they are taught doesn't make any sense to me either. All three of them read to me every weekend and I slink away when the maths homework comes out!
So she has just announced in the middle of the Kipling show. What relevance does that have to handbags

Grrr does the woman's ego have no bounds

I personally think that she is turning into a egomaniac, who is using her 'day job' as a way of advertising her books and social media activities, seems to me a bit of a liberty. I think if they wasn't all this social media that she could throw herself into, she certainly wouldn't be an author (imo), and would probably be just some 'crazy cat women'. She has already been told to stop 'advertising' the 'back to you' page, but does so but subtlety, she needs to be, formally reprimanded in my opinion.
I can see her languid prose making the annual "Bad Sex Awards." The texts they shortlist always make me laugh. If you want to know what I mean, Google "Winkler" by Giles Coren... (LOL!)
I went to a WH Smith yesterday and didn’t find the book.

I imagine it would be in the Mills & Boon section - you know those trashy novels. I must admit I'd give it a read. I always like to do the "first paragraph test" and see how the intro grabs me. I might bring out a book myself soon. It will go something like this.

Donna Stalker deposited her bag on the kitchen table with a controlled sense of urgency. The Lemsip sachet was torn open and the powder hydrated with boiling water. Soon she had her face over the cup and was inhaling the lemony vapours. She flicked back her highlighted red hair and took a gulp of the lemony liquid. Her throat hurt and the acid from the drink was too much to bear. She upset her lilac mug and watched the yellow, scalding hot liquid whirl down the plughole. Alone in the conservatory her soul felt barren and desolate. A negative comment on Twitter had hurt her feelings and she just wanted to lash out. But she had a plan. She was the wolf in sheeps' clothing and was going to plan and execute her revenge through stealth, all at a date and time of her own choosing. She squeezed her midriff, squashing her fingers in the dimpled, lumpy cellulite. Although she'd written a book about slimming, she was no beanpole. As a middle-aged woman things had started to bag, sag and wrinkle. "They've taken my YOUTH away!" she screamed, and with that she hurled a Pyrex jug at the wall, shattering it into thousands of smokey-coloured glass shards. Like the jug, she was shattered. But she was a woman, a woman who needed to feel loved, wanted, feminine, sensual. She had so much, yet she had so little. It had been a long time since she'd sunk that low.
I imagine it would be in the Mills & Boon section - you know those trashy novels. I must admit I'd give it a read. I always like to do the "first paragraph test" and see how the intro grabs me. I might bring out a book myself soon. It will go something like this.

Donna Stalker deposited her bag on the kitchen table with a controlled sense of urgency. The Lemsip sachet was torn open and the powder hydrated with boiling water. Soon she had her face over the cup and was inhaling the lemony vapours. She flicked back her highlighted red hair and took a gulp of the lemony liquid. Her throat hurt and the acid from the drink was too much to bear. She upset her lilac mug and watched the yellow, scalding hot liquid whirl down the plughole. Alone in the conservatory her soul felt barren and desolate. A negative comment on Twitter had hurt her feelings and she just wanted to lash out. But she had a plan. She was the wolf in sheeps' clothing and was going to plan and execute her revenge through stealth, all at a date and time of her own choosing. She squeezed her midriff, squashing her fingers in the dimpled, lumpy cellulite. Although she'd written a book about slimming, she was no beanpole. As a middle-aged woman things had started to bag, sag and wrinkle. "They've taken my YOUTH away!" she screamed, and with that she hurled a Pyrex jug at the wall, shattering it into thousands of smokey-coloured glass shards. Like the jug, she was shattered. But she was a woman, a woman who needed to feel loved, wanted, feminine, sensual. She had so much, yet she had so little. It had been a long time since she'd sunk that low.

Seems funny - she reminds me of a female Ernie Wise! - I'm just gonna bang out another blockbuster before tea, and then ask her mob if they like the book wot i rote?

"These comments may or may not be my own, and may have been passed and approved through my legal department".
Don't shoot me down for this, but I admire and respect Debs, for having a goal, and going for it. Writing a book, be it a novel, or factual, is hard work. I am not a fan of these chick lit, or any romance, novels, or any fiction, other than classic literature. I would not, consequently, read her books.
Some authors write novels out of pure passion, the likes of Stephen King, J K Rowling and John Grisham who take time to write a novel, then you have a narcissistic type who can knock one out in her lunch break and does it just so she can say she has, guess which category I think DF falls in to.
Some authors write novels out of pure passion, the likes of Stephen King, J K Rowling and John Grisham who take time to write a novel, then you have a narcissistic type who can knock one out in her lunch break and does it just so she can say she has, guess which category I think DF falls in to.

Don't get too excited, but I couldn't agree more!

I've never read them and never will... I have however read both of Julia Roberts books, they're not bad really....
Seems funny - she reminds me of a female Ernie Wise! - I'm just gonna bang out another blockbuster before tea, and then ask her mob if they like the book wot i rote?

"These comments may or may not be my own, and may have been passed and approved through my legal department".

"Del Boy" will not be best pleased...LOL
I believe Debbie Flints "novel" is on a special promotion this week, buy one get as many you can carry free.

Just adding well how else are they ever going to shift them.
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I heard SG say that was setting up a facebook group... I can see handbags at dawn sometime soon...:mysmilie_17: I hope she has great success. lol

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