Dawn Bibby


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She had quite the emotional farewell on c&c so it would be bit odd to go back yet again??

I definitely don't see her coming to QVC unless she is going to relaunch their whole crafting 'department'. I have seen Anna Griffin shows and the stuff is pretty but I don't really consider it 'real' crafting - it seems to be a lot of cut-outs and sentiments that you just stick on to the provided blanks, no creativity at all!
But it must be hard to qvc to compete with a channel which only specialises in crafts, plus there's jewellery maker, though they could try harder ;)

True but Debbie shore also had an emotional send off but was back the next day as a guest lol
Tongue in cheek, it's not a completely outrageous thought, but apologies if it's inappropriate or offensive.


Phew glad it wasn't serious! And no worries, it didn't offend me in the least but an Egyptian may find it racist. The Hijab has a fascinating history in Egypt from it being banned for many years especially in certain professions and universities to being 'compulsory' in others apparently. Sorry, that wasn't meant to be preachy, just find it interesting...

Think nowadays many Muslim women there choose themselves to wear them in public. But unless Dawn's hubbie is a devout Muslim and she converts, I think she'll have her *very* blonde hair out!!

Must say when I visited Egypt and rural Turkey (long time ago) I did feel as if I was being stared at with light blonde hair and not totally covered up in public (kept my shoulders and hair covered and very respectful when visiting anywhere those may offence.)
Both fabulous rich countries especially away from touristy hot-spots if you get the chance!
True but Debbie shore also had an emotional send off but was back the next day as a guest lol
Very true! But must admit I was relieved Debbie hadn't gone for good as I'm a huge fan. Whereas I've never warmed to Dawn in the same way, though I know most people love her. Took me a while to get past her old fashioned 'look' and presentation style.
Can't bear the simpering Dawn Bibby. I just wish she and her crafting would disappear. We don't need her to tell us in her ever so patronising way how to to Pritt stick a few bits of celluloid onto some card.
Can't bear the simpering Dawn Bibby. I just wish she and her crafting would disappear. We don't need her to tell us in her ever so patronising way how to to Pritt stick a few bits of celluloid onto some card.

Ooh Julius, there's a bit more involved than that. Hope so anyway. I have a craft room! :bandit:
So on craft telly forum there are comments that craft might be making another appearance/comeback, should be interesting to see who fronts craft for them if it isnt DB :wonder:
Realised they shot themselves in the foot re craft then. It will be a face we know from somewhere I bet unless they just rely on Yank guests. Q will have a job competing with C&C's diversity.
Tongue in cheek, it's not a completely outrageous thought, but apologies if it's inappropriate or offensive.


No need to apologise, I think most people know what you meant, you're surprised because DB strikes you a a very Conservative woman, it was a simple question so don't worry about it, the word "racist" is literally just thrown about lately, so much so it's actually lost its true meaning.
Not a racist comment at all. I took it as a tongue in cheek comment more about her relationship with her partner ("making" her wear something over her wearing whatever she wants). Racism is something else entirely, based on hate. It''s not racist to disagree with aspects of someone else's culture especially if that culture is patriarchal. Not saying Egypt is, but clearly it is in parts.
no paticularly strict religious wise in egypt..i would cover my head because of the intense heat
Realised they shot themselves in the foot re craft then. It will be a face we know from somewhere I bet unless they just rely on Yank guests. Q will have a job competing with C&C's diversity.

Yeah, they were daft letting the grass grow under their feet when C&C were charging ahead stealing the market from under them.

Whatever where they thinking? Perhaps they thought they were above the competition? I don't think it would have taken much to turn it around as they had some really great guests for craft.
Of course he could be a Coptic Christian - or even an atheist :cheeky:

Yes, Egypt is both mad and wonderful, although my visit was a very long time ago!
The world has swung too far in my 'opinion' with everyone jumping on the racist/offensive/unacceptable bandwagon. No civilised person wants to return to the days of No blacks/no Irish/no dogs sign in windows (which most are too young to remember !!), but its clear that humour has been the fall guy for those po faced enough who believe they are the moral guardian for the rest of us !

Sadly its lack of respect that's gone out of the window today, for the elderly, for behaviour abroad (by all ages), and a general lack of politeness and manners that really get my goat ! Am I glad I'm in the Autumn of my years, because God help all those coming through the system now.
DB did post a flashback photo yesterday of herself and Catherine, I remember before it was announced that Dawn would be going to Create and Craft she posted a photo of herself and Leonie so i guess maybe she is going back to Q. Seems an odd choice with how they treated her and the fact she relocated to Peterborough though .
The world has swung too far in my 'opinion' with everyone jumping on the racist/offensive/unacceptable bandwagon. No civilised person wants to return to the days of No blacks/no Irish/no dogs sign in windows (which most are too young to remember !!), but its clear that humour has been the fall guy for those po faced enough who believe they are the moral guardian for the rest of us !

Sadly its lack of respect that's gone out of the window today, for the elderly, for behaviour abroad (by all ages), and a general lack of politeness and manners that really get my goat ! Am I glad I'm in the Autumn of my years, because God help all those coming through the system now.

Don't know where all the comments saying the lady wasn't being racist in her commen are coming from as no one said she was! I merely asked if she was joking or serious and made the point that some Egyptians may find it offensive.. Which they may well do because it shows a lack of understanding of the country and its customs and makes assumptions about them and their beliefs. By no means are all Muslims, let alone religious at all, and even those who are wouldn't 'make their wives where a hijab'! So I just wanted to share that because I feel that the world would be a happier and easier place if people understood each other more and respected customs and beliefs even or especially those not the same as one's own...
That is all and it wasn't even a big deal in the first place!

Back on topic I can't see Dawn fitting in with qvc nowadays - especially given how harsh people are about style and so on, I felt as if she was better suited on create and craft and seemed more in her own comfort zone too, more gentle somehow! The last time I saw craft on qvc, apart from Anna griffin, it included some jewellery making snd paper craft in the same show and they literally raced through it, barely looking at demos or samples and basically Catherine just listing product item numbers.

Mind you 'cooking' shows are the same on qvc, can't imagine them ever spending some going through some proper recipes or ways you could utilise the products! It's more Jilly or Simon Brown whizzing through pre-prepared dishes and throwing them at Charlie ;)
Dawn always seemed frustrated at having to whizz through a stack of samples prepared by her and her team; or worse where Debbie was showing a technique but the daft production team moved the camera away to either the presenters face or a still pack shot! I haven't bought any craft stuff from QVC or CC for a while (I probably never need to again tbh) but the slower paced demos on CC make for better viewing and would be more likely to tempt me to try something new.

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