Cruising comes to qvc !


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Paying for the cruise is only the half of it. :mysmilie_59: I really hope nobody books without knowing exactly what they get for their money and what else they will have to pay for.
If you can go out of school hols you can pick up some great priced cruises, sometimes they work out as low as £50 odd per person, per night. Where could you find a hotel, with food and entertainment for that?
Peak season is a different kettle of fish.
I'm going to be really grumpy this summer, maybe we should do a virtual cruise.
The ship could be called the Royal QVC of the Seas
The captain could be Dale
The spa could be run by Alison with her friends
What other jobs could the others do?
Charlie could run the jewelry shop couldn't he?

Oh I know skinny what's her face who always wears off the shoulder tops could run the gym and make up all wear vionic shoes
I can see AD now booked for the "end of night entertainment".....a dead cert to empty the bars, restaurants, etc. to allow the cleaners to get everything shipshape for the morning! :wink:
Richard Jackson could be the guy who ballroom dances with any single ladies of a certain age :)
When I went on to the website, in the items from the past week section, there are no items for Imagine Cruising.
i noticed that too, but if you type cruise into the search bar they all came up for me.

did anyone book?
Richard Jackson could be the guy who ballroom dances with any single ladies of a certain age :)

Dear lord, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It would have to be ladies of a certain HEIGHT too !

Dancing with fellas who can REALLY dance on the floor is one of the highlights of my cruising, and if they are 6' plus, have pleasant breath and are under 70 then you've really hit the jackpot !!!!!
I can do quite a few decent all inclusive holidays for those prices. I don't think I am a cruiser
My thoughts:
The map graphic of the boat scooting round to different destinations was irritating
The destinations themselves were interesting, particularly the Venice one
A fly cruise is great, but you are limited in luggage
These were longer cruises so you would want to take more luggage
They were obviously aimed at retired customers - working people often struggle to get such long hols
You can factor in lots of additional expenses, especially if u go on excursions

We went on our first cruise last year -7 nights in the Nordic fjords. Brill ship, gorgeous destination, lovely staff.

There are two reasons why we won't ever go again:
- the appalling working conditions for the poor crew. Slave labour is comparable, and I won't support an industry that treats people like that. Should have researched it before booking, and was horrified.
- the truly cringeable behaviour of a lot of the other passengers, tantrums, rudeness, complaints. We had to move tables to get away from one truly vile man and his partner, and then kept meeting him all over the place. He criticised everything, never stopped shoving his bigotry down everyone's throat, and boasted about how many complaints he would achieve, and how they justified him cancelling his tip. He was the worst, but others seemed to be trying to compete with him!
My thoughts:
The map graphic of the boat scooting round to different destinations was irritating
The destinations themselves were interesting, particularly the Venice one
A fly cruise is great, but you are limited in luggage
These were longer cruises so you would want to take more luggage
They were obviously aimed at retired customers - working people often struggle to get such long hols
You can factor in lots of additional expenses, especially if u go on excursions

We went on our first cruise last year -7 nights in the Nordic fjords. Brill ship, gorgeous destination, lovely staff.

There are two reasons why we won't ever go again:
- the appalling working conditions for the poor crew. Slave labour is comparable, and I won't support an industry that treats people like that. Should have researched it before booking, and was horrified.
- the truly cringeable behaviour of a lot of the other passengers, tantrums, rudeness, complaints. We had to move tables to get away from one truly vile man and his partner, and then kept meeting him all over the place. He criticised everything, never stopped shoving his bigotry down everyone's throat, and boasted about how many complaints he would achieve, and how they justified him cancelling his tip. He was the worst, but others seemed to be trying to compete with him![/QUOTE]

I've been on many a COACH TRIP with these type of people (as have many others no doubt), and its far worse - being in a confined space with no escape. At least on a ship they are big enough for avoidance, and there is the cabin to retreat to.

I've always travelled with Cunard, so cannot comment on the 'slave labour' antics of other lines, but I've always found the Crew to be extremely happy on board. Admittedly they come from poorer parts of the Globe, but because they have board and lodging 'found', they send most of their wages home to their families. I know for a fact the huge community of staff 'below stairs' have an excellent social life on board with parties taking place in their free time, and on speaking to them they all hope to have their contracts renewed at the end of the voyage - hardly unlikely if they were living in Dickensian conditions.
There are two reasons why we won't ever go again:
- the appalling working conditions for the poor crew. Slave labour is comparable, and I won't support an industry that treats people like that. Should have researched it before booking, and was horrified.

Completely understand your viewpoint, but it's worth bearing in mind that crew members choose to work on the ships; they aren't forced into it. Many cruisers are shocked when they realise that their cabin attendant, waiters etc aren't paid a meaningful salary and rely on tips, but it's the way the cruise industry works. The crew work very hard, 7 days a week for typically 6 or 7 months at a time. HOWEVER, it can be extremely worthwhile financially; according to a waiter on one of our cruises he can earn 15 times what he could earn in his home country.
Completely understand your viewpoint, but it's worth bearing in mind that crew members choose to work on the ships; they aren't forced into it. Many cruisers are shocked when they realise that their cabin attendant, waiters etc aren't paid a meaningful salary and rely on tips, but it's the way the cruise industry works. The crew work very hard, 7 days a week for typically 6 or 7 months at a time. HOWEVER, it can be extremely worthwhile financially; according to a waiter on one of our cruises he can earn 15 times what he could earn in his home country.

i can never support this type of industry but in a way i suppose most service industry jobs are like this. sadly! i would feel trapped on a ship with people moaning., showing off at least in a hotel you can flee. i also like staying in a place for a week or more and going out on trips that i have arranged, depending on the countryalso meeting locals. a few hours here and there not for me.
Not for me I'm afraid. A couple of years ago we were staying at Young Island, St Vincent and this huge cruise ship docked on the main Island. The whole place got swamped with these people and can't say I was sorry to see them clear off a few hours later.
QVC have a certain demographic in their crosshairs at he moment . Watching the Frank Usher show and June, the guest must be the epitome of the QVC desired customer she mentioned wearing the jewellery on a cruise 6 times in the first half hour. So that's it for me I'm not a lower middle class pensioner so I'm clearly not the target audience, goodbye QVC... I feel as though I'm waving goodbye to the titanic as she sets sail
I don't know whether the relationship the Q has with Imagine Cruising has anything to do with it, but it really is flogging - pardon the pun - these cruises to death. I am sure Imagine are allowing kathy to take a cruise, gratis, as it publicises the product. But do they honestly believe the viewer is so gullible, as to believe anything she tells us about her experience on the ship, the quality of service and staff, etc.? They are trying to convince us that parting with a couple of grand for a cruise, whilst not extra expensive for what you get, is a good idea.
I saw a bit last night for the first time. If I was interested I'd definitely want to shop around to find out how good the qvc offer is or isn't. What didn't impress me though was the guest telling us that one of the joys of having a balcony cabin is just relaxing with a book in your private space. Doubtless delightful, but she forgot to mention that this will not be an option on a transatlantic cruise in December unless you are made of very steely stuff. No wonder they are offering free balcony upgrades.

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