Cook's Essentials Compact Multi Cooker Super Bargain Price


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acutally its a brand new one so has not been to air at all

Afraid you owe Autumn an apology on this one, Ian, as it was aired at the weekend. Still, you can't be watching QVC at the same time as you're squirrelling out all these numbers both on here and on!
Afraid you owe Autumn an apology on this one, Ian, as it was aired at the weekend. Still, you can't be watching QVC at the same time as you're squirrelling out all these numbers both on here and on!

Well said an apology to Autumn is deffo needed
Just to clarify, I wasn't berating Ian. Ian and I go back a very, very long way and as an old friend, I was just saying that he'd got it wrong on this occasion.
Just to clarify, I wasn't berating Ian. Ian and I go back a very, very long way and as an old friend, I was just saying that he'd got it wrong on this occasion.

i think it was more post #9 - after yours - that was felt to be a little uneccessary Dips.
i think it was more post #9 - after yours - that was felt to be a little uneccessary Dips.

Im sorry if you felt my post was unnecessary, i was only agreeing with the previous poster, the way Autumn was told she was wrong i felt was a little unfair and as this is a friendly forum it would be nice if everything was done in gd spirits. Everyone makes mistakes its human nature, its how u correct them is wot counts.
This was shown on the Cooks Essentials show this morning - as New today on QVC - but already has a review ( one star).

Weird i bought it when it was on air just over a week ago so wasnt new today must have been a mistake with there graphics. Its pretty rubbish and its going back. Probably ok if ur cooking for one person but doesnt get hot enough to fry anything. Tried leaving a review a couple of days ago on there website but didnt get accepted sadly would have been abother 1 star ( 0 star if i had my way lol)
Weird i bought it when it was on air just over a week ago so wasnt new today must have been a mistake with there graphics. Its pretty rubbish and its going back. Probably ok if ur cooking for one person but doesnt get hot enough to fry anything. Tried leaving a review a couple of days ago on there website but didnt get accepted sadly would have been abother 1 star ( 0 star if i had my way lol)

The video is online from this morning. The multi cooker looks quite nice and would be useful, if it worked properly's-essentials-1.1-Litre-Compact-Multi-Cooker.product.800986.html?sc=[Ljava.lang.String%3b%401bf61bf6

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